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1、课题unit8 I will help clean up the city park.年级 九 科目 英语 主备教师 辜幼霞 课型 new 审批课时The First Period 内容Section A 1a1c学习目标1 语言目标 offer help2 知识目标 学习词组 clean up , cheer up, give out , hunger, homeless3 能力目标 Learn to express offering to help4重难点 How to use the new phrasal verbs.一 巧设引题If you want to be a warm hea

2、rted man ,what should you do ?二 指导自学1 自己学习本节课的单词和词组饿,饥饿 -饥饿的 -志愿者-无家可归的 -动词词组1)打扫干净 -2)使振奋,使高兴起来 -3)分发 -同义词- 2 What could you do to help your mother at home?3 Tell us something about the last time you helped others.4 Look at some pictures, learn the new words: clean up , cheer up, homeless, hunger,

3、give out,5 1a , list other ways you could help people6 Listen to the tape and do 1b 7 Practice conversations 三 合作探究1. sick 和ill 的用法区别sick是形容词,“生病的”, 同义词是ill。 区别在于sick 在句中可做表语和定语,而ill只能做表语。例如:His father was _/_yesterday, so he didnt go to work. 他的父亲昨天病了,因此他没有去上班。Tom has looked after the _girl for a w

4、eek.汤姆照看那个生病的小女孩已经一星期了。另外,当ill意为“坏的,恶劣的”时,在句中可做定语。例如:He is an_ child. 他是一个坏孩子。2You could help clean up the city parks.help v.帮助【拓展】*help 作动词help sb. (to) do= help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事 例如:He often helps me (to) study English. = He often helps me with my English.* help 作名词例如:Thank you for your_.3Id li

5、ke to help homeless people.homeless adj. 无家可归的 【拓展】*homeless adj. 无家可归的 例如:a homeless boy 一个无家可归的男孩*home n. 家 例如:Number 77 High School is home to three very special young people: Li Huiping, Lan Pei, and Zhu Ming. 对三个特别的年轻人李惠萍、林蓓和朱明来说第77中学就是家。*home adv. 在家,到家,向家 例如:He bought a new pen on his way hom

6、e.4.Id like to cheer up sick kids. cheer v. (向某人)欢呼或喝彩 【拓展】cheer up 意思为“使高兴起来,使振奋”,动副短语.若宾语由代词充当,代词应放在动、副词之间。 例如:Were trying our best to_ him _. 四 巩固提升无家可归的 homeless 否定后缀less拓展 写出下列词的反义词careful useful hopeful What should we do to help those people?He is so that he made so many mistakes.Hungry and hu

7、ngerHe is he wants to have a big meal.He died of (死于) .五Summary六当堂检测Choose the best answer:1.How dirty your room is!You must _.A. clean up it B. clean them up C. clean it up D. clean up them2.The English teacher asked her to _test papers.A. give up B. give out C. give in D. give to 3.Could you _the

8、sick children _their study?A .help, with B. help, to C. help, in D. help, for4.Last week he volunteered_ the sick children in the hospital.A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help5.The boy is crying. Lets go to _.A. cheer up him B. cheer him up C. cheer he up D. cheer up heFill in the blanks:1.These h

9、 children are very poor, we should build a new house for them.2.Being a v for the 2008 Olympic Games was great.3.Xie Ting usually helps me g the exercise books.4.Tomorrow they are going to the hospital to c the sick patients up.5.In the past many people died because of h_6.Its your turn to c our cla

10、ssroom.反思课题unit8 I will help clean up the city park年级 九 科目 英语 主备教师 辜幼霞 课型 new 审批课时The Second Period 内容Section A 2a-2c 学习目标1 语言目标 offer help2 知识目标 学习短语动词set up, put off ,come up with3 能力目标 提高听说技能4重难点 How to use the new phrasal verbs.一 巧设引题If we are planning a City Parks Clean-Up Day,how to tell peopl

11、e about it?二 指导自学1 自己学习本节课的单词和词组1)标牌 -广告 -2)推迟 -3)建立 -同义词 -4) 想出-同义词 -2 Listen to the tape and do 2a &2b3 Role play the conversations in pairs.三 合作探究1、need to do sth., need doing sth.的用法区别。need to do sth.和need doing sth.都表示“需要做某事”。当主语是人时,常用need todo sth.;当主语是物时,常用need doing sth.。【例如】I _to get some m

12、oney to pay for summer camp.我需要一些钱来支付夏令营。My bike_ mending.我的自行车需要修理了。2set up 和build的用法区别:set up意为“开办,建立”, 主要用于组织、机构、公司、学校等。build 意为 “建造,建设”, 是一般用语,侧重施工建筑,常指建造大东西,如房屋、桥梁、道路等。试比较:_ _a school 建立一所学校_ a school盖一所学校3We need to come up with a e up with 意为 “想出”,相当于_ up。例如:He came up with a way to work out

13、the math problem. 他想出了解答这道数学题的方法。plan n. 计划【拓展】(1)plan 作动词, 后接动词不定式。例如:We planned to have a trip to Europe. 我们原计划去欧洲旅游。(2)plan 作名词, 例如:We should make a _ on how to improve our English. 我们应该制定一个关于如何提高英语的计划。4We cant put off making a plan. put v. 放【拓展】*put off “推迟、取消(会议,约会等),动副词组,后跟动词时应用其-ing形式,代词作宾语需放

14、在put和off中间。例如:Dont put off until tomorrow what can be done today. 今天可以做的事情不要推到明天。Please dont put off doing your homework. 请你们不要拖延做作业。*put away “把放好,收好” 例如:Please _ your toys_. 请把你的玩具收好。*put down “ 放下,记下”, 例如:_ _your hand. 把手放下。*put on “穿戴,上演”, 例如:_ _ your coat. Its cold outside. 穿上你的大衣, 外面冷。A history play was put on last night. 昨晚上演了一部历史剧。*put up “悬挂,举起”, 例如:


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