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1、鄂教版备考2017年小升初英语专题复习卷(二)名词姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 将下列名词变成复数形式。 (共6题;共17分)1. (1分) - Put the books in the _(bag/box). - OK, Mum.2. (3分)写出下列单词的复数形式。 carrot _ tomato _ potato _3. (5分)选出不同类别的单词。(_)1. A. dog B. cat C. bread(_)2. A. this B. that C. what(_)3. A. like B. is C. a

2、re(_)4. A. are B. a C. an(_)5. A. it B. they C. this4. (2分)Mr Feng _ (sweep)the streets in the past,but now he drives a street _ (sweep). 5. (1分)A: Good _ (morning/evening). B: Good evening.6. (5分)选出不同类的一项。_A. teach B. skating C. learn_A. ice B. snow C. think_A. walking B. skate C. standing_A. asks

3、B. bags C. says_A. fall B. stand C. again二、 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。 (共2题;共4分)7. (3分)将下列图片和单词配对。 _A. egg _B. chicken _C. noodles8. (1分)The students are playing a guessing game in a_1esson.三、 根据句意选择正确的单词或词组。 (共10题;共18分)9. (1分)Dumplings are _(China) food. 10. (1分)Today is _ (Rabbit) birthday. 11. (2分)What does

4、she _ (want)? She _ (want) some rice.12. (1分)The Spring Festival is Chinese New _ (year) Day.13. (5分)选出与句子相符的图片。Bob is a good football player. _Last Saturday, my father and I watched a basketball game._This is our team._Who won? _Toms team won.My brother is a policeman._A. B. C. D. E. 14. (1分)There

5、_(be not) an elephant.15. (4分)What _ his parents _?_ _ both cooks. They like cooking very much.16. (1分)There _(be) a tiger in my home. 17. (1分)Its warm in spring. We fly kites. _ 18. (1分)There is a _in the zoo.四、 单项选择。 (共30题;共60分)19. (2分)Where is my _ home? A . sisterB . sistersC . sisters20. (2分) I

6、t is A . brownB . greenC . pink21. (2分)-Whats your maths teacher ?-He is tall and thin. A . inB . likeC . fromD . of22. (2分)You always do your homework late at night. Thats a_ habit.A . goodB . wellC . bad23. (2分)What are they? _ A . Theyre lions.B . They are lion.C . Its lions.24. (2分)Mothers Day i

7、s on the second of May. A . SaturdayB . FridayC . Sunday25. (2分)Ben morning exercises now. A . doB . doesC . doingD . is doing26. (2分)A . I can see a mouth. B . I can see a rubber.27. (2分)I often watch TV _ Sundays. A . inB . onC . at28. (2分)Its 7:15.Its time for . A . go to schoolB . go to bedC . d

8、inner29. (2分)-Is it a ruler? A . Yes, it is.B . No, it is.C . No, it are.30. (2分)_ is your teacher? He is at school.A . WhereB . WhatC . Who31. (2分)Amy, do you like pears? A . Yes, I dont.B . No, I dont.C . No, I do.32. (2分)嗨!我是本。A . Hello! Im Ben. B . Hi! Im Alice.33. (2分)Is it your house?_.A . Yes

9、, it isntB . No, it isntC . Very nice34. (2分)Help yourself._A . YesB . ThanksC . No, thanks.35. (2分)Mike JimA . Mike is heavier than Jim B . Mike is thinner than Jim36. (2分)Its a tiger. I like it._A . No.B . Bye.C . Me too.37. (2分)Excuse me, is the skirt?Thirty yuan.A . how oldB . how manyC . how mu

10、ch38. (2分)When is ValentineS Day(圣瓦伦丁节情人节)?A . January l4thB . February l2thC . February l4th39. (2分)There is a bridge the river. Letgo a walk it. A . between; from; onB . over; for; onC . in front of; on; ofD . beside; for; in40. (2分)I like the _ shows. A . childB . childrenC . childrens41. (2分)You

11、 mustnt pick the flowers. A . Im OK.B . Im sorry.C . Youre welcome.42. (2分)Its time _lunch. A . forB . toC . /43. (2分)_ you chatting with Frank on the Internet?No, _ arent.A . Do, weB . Are, theyC . Is, ID . Are, we44. (2分)找出与图意相符的句子。A . She wants to buy a book. B . She is in the classroom. 45. (2分)Where is my Chinese book?Here _.A . is itB . Is itC . it is46. (2分) you often play ping-pong on Fridays?No, I A . Do; dontB . Do; doesntC . Do; do47. (2分)Tom lives on floor A . ninthB . a ninthC . nineD . the ninth48. (2分)( )A . Its hot hereI want an ice creamB . Its cold hereWheres


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