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1、人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期中质量检测试卷A卷一、 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Today is my birthday. I have a new bike. Im very .A . politeB . helpfulC . sadD . happy2. (2分)Tom is my good friend. He is helpful and always me. A . laughs atB . cares aboutC . worries aboutD . shouts to3. (2分)(2015广西贺州) Lets

2、 go to Huangyao Old Town next weekend, shall we?Sorry. I _there many times. I dont want to go again.A . has goneB . has beenC . have beenD . have gone4. (2分)The baby stops _ as soon as he _ his mother coming into the room.A . to cry, seesB . crying, will seeC . crying, seesD . to cry, will see5. (2分

3、)My father says he has no time to_ newspapers in his office.A . lookB . seeC . readD . watch6. (2分)Im _, and I have a _sister.A . 15 year old, 16-year-oldB . 15 years old, 16-years-oldC . 15-year-old, 16 years oldD . 15 years old, 16-year-old7. (2分)Whats this? Its a map _ the world.A . inB . onC . o

4、fD . to8. (2分)Weve got plenty of time and theres no need to rush.A . move with great speedB . look in surpriseC . suggest in this way9. (2分)Which would you prefer, tea or coffee? I prefer coffee _ milk.A . toB . orC . rather thanD . with10. (2分)My best friend Tom is ill in _ hospital. So Ill have to

5、 go to _ hospital to visit him this afternoon. A . the; theB . /; /C . /; theD . the; /二、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分)A: Have you seen Li Ling these days?B: No, shes gone to Jilin _ her grandfather.A: Has she ever been there before?B: Yes, she lived there before she came here.A: Have you _ her?B: Yes, Iv

6、e just received a letter from her.A:_?B: She said she had a very good time and would _ there for another week.A: What else did she say?B: She also wanted me to give her best _ to you.A: It was very nice of her to say so.三、 完型填空 (共1题;共6分)12. (6分)B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最

7、恰当的选项完成短文.Technology provides more than a way of communication. However, it is becoming the only way to communicate for our teens. It has made face-to-face interaction 1often and has made a negativeeffect on the social abilities of the teens.These days we communicate on websites like Facebook, but I

8、 wonder why we have no in-person friendships. I see teens texting2. They text while talking to someone else, at the dinner table, in the car and at the movies. This tiny piece of plastic is distracting teens from the real world.As you can see, I am very much 3technology but there are ways that helps

9、. It helps many people stay in touch with friends that might have moved away. In my life, I will have to move from my friends from time to time. With the help of Wechat, it can be easy to 4them and to ask if they would like to do something in person. Staying in touch can be done in person as much as

10、 over technology.Some people have 5making new friends and the Internet provides ways to meet new people through chat rooms. I believe relationships built online can be a little eccentric. One study suggests that online relationships simply take longer to develop than those face-to-face.Online relati

11、onships can be 6because you never know whos on the other side of the chat. You can become more open over the Internet if you dont have a chance to meet others in real life. Meeting people online can give you confidence, but I believe it also tears you down. Online relationships will either build you

12、 up or break you down. Most importantly, dont let keyboards be the key to your heart.(1)A . too B . very C . less D . more (2)A . here B . there C . somewhere D . everywhere (3)A . for B . against C . with D . behind (4)A . reach B . lose C . win D . control (5)A . fun B . time C . trouble D . trust

13、 (6)A . convenient B . dangerous C . important D . necessary 四、 阅读理解,按要求完成文后各题。 (共4题;共36分)13. (10分)阅读表格,选择正确答案Marys TimetableMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8:008:45EnglishHistoryEnglishPhysicsChinese8:559:40ChineseArtChineseChineseEnglish9:5010:35Math.EnglishHistoryMath.Music10:451130P.E.Geogra

14、phyHistoryP.E.Geography11:301:30Noon break(午休)1:302:15MusicP. E.P.E.EnglishSelf-studyHistory (历史) Geography(地理) Physics(物理)(1)Which lesson does Mary have every day? A . EnglishB . ChineseC . HistoryD . Math(2)Mary has a rest at noon for_.A . 2 hoursB . 1 hourC . 1.5 hoursD . 2.5 hours(3)How many music lessons does Mary hav



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