新目标英语2019-2020学年八年级上册Unit 5 Self Check课时练习B卷.doc

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1、新目标英语2019-2020学年八年级上册Unit 5 Self Check课时练习B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 根据所给提示词语编写对话(要求:答语用完整句子)。 (共4题;共20分)1. (5分)从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。A: Hi, Melody!B: Hi, Michael!A: Melody, China has launched many satellites and spaceships into space, and they have achieved so great achievement.B: _Do you know who is the first m

2、an to travel to the moon?A: Im not sure, please tell me.B: _A: _B: In 1969.A: Can you tell something about the space traveling?B: Sure. On July 20th, 1969. _Armstrong got out of the lunar probe and took his first step on the moon.A: Oh, I remember it seemed that he said something to the earth people

3、 at that moment.B: Yes. _A: Its great to say so. Thank you for telling me so much.B: Youre welcome.A. This is one small step for a man but one giant leap for mankind.B. He is Armstrong from America.C. When did they reach the moon?D. So is it in our America.E. Apollo 11 sent its lunar probe “Flying E

4、agle” to the moon. The probe landed on the lunar surface safely.2. (5分)补全对话。其中有一个多余选项。A: Hi, Molly. Wheres your brother Larry? I thought he was joining us.B: Hi, Kathy. Im sorry. _He is working late tonight.A: Oh, Larrys working late again?B: Yeah, he is.A: I seeI really dont think sixteen-year-olds

5、 should be allowed to work at night. _B: Oh, I disagree with you. Teenage boys never get tired.A: Well, maybe. _B: Thats true. He needs time to do homework.A: And you know, Mollyhe should really cut his hair.B: Oh, I dont know. _A: Yes, I do. It doesnt look clean. And I think he should stop wearing

6、that silly earring.B: HmmI disagree. I kind of like it. It looks cool!A: You know another thing that worries me? _B: Yeah, I know. I think he shouldnt work on weekendsA: Thats right. He needs to spend time with friends.A. Do you think its too long.B. Larry cant join us after all.C. I think teenagers

7、 should go out.D. Young people need to sleep.E. Larry doesnt seem to have many friends.F. But Larry shouldnt work every night.3. (5分)补全对话。A: Morning, Mike! May I ask you some questions?B:OK!A: _?B: I get up at about 6:30.A: Oh, so early. _?B: I get to school by bus.A: Well, _?B: It takes me about 15

8、 minutes.A: _?B: Its about 20 kilometers.A:OK. Thank you.B: _.4. (5分)从方框里选择正确的答案填入对话中。A. All right B. Thats a good idea C. How do you know it?D. Yes, Ive got a map E. What do you know about it?F. Yes, thats right G. what kind of animal shall we see there?John: We have to meet the others at 7:30 at t

9、he reserve, dont we?Mary: _.John: Do you know how to get there?Mary: _. It will take us about two hours to get there by bus.John: _.Mary: Its an area that protects lots of different animals.John: _.Mary: Im not really sure. I know there are many different kinds of birds there and Im going to take my

10、 camera with me.John: _.二、 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的词语填空,有的需要变换形式, (共1题;共10分)5. (10分)选用方框内单词填充短文。lotabovequicklytookwaterjumpedheardlisteningspendhotIt was sunny and _again at this time of year. John went to the beach to _his weekend. He was lying on the sand and _to music. Suddenly he _someone crying for he

11、lp. He _up hurriedly and looked towards the voice. He saw a little boy waving(挥动) his hands in the_a little far away. He _off his clothes and jumped into the water_. He swam to the little boy, held him, kept his head _the water and swam back to the beach. At last, the boy was safe. He thanked John a_.第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、 根据所给提示词语编写对话(要求:答语用完整句子)。 (共4题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、二、 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的词语填空,有的需要变换形式, (共1题;共10分)5-1、


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