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1、冀教版2020届中考网络阅卷适应性第三次模拟考英语卷B卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Gulnazar is _ actress. She came to Wanda Square in Aojiang on October 2, 2017. A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分) Summer is coming. I want to go _cool. Me, too. A . nothingB . anybodyC . somethingD . somewhere3. (2分) you swim?Yes, I can. A . MustB .

2、MayC . Can4. (2分)He donated his money to poor people, so we realized that he had a heart _ love.A . full ofB . is full ofC . fill withD . is filled with5. (2分)Thanks a lot for the _to your party. A . invitedB . inviteC . invitingD . invitation6. (2分)we deal with our problems, we can easily become un

3、happy. A . UntilB . IfC . UnlessD . Though7. (2分)- When _ you _ here?- Two days ago.A . did; comeB . have; comeC . will; comeD . do; come8. (2分)How many children are swimming in the river?Several, no more than eight.A . SomeB . AnyC . Many9. (2分) What did the farmer do _the farm? He_ the chickens.A

4、. in; feedB . on; feedsC . in; feedingD . on; fed10. (2分)You say you are short of money. Why not sell your old gold watch for some money?Oh, I cant, because it was a gift from my wife. I promised her I would never _ it.A . care aboutB . look afterC . stick toD . part with11. (2分)Can you tell me _ it

5、 is from your home to school?Its about three kilometres.A . how muchB . how longC . how farD . how often12. (2分)My uncle is easy to get angry. He may have _ yang. A . too muchB . too manyC . much tooD . a lots of13. (2分)The television _. It doesnt work now. A . must be repairedB . was repairingC . m

6、ust repairD . has repaired14. (2分)Is this your father?No, _.A . it isB . it isntC . he isD . he isnt15. (2分)What are you doing now? Im just watching a music show A . Im not sureB . You are rightC . Sounds goodD . Not much二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Sometim

7、es it is very helpful for some animals to live with people. And let me tell you a story that happened to me.My neighborhood is very busy, and I 1in a tall building. There are ten floors in the building and I am in 2floor. I have a 3. She is grandma Li. Her 4goes away so she lives alone. She likes 5v

8、ery much. She has a cute dog in her house. She loves it very much and the dog is very 6to her.I often visit her when I am 7. Sometimes I play with the dog for a long time and take the dog out for a walk.Last night, when I was asleep, the dog barked a lot outside my door. So I quickly opened the door

9、. Then I realized there was something 8with grandma Li. I went to her house quickly. There was a big 9in the house and grandma Li was insensible (无知觉的). I 10quickly and then the firemen came. They put out the fire soon and grandma Li was saved.(1)A . live B . work C . study D . drive (2)A . forth B

10、. the forth C . fourth D . the fourth (3)A . driver B . pen pal C . neighbor D . teacher (4)A . father B . son C . daughter D . husband (5)A . pets B . cats C . ducks D . pigs (6)A . polite B . friendly C . strict D . mad (7)A . thirsty B . tired C . free D . hungry (8)A . dangerous B . sad C . upse

11、t D . wrong (9)A . fire B . dog C . snow D . river (10)A . visited B . called C . stopped D . told 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)17. (10分)根据表格内容,选择最佳答案。(1)Who wants to rent a house out?A . Bob.B . Mr. Tong.C . Rick.(2)If you lost your school students card you should call _.A . 882-8615B . 5669-6628C . 138738249

12、46 (3)Where can you see the Stamp Collection Show?A . The teachers office.B . The museum.C . In the school hall.(4)Bob wants to look for a quiet _ house.A . doubleB . bigC . single(5)You can see the Stamp Collection Show from _every day.A . 9:00 P.M.5:00 A.M.B . 8:00 A.M.5:00 P.M.C . 9:00 A.M.5:00 P

13、.M.18. (8分) Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, Happiness depends upon (取决于)ourselves. In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions(建议) to help you be happier.The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time


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