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1、冀教版2020年英语中考模拟冲刺(二)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I 11 be on vacation for a long time.Dont worry. Your aunt is to look after your pet.A . carefully enoughB . enough carefullyC . careful enoughD . enough careful2. (2分) Why didnt Tom come to school yesterday afternoon? He _ and hurt his leg

2、on the playground.A . fell downB . fell offC . falls downD . falls off3. (2分)- Why not the dancing?- Thats a good idea. Lets them.A . join; joinB . join in; joinC . join; join inD . join in; join in4. (2分)When did Sandy _?Yesterday morning.A . get toB . arrive atC . arrive inD . arrive5. (2分)I dont

3、like soap operas, because I think they are . A . meaninglessB . interestingC . educationalD . famous6. (2分)I must admit Im not at all interested in biology.A . agreeB . knowC . understand7. (2分)Do you know the latest information about Flight MH370?Ive no idea. Lets _ the TV to watch the news program

4、me.A . turn onB . turn downC . turn upD . turn off8. (2分)We are going to _ with some friends for a picnic this weekend. Would you like to come? A . get onB . get wayC . get alongD . get together9. (2分)You can get money(钱) in the _ and you can live in the _.A . hotel; bankB . bank; hotelC . bank; lib

5、raryD . library; bank10. (2分)If you _ to do something, you say firmly that you will not do it.A . refuseB . agreeC . doubt11. (2分)My mother and I _ shopping for some food on the weekend.A . wants goingB . need to goC . need goingD . wants to go12. (2分) The watch is too expensive. Well, Ill have got

6、some ones. They are over there.A . heavyB . lightC . cheapD . small13. (2分)Last weekend, an English short play was _ in the second hall.A . put inB . put downC . put onD . put up14. (2分)Children these days their parents too muchThey should learn how to look after themselves A . get onB . keep onC .

7、hold onD . depend on15. (2分)Youve done a good job. _. A . Thank youB . Youre welcomeC . I dont think soD . No, I dont do well enough二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Parties are important in many countries in the world. Do you know 1people should do when they g

8、o to a party in America? If you plan to 2a friends party, it is important for you to 3some party customs.4a gift to your friend is always welcome. You may bring something interesting, 5bring something cheap, such as flowers or a bottle of wine.You must arrive 6the party on time. When you cannot come

9、 on time, you should call the host or hostess.As guests are arriving, the men in the group should 7when a woman enters the room and continue to stand until she sits down.Following the meal, guests 8stay there for about two hours. As the guests 9, it is the custom to thank the 10for having a very goo

10、d time.(1)A . what B . how C . that D . where (2)A . see B . enjoy C . join D . take part in (3)A . hear B . say C . talk D . know (4)A . Taking B . Buying C . Bringing D . Giving (5)A . and B . or C . so D . as (6)A . to B . in C . at D . on (7)A . stand up B . sit down C . talk D . leave (8)A . al

11、ways B . usually C . already D . sometimes (9)A . leave B . come C . arrive D . reach (10)A . guests B . party C . hostess D . meal 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共48分)17. (10分)阅读理解Im Kate. When I was young, I wanted a dog. But my parents always said I was too young. They suggested (建议) getting another kind of pet. B

12、ut I wanted a dog, so I waited.When my parents decided I was old enough at last, 1 got Luke. Since then, Ive learned that having a dog is really hard work.Cinder and I have been friends for nearly a year. Cinder is my dog. I named her Cinder because my name is Cindy. I think the name Cinder sounds n

13、ice.I got the dog on my twelfth birthday. The next morning, I went to the library to find out some information about how to take care of the dog.My name is David. Im in Grade Four at the Blake School near Minneapolic, Minnesota. During the school year, my pet hamster (仓鼠), Lightning, lives in our classroom.She is brown and white. I got my hamster two years ago. My friend Jason and I gave each other a hamster for our birthdays. I brought my hamster to school once and the other kids liked her. I deci


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