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1、仁爱版2020届九年级下学期英语期中测试C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共25题;共50分)1. (2分)Sara found _interesting photo yesterday. _ photo was of her grandma. A . a, theB . an, TheC . the, the2. (2分)My sister likes playing _guitar while I like playing _ football. A . a; aB . the; theC . the; /D . /; the3. (2分)May I speak to L

2、in Tao?Sorry, he is not in. He _ to Changsha.A . has beenB . has gone C . went4. (2分)He will call me if he _ in Beijing. A . reachesB . arrivesC . will arrive5. (2分)History is an interesting subject. We can learn _ the past.A . ofB . aboutC . forD . at6. (2分)There quite a lot of trees on the hill.A

3、. were used to beingB . hadC . used to haveD . used to be7. (2分)Success always belongs to those have tried their best to make their dreams come true. A . whoB . whomC . whoseD . which8. (2分)Mum, _I play the computer game for a while? Im afraid you have to finish your homework first. A . mustB . need

4、C . willD . may9. (2分)They didnt put up the signs after school, _.A . so does JimB . so will JimC . neither did Jim10. (2分)_ the cars old, it still runs well.A . BecauseB . SoC . AlthoughD . But11. (2分)He be in the classroom,I think.No, he be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.A . can;

5、 may notB . must; may notC . may; mustntD . may; cant12. (2分)Many students asked _. A . why werent they allowed to play during lunch breakB . why during lunch break werent they allowed to playC . why they during lunch break werent allowed to playD . why they werent allowed to play during lunch break

6、13. (2分)Dad, it is said that the Change-4 spacecraft landed on the far side of the moon. Could you tell me _?Sorry. Lets search for the information on the Internet.1A . whether it is the first spacecraft to land on the far side of the moonB . when did the amazing thing happenC . whether the spacecra

7、ft had done experiments or notD . how long the spacecraft has landed on the far side of the moon14. (2分)Which is _ the Sun, the Earth or the moon? A . closest toB . the closest toC . closer toD . the closer15. (2分)Who is _ tall woman with long hair ?She is our English teacher, _ we all like her very

8、 much.A . a , andB . the , butC . a , butD . the , and16. (2分)Can you tell me _? A . when is heB . when he isC . where is heD . where he is17. (2分)Can you hear Lucy the piano in the next room? A . playsB . playedC . playingD . to play18. (2分)The bus driver always says to us ,“Dont get off_ the bus s

9、tops.” A . whenB . whileC . untilD . if19. (2分)Pukou Railway Station in 1911 and it has become a filmin910cation for films and TV plays in recent years.A . buildB . is builtC . builtD . was built20. (2分) There_a football match on TV tonight. I cant wait to watch it. Me, too. Its_ Guangzhou Evergrand

10、e and the Australian team Melbourne Victory.A . will be; betweenB . will be; bothC . will have; betweenD . will have; both21. (2分)A storm is coming. Make sure the electricity _.Thanks for reminding me of it.A . shut offB . shuts offC . is shut offD . is shutting off22. (2分)Could you lend me the nove

11、l _ last week? A . you bought itB . that you boughtC . which you bought itD . that you bought it23. (2分)This is a big classroom forty desks and chairs. A . withB . inC . aboutD . to24. (2分)Your jacket is nice (漂亮). _.A . Thank youB . Yes, its niceC . Thats OKD . No, its not nice25. (2分)Im leaving fo

12、r HK next week to visit my grandparents.Really? _A . Thats too bad!B . Can I help you?C . Who are you visiting there?D . Have a good trip!二、 完形填空. (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)完形填空Dads AdviceWhen I finished my school education, I began to find a job. I was very happy because it was time to make my dream come

13、true.One evening, my father talked to me about what kind of 1I should look for. He wanted me to work for a big company and asked me to take his advice. But I really hoped to be a teacher. It was my dream. I didnt accept his 2. We shouted and didnt talk to each other. Even worse, I found it more and more difficult for us to say sorry as time went by.A week later, I decided to break the 3and make the first move. So I dialed


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