上海版八年级下册Unit 1 Whats the matter_单元综合测试卷A卷.doc

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1、上海版八年级下册Unit 1 Whats the matter_单元综合测试卷A卷一、 听下面五个句子,选择与所听句子意思相符的图片 (共1题;共2分)1. (2分)In which subject did the boy make progress? A . B . C . 二、 听下面五短对话,根据所听内容选择正确答案。 (共5题;共10分)2. (2分)听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片( ) A . B . C . 3. (2分)听句子,选出与其意思相符的图片 A . B . C . 4. (2分)What does Mr. Wang say? A . B . C . 5. (2分)听句

2、子,选出与所听内容相符的图片( ) A . B . C . 6. (2分)选出与其意思相符的图片( )A . B . C . 三、 听下面三段对话或独白,根据所听内容选择正确答案。 (共3题;共25分)7. (10分)听短文,回答问题 (1)Who has some problems? A . Jenny.B . Mary.C . Lucy.(2)What is the girl worried about? A . Her homework.B . Her father.C . Her exams.(3)Can she eat well? A . Yes, she can.B . No, s

3、he cant.C . She eats well.(4)What is Jennys advice? A . Listen to some soft music.B . Go for a walk.C . Eat two meals every day.(5)Why does Jenny tell her not to drink coffee or tea? A . Because she isnt thirsty.B . Because she wont be able to sleep.C . Because she cant relax.8. (5分)完成表格。Something a

4、bout DaleAge(年龄)_His roomSmall but_His favorite sport_His favorite subject_His favorite foods_and apples9. (10分)听独自,选择正确答案 (1)Why are Jims parents angry with him? A . Because Jims grades are not good.B . Because Jim likes playing computer games.C . Jim doesnt work hard at school.(2)Which subject is

5、the most difficult for Jim? A . Maths.B . Chinese.C . English.(3)What does Jim want to be in the future? A . A musician.B . A teacher.C . A player.(4)What do Jims parents want Jim to do? A . To play football sometimes.B . To work hard all day.C . To learn the piano all day.(5)Which of the following

6、is TRUE about Jim? A . Because Jim never remembers English word.B . Jim has a bad memory.C . Jim often plays basketball for long.四、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)10. (2分)Ive had _ bad cold, so I dont think I can go to _ school today.A . a; /B . / ; theC . /; /D . a ; the11. (2分)Most students spend too much time

7、_ computer games.A . playingB . playC . playsD . played12. (2分)Hangzhou is _ to hundreds of foreign friends who are working and studying here.A . homeB . houseC . familyD . room13. (2分)Do you have a lot of exams at the end of the term?A . suggestionsB . testsC . matches14. (2分)My father wanted _in C

8、hina. A . worksB . workedC . workingD . to work15. (2分)The kind of fruit smells and sells . A . good; goodB . good; wellC . well; goodD . well; well16. (2分)Sometimes Julie is not _ enough to speak in front of many people. A . shyB . carefulC . braveD . friendly17. (2分)My uncle enjoyed in the park la

9、st weekend A . ourselvesB . himselfC . herselfD . themselves18. (2分) Must I finish reading the book today, Mr. Brown? No, you _. You can finish it in two days.A . needntB . mustntC . cantD . couldnt19. (2分) Can you tell me some countries a long history? Of course. There are a lot of countries, China

10、, India and so on.A . have; for exampleB . has; such asC . with; for exampleD . with; such as20. (2分)The news _ interesting. Please tell me more. A . feelsB . listensC . hearsD . sounds21. (2分)Mom, can I watch TV now?No. You watch TV you have finished your homework.A . cant, ifB . mustnt, unlessC .

11、may, unlessD . should, if22. (2分)If you are asking the way to the post office, which sentence cant be used? A . Could you tell me the way to the post office?B . Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?C . Could you tell me how to get to the post office?D . Show me the way, please.23. (2分)Bob is

12、very shy and he has trouble in front of the classlA . speakB . speakingC . to speakD . spoke24. (2分)一Is that your uncles child?一Yes,hes my .A . sisterB . cousinC . brotherD . daughter五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Life is short, so you have to make the most of it. Ha

13、s anybody ever told you that? Maybe they just said YOLO to you instead. It 1You Only Live Once, and is a very popular saying on social media. Having a YOLO attitude means that you make the 2of every day. It means you life,3you only get one. Someone who has a YOLO attitude is always open to doing new and fun activities. Now, thanks to a US study, YOLO might be more than just a popular 4The study found



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