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1、2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末质量试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空(共15题;每小题1分,满分15分) (共15题;共15分)1. (1分)Whats that in English? Its _ eraser.A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (1分)_ of the children _an apple now. A . Each; hasB . Every; haveC . Each; is havingD . Everyone; has3. (1分)Why did you look so , Mary? My mother promise

2、d to buy a new bike for me. A . excitedB . lonelyC . strongD . poor4. (1分)The cover of the book comfortable. Its made of silk. A . tastesB . feelsC . looksD . sounds5. (1分)How about watching TV at home? Its too . Lets play football. A . boringB . interestingC . excitingD . relaxing6. (1分)He usually

3、_shopping with his mother on weekends. A . goingB . goesC . go7. (1分)The story was _ funny that we all laughed. A . soB . quiteC . veryD . pretty8. (1分)Lao Shes Teahouse _ the changes in Chinese society over fifty years. A . writesB . improvesC . preparesD . describes9. (1分)The policeman warned the

4、man _ after drinking. A . not to driveB . to driveC . drivingD . drives10. (1分)I believe _ July is the hottest month in Guangzhou. A . whetherB . thatC . whenD . which11. (1分)All of us find _ necessary to take exercise every day. A . thisB . thatC . themD . it12. (1分)The _that there is life on other

5、 planets has always encouraged scientists to explore the outer space. A . invitationB . possibilityC . orderD . advice13. (1分)Jane _ swimming every Saturday afternoon when she was in the countryside. A . goesB . goC . wentD . is going14. (1分)_ is Betty? Shes eleven years old.A . How muchB . How bigC

6、 . How oldD . How many15. (1分) Could you tell me_? Over there.A . where does Jim liveB . where Jim livesC . when will Jim come backD . when Jim will come back二、 完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Two girls living next door to each other have two very diff

7、erent life stories. Chi Zhen, an 18-year-old preparatory (预科的) student in Seville, Spain, used his 1to tell the story of two lives. From the photos, we could learn that they had encouraged many people to 2that the future is in their own hands.He took a series of photos of his friends Veronica and An

8、na Maria. They live completely 3life styles and are getting opposite results.In the photos, Anna Maria, a Spanish girl, can be seen 4a TV play. She spends most of her time on the sofa. says Chi. Anna Maria 5goes out because she thinks shes not attractive and doesnt know 6to say in social situations.

9、 She blames her fate(命运). I m not as 7as Veronica, she often says.But Veronica, the lucky girl next door, has 8herself four foreign languages and traveled to many places. She goes to the 9regularly. She takes part in any conversation and becomes the center of attention because of her 10knowledge and

10、 experience.Looking at Veronica, its 11that shes taking control of her fate. In order to communicate with Chi Zhen better, shes studying Chinese. Her experience has 12Chi Zhen to communicate with students from all countries, and shes getting good results. 13I learned about so many different ideas an

11、d attitudes, I still need some time to get used to them, she says.The influence of the photos has gone 14beyond what Chi Zhen expected. One of the users commented on his photos on , saying: A wall separates two worlds, and the life we have 15what we do. Id work harder rather than complain about my f

12、ate later.(1)A . pen B . camera C . article D . book (2)A . believe B . check C . hope D . consider (3)A . comfortable B . different C . interesting D . healthy (4)A . watching B . sharing C . showing D . acting (5)A . often B . usually C . always D . seldom (6)A . what B . where C . which D . how (

13、7)A . beautiful B . clever C . young D . lucky (8)A . asked B . taught C . helped D . enjoyed (9)A . stadium B . library C . lab D . cinema (10)A . poor B . simple C . rich D . little (11)A . clear B . unlucky C . important D . impossible (12)A . made B . encouraged C . ordered D . suggested (13)A . Unless B . If C . Because D . Although (14)A . high B . deep C . fast D . far (15)A . comes from B . takes up C



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