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1、 TT21 快乐学习 健康成长 1Lesson 13 A new dress 一件新连衣裙学习篇 说“文”解“字”Its the same colour. 一样的颜色。same 通常与定冠词 the 连用,表示 “同一的” 、 “相同的” 。又如: My cars the same color. 我的车是一样的颜色。现身说“法”祈使句(I)1) 表命令、请求、叮嘱等的句子叫做祈使句。它通常省略主语 you,而以动词原形直接开头,如课文中的 “Look!”和“Come upstairs and see it.”2) 祈使句的否定形式是在祈使句的开头加“Dont”。比如:Dont look!3)

2、祈使句句首或句末常常加上 please,以使语气更缓和、客气。比如:Please dont look!练习篇1. 朗读音标。下面的音标课文中还没有出现,老 师会教读1) /ts/ /hts/ /bts/ /lets/ 2) /dz/ /bedz/ /k:dz/ /ri:dz/3) /tr/ /tri:/ /trp/ /trek/ 4) /dr/ /dres/ /dra/ /drav/2. 朗读下面的对话,填空Anna: What _ is your fathers new car, Tim?Tim: Its blue.Come and _ it.Look!Anna: Its _ smart.T

3、im: My coats new, _.Anna: And _ colours your _?Tim: Its the _ _.Its _, too.Anna: Its a nice coat, Tim.3. 模仿例句填空1)例句:What colours your new dress? 你的新连衣裙是什么颜色的?_ _ his new house? 他的新房子是什么颜色的?2)例句:Thats a lovely hat! 那是一顶可爱的帽子!Thats a _ skirt! 那是一条时髦的裙子。3)例句:My hats new, too. 我的帽子也是新的。My _ blue, too. 我

4、的手提包也是蓝色的。4)例句:What colour is it? 它是什么颜色的?What colour is _ _? 你的外套是什么颜色的?5)例句:Whose is this shirt? 这件衬衫是谁的?_ is that car? 那辆车是谁的? TT21 快乐学习 健康成长 2Lesson 14 What colours your ? 你的是什么颜色的?练习篇1. 根据所给音素,补全词中所缺字母1) / A. c_lour B. c_me C. _pstairs D. l_vely2) /e/ A. s_me B. n_me C. oper_tor D. tod_y3) /i:/

5、 A. gr_ _n B. Japan_se C. Sw_dish D. m_ _t4) /t/ A. ha_ B. smar_ C. ups_airs D. _ie5) / A. mo_ _er B. fa_ _er C. bro_ _er D. _ _is6) /t/ A. ca_ _ _ B. wa_ _ _ C. tea_ _er D. Fen_ _2. 根据你自己的情况回答以下问题1)Q: What colour is your watch?A: Its _. 2)Q: What colour is your English book? A: _.3) Q: What colour

6、is your hair(头发)? A: _. 4) Q:What colours your shirt or blouse? A: _. 3. 用所给的词写出问句并回答1) Whose/that black case? -Annas Whose is that black case? -The case is Annas.2) Whose/ the blue shirt? -my brothers _3) Whose/ this red pencil? - Stevens _4) Whose/ that green tie? - my fathers _4. 为问句选择正确的答案 1) Wh

7、at color is his new car? 2) Whose is this red case? 3) Whats her job? 4) What nationality is she? 5) How are you?6) What make is her car? 7) How do you do? 8) Whats your name? a) Shes a nurse.b) How do you do?c) Im very well, thanks.d) Its a Volvo.e) Its my red case.f) Tim Brown. g) Shes Korean.h) I

8、ts black. TT21 快乐学习 健康成长 3Lesson 15 Your passports, please. 请出示你们的护照。学习篇 现身说“法”名词一)名词有五种类型1) 普通名词(可数名词):pen, book2) 物质名词(不可数名词):water( 水), milk(牛奶)3) 专有名词:Mt. Tai(泰山), the Great Wall( 长城)4) 集体名词:police(警察), people( 人民;人们), family(家庭;家人)5) 抽象名词:beauty(美), wisdom(智慧)二)可数名词单数变复数的规则:1) 普通的名词后边直接加-s, 加-s

9、 后的读音变化:结尾是清辅音读/s/, 结尾是浊辅音或元音读/z/。 如:book-books, friend-friends, tie-ties2) 以辅音字母加-y 结尾的名词先要把 y 变成 i,再加-es ,读音为/z/。如:baby-babies, story-stories3) 以-ch, -sh, -x ,-s, -z 结尾的名词要加-es,读音为/z/。如:bus-buses, fox-foxes, watch-watches, quiz-quizes4) 以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词要变为 ves,尾音/f/ 要变为/vz/。如:knife-knives, housewife

10、-housewives, 反例:roof-roofs5) 以-o 结尾的名词有些要加-es,有些直接加-s,读音为/z/。如:potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes, hero-heroes, zoo-zoos, photo-photos6) 部分名词的复数形式与单数形式一样。如:表示国籍的名词如 Swedish, Korean, Chinese 等,fish-fish, sheep-sheep, deer-deer 7) 英语中有一些名词的复数形式是不规则的,如:man-men, woman-women, milkman-milkmen, policwwman-po

11、licwomen TT21 快乐学习 健康成长 4练习篇1. 写出下划线字母的音标1) / / A. case B. carpet C. thanks D. milkman2) / / A. dog B. hot C. what D. operator3) / / A. busy B. his C. sister D. carpet4) / / A. carpet B. smart C. father D. are5) / / A. colour B. brother C. perhaps D. today2. 填空 Customs officer: Welcome to England (欢

12、迎到英格兰来)._ you Japanese?Boys: No, _ are not.Customs officer: _ you Korean?Boys: No, _ are not. We _ Chinese.Customs officer: _ your friends Chinese, _ ?Boys: Yes, _ are.Customs officer: And _ you tourists?Boys: Yes, _ are.Customs officer: Your passports, _.Boys: Here _ are.Customs officer: Thank _ _ _.3. 用表示国籍的形容词填空1) My friends arent D _ or S _. They are N _.2) The students are R _ and D _.3) The tourists are E _, A _ and G _.4) The girls are J _ and the boys are C _


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