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1、人教版2020届九年级3月联考英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的正确选项。 There was once a young mouse that lived in a hole. One day, the young mouse looked out of the hole, a nice smell came to his1. Cheese! the mouse said happily to2. Ill have it for breakfast. But he remember

2、his3words, Always wait before you go for a piece of cheese. So the young mouse waited4. Then he heard a quiet meow and he knew the cat was there. Im glad that I listen to my parents and learned to5. he said.The next morning, the nice smell came to his nose again. This time he did not hear any cats n

3、oises,6very quiet woof, woof. Its a dog! he thought. If the dog is there, the cat wont be there. So Im7. Then the mouse ran out of the hole and started8the cheese. He didnt see the cat9the cat caught him. When the cat finished the10, he said to himself, Im glad that I listened to my parents and lear

4、ned a second language.(1)A . eyes B . hands C . mouth D . nose (2)A . him B . her C . himself D . herself (3)A . parents B . mothers C . fathers D . brothers (4)A . quickly B . quietly C . amazingly D . lively (5)A . wait B . say C . hear D . smell (6)A . and B . so C . instead D . or (7)A . special

5、 B . active C . safe D . blind (8)A . making B . eating C . heating D . frying (9)A . when B . after C . unless D . until (10)A . work B . meal C . cheese D . class 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共44分)2. (8分)阅读理解Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. Not only does he want to say it

6、 well, but he wants it to be something that has not been said before. He hopes the public will listen and understand what he wants to teach them, and what he wants them to learn from him.What visual(视觉的)artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain,because painters

7、 translate their experience into shapes and colours, not words. They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colours, out of countless billions of, is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us. Without their work we should never have noticed these particular Shapes and c

8、olours. or have felt the delight which they brought to the artist.Most artists take their shapes and colours from the world of nature and from human bodies in motion and at rest; their choices indicate(指示)that these aspects of the world are worth looking at, that they contain beautiful sights. Conte

9、mporary(当代的)artists might say that they merely choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern, that there is nothing more in it. Yet even they do not choose entirely without reference to the character of their subjects.If one painter chooses to paint a decaying(腐烂)leg and another a lake in moon

10、light, each of them is directing our attention to a certain aspect of the world. Each painter is telling us something, showing us something, emphasizing something-all of which means that, consciously(有意识地)or unconsciously, he is trying to teach us.(1)An artist hopes that the public will .A . underst

11、and him and learn from himB . notice only shapes and colours in his workC . teach him somethingD . believe what he says in his work(2)It is hard to explain what a painter is saying because he/she .A . does not express himself/herself wellB . uses unusual words and phrasesC . uses shapes and colours

12、instead of wordsD . does not say anything clearly(3)The writer points out that the contemporary artists might say their choices of subject .A . carry a message to the publicB . only provide interesting patternC . have no pattern or formD . teach the public important truths(4)What do you know from th

13、e passage?A . A painting is more easily understood that music.B . Art is merely the arranging of shape and colours.C . Every artist tries to say something consciously to the public.D . One must look beyond shape and colour to find what the artist is saying.3. (6分)阅读理解Here are two pieces of news from

14、 a newspaper.Hong Kongs first sightseeing restaurant bus went into service, offering tourists and locals a fresh experience of sightseeing and dinning. People now dont need to plan where to go or worry about where to eat. The sightseeing restaurant bus has two floors with 47 seats. It tours around t

15、he city while serving food prepared by the famous Michelin restaurant there. Its service includes day and night tours, with day tour covering over 20 sights from Kowloon to Hong Kong Island or to the New Territories. The two-and-a-half-hour day tour costs each passenger 380 HK dollars($48.9)。Night tours are only for booking out the


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