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1、Unit 4Global warming.单词拼写1I_(扫视)up quickly to see who had come in.2I know I can trust her in any_(情况)3Theres a lot of_(分歧)among politicians on this issue.4One of the_(后果)of our planets being warming up is an increase in the number of natural disasters.5Large_(数量)of fish have recently been caught.6Do

2、 you know the_(平均)monthly rainfall in this area?7In nature, there are lots of_(现象)which cant be explained now.8Keep the camera_(平稳)while you take a picture.9In order to improve his daughters English, he_(订阅)to English Weekly.10The beautiful lady is always leading the latest_(趋势)in fashion.答案:1.glanc

3、ed2.circumstance3.disagreement4consequences5.quantities6.average7.phenomena8steady9.subscribed10.trend/tendency.完成句子1_ _ _(总的来说), Im satisfied with her progress.(whole)2_ _ _(代表)my colleagues and myself I thank you.(behalf)3_ _ _(只要)you listen to me, Ill help you.(long)4He_ _(扫视)the watch and decide

4、d to leave.(glance)5How did the terrible accident_ _(造成)?(come)6The school often_ _(订购)many books and magazines for the teachers to refer to.(subscribe)7_ _(大量的)books are needed to buy.(quantity)8We_ _ _(反对)the plan he put forward at the meeting.(oppose)答案:1.On the whole2.On behalf of3.So/As long as

5、4.glanced e about6.subscribes to7.Quantities of8are opposed to.单项填空1Its often less expensive to buy goods in_quantity, but youd better examine_quality before buying them.A/; theBthe; /Ca; the Dthe; the 答案:A考查冠词。第一空in quantity“大量地”;第二空表特指。2Do you_the idea of living a lowcarbon life?It sounds tough, b

6、ut it is a tendency.Acorrespond to Bapply to Ccater to Dsubscribe to答案:D考查动词短语。句意:“你支持低碳生活吗?”“这听起来很难,但是却是趋势。”subscribe to“同意,支持”;correspond to“与相符合,相当于”;apply to “适用于,向申请(或要求)”;cater to“迎合;为服务”。3Remember, a lesson always_over and over, until you grasp it. It just needs more patience.Agoes up Bturns

7、up Cpicks up Dmakes up答案:Bturn up“出现,发生”;go up“上升”;pick up“捡起,偶然学到”;make up“组成,化妆,编造”。由句意“反复出现”可知。4My son is addicted to drugs.He isnt hopeless,is he?Yes,_he mends his ways and starts all over.Aif BwhenCeven ifDunless答案:D考查连词。由答语Yes可知,此处顺接he is hopeless,所以再接unless he mends his ways and starts all ov

8、er。答语句意:是的,他没有希望了。除非他能改过自新。unless“除非,如果不”。5To her disappointment, what she had devoted herself to_in nothing but failure.Aresulting BresultsChas resulted Dresulted答案:D考查句式理解。句意:令她失望的是,她全身心投入的事情最终一事无成。result in“导致”。what she had devoted herself to是句子的主语,因此选谓语动词,再由句意可知,用一般过去时。6Will you see to_that my b

9、irds are well looked after while I am away?Athem ByourselfCit Dme 答案:C考查句式。句意:你能保证在我不在时照顾好我的小鸟吗?see to it that.“保证,确保,务必”。7The 40somethings found themselves in an embarrassing situation_rapid changes in all aspects of society.Aas a consequence of Bin favor of Cfor the purpose ofDby means of答案:A考查短语。

10、句意:由于社会各方面的迅速变化,四十岁左右的人发现自己处于了尴尬的境地。as a consequence of.“因为;由于”。8Why do you work so hard day and night?_my parents expectations.ATo live up to BTo meet the demand ofCTo make full use ofDTo put up with答案:A考查省略。句意:“你为何日夜努力工作?”“(我这样做)是为了不辜负父母的期望。”9How did the global financial crisis_?Im not quite sure.

11、 Anyhow, it is a very important problem facing us.Acome up Bcome about Ccome along Dcome around答案:B问句意思是“全球经济危机是怎么发生的?”。come about“发生”;come up“走上前,被提及”;come along“一起来,进展”;come around“苏醒”。10These stories expressed the same idea that all individuals,_poor, were capable of becoming wealthy_they were ha

12、rdworking and honest.Ano matter what; as long as Bwhatever; in order that Cno matter how; so long asDhowever; ever since答案:C考查连词。句意:这些故事表明了同一个主题每个人无论多么穷,只要努力工作,诚实守信,都可以变得富有。第一空填no matter how或者however都可以;第二空填so long as或者as long as,意为“只要”。11If you think there_huge quantities of oil for the use of driv

13、ers, you are wrong.Ais BareChas Dhave答案:Bthere be结构中be的形式要根据其后主语判断。句中huge quantities of oil决定了谓语动词应用复数,故选B。12How do you like your trip to Hainan?_, I enjoyed it very much, although the weather was hot sometimes.AIn addition BOn the wholeCIn other words DOn the other hand答案:Bon the whole“基本上;大体上”,符合句

14、意。13Many people hold mistaken beliefs about the reason for cancer,_to think it is environmental factors rather than personal behavior.Adeciding BtendingCcaring Dattempting答案:Btend to“倾向于”;decide to“决定”;attempt to“企图”。14To_good relationships with your teachers and classmates, you should learn to be on good terms with them.Abri


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