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1、上海版2020届中考英语模拟试卷(十五)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 语法选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 We are now living 1the 2lst century. Is your classroom living in the same century, too? Tony is a student of Grade 8 at an American middle school. He was surprised when he saw his mode

2、rn 2on his first day of school.In Tonys classroom, 3many new electronics(电子设备), like iPads. This term, they will 4the electronics to take notes, watch videos and do projects and homework. Its 5, said Tony. I prefer using an iPad to work on math or other projects 6my team members.The school uses new

3、technology in classrooms 7students see, hear, touch and sometimes experience their tasks. 8is pretty common in most of our classrooms now, the head teacher said. We are trying to use technology to 9the world to kids. It can bring the outside world in.The science teacher Mr. Miller agrees. It is a 10

4、way for students to know the outside world, he said.Mr. Miller now regards himself as a guide of learning 11as a teacher. If they have questions, I will try to teach them 12to find the answers rather than telling them what the answers are, he said.Dale, another student, loves technology. He was not

5、really interested in classes before, 13now he likes the classes very much. It helps me use 14I know about technology at school, Dale said. Most importantly, I 15the classroom. This, of course, will help my studies.(1)A . for B . at C . on D . in (2)A . bedroom B . playground C . library D . classroo

6、m (3)A . there are B . there is C . have D . has (4)A . allow B . use C . want D . help (5)A . boring B . relaxing C . amazing D . upset (6)A . on B . by C . at D . with (7)A . helping B . to help C . helps D . helped (8)A . Knowledge B . Culture C . Technology D . Book (9)A . open up B . look up C

7、. put up D . call up (10)A . wrong B . slow C . quick D . bad (11)A . because of B . instead of C . according to D . thanks to (12)A . why B . what C . when D . how (13)A . but B . and C . or D . so (14)A . that B . where C . when D . what (15)A . stand B . hate C . enjoy D . dislike 二、 完形填空(共10小题;每

8、小题1.5分,满分15分) (共1题;共15分)2. (15分)完形填空 Hi, everybody! Welcome to Taiwan! Now I would like to show you1this island(岛). It is as beautiful as many other places in our country. Do you know2about the Sun Moon Lake? You3ask why people call it so. If you fly high up over the lake and look 4from the plane, y

9、ou will find the answer by yourself. In the middle of this lake, there is a small island. People call it Pearl Island(珍珠岛) because it5like a pearl. That is 6people call the lake the Sun Moon Lake. There are many mountains(高山)around this lake. The Ali Mountain is near the Sun Moon Lake. We will stay

10、there 7three days. You can also have a dance party with the local people. You can climb the mountain and watch the sun8slowly in the west. Of course, you can9up early and enjoy the beautiful sunrise(日出) in the morning. Now, do you think Taiwan is a wonderful place10? (1)A . Below B . over C . around

11、 D . of (2)A . something interesting B . nothing interesting C . anything interesting D . interesting anything (3)A . want B . may C . shall D . need (4)A . on B . down C . over D . past (5)A . sounds B . looks C . sees D . watches (6)A . when B . why C . what D . where (7)A . for B . with C . in D

12、. till (8)A . going up B . go down C . fly D . go up (9)A . put B . pick C . look D . get (10)A . to visit B . visit C . visits D . visiting 三、 阅读理解 (共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) (共4题;共40分)3. (10分)仔细观察下面五幅图片,选出一个符合题意的最佳选项,填入题前括号内。 A. B. C. D. E. F. (1)This is my cousin. She is a cute girl. (2)Look! A map of S

13、hanxi (3)Do you like the poster of a popular TV show? (4)Jack is from New York. (5)My uncle is a policeman. 4. (10分)阅读理解 When I was in school, I got into an argument (争吵) with a boy in my class. I thought that I was right and that he was wrongand he thought that I was wrong and that he was right. Th

14、e teacher decided to teach us a lesson. She brought us up to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other. There was a large round object on her desk. It was black. But when she asked the boy, he answered, White.I couldnt believe it! Another argument started, this time about the color of the object. The teacher told us to change our places. Then she asked me, What color is the object? I had to answer, White. It was an object with two differently colored sides. Fr


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