仁爱科普版七年级下Unit 5 Our School Life单元测试(II )卷.doc

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1、仁爱科普版七年级下Unit 5 Our School Life单元测试(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。 (共2题;共2分)1. (1分)Bob has been_(缺席的) from school for a month: 2. (1分)Is_(每个人) here today?一No,John isnt here二、 单词拼写(单句首字母填空)。 (共2题;共6分)3. (1分)The doctor said that an unhealthy diet _(导致) to his illness. 4. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。(1)

2、Mr. Wang is reading a _ (报纸).(2)Can you make _ (汤)?(3)My mother _ (洗) clothes every day.(4)Lets go to the _ (电影) this evening.(5)Hes_ (只是) doing his homework.三、 翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)。 (共2题;共25分)5. (2分)妈妈,我奶奶不在客厅。Mom,my grandma isnt in the_.6. (23分)翻译(根据给出的汉语意思补全句子) (1)上个月我们社区又建好了一座新的图书馆。Another new library

3、_ _ last month in my hometown.(2)我已经习惯了每天步行上学。I am _ _ _ to school every day.(3)人们常常拿乡村的生活和城镇的生活作比较。People often _ life in the country _ life in the town.(4)爸爸,我们家每月在用水方面花多少钱?_ _ does our family_ _water every month, Dad?(5)这个故事真有趣!我读得停不下来。_ _ _story it is! I cant stop reading it.(6)你能告诉我火车什么时候开吗?Cou

4、ld you tell me _ _ _ _ _ ?(7)他太高兴了以致于说不出话来。He was _ _ _ _ a word.四、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)7. (2分)There _ a sports meet in our school. I will be _ the long jump. A . will have; inB . will be; onC . will be; inD . will have; on8. (2分) Can Peter go to Bills birthday party? No, he cant go and I cant .A . als

5、oB . tooC . veryD . either9. (2分)I can play _ violin but I cant play _ baseball.A . a; theB . the; theC . the; /D . /; the10. (2分)Look, so many people are running out of the station.I _ what is happening. .A . wonderB . expectC . remind11. (2分)_do you spell English?E-N-G-L-I-S-HA . WhatB . WhereC .

6、HowD . Who12. (2分)(2015广东) Dont disturb Allen now. He _ for the spelling competition.A . preparesB . preparedC . is preparingD . will prepare13. (2分)- _ your mother like oranges?- Yes, she likes to eat _ very much.A . Do; themB . Do; itC . Does; themD . Does; it14. (2分)If you often feel uncomfortabl

7、e, you _ lie down and have a rest.A . mustB . wouldC . mightD . should15. (2分)This watch is Steves.Please_ . A . give it to himB . give him to itC . give to him itD . give it him16. (2分)To _ someone means to make him suffer in some way because he has done something wrong. A . beatB . punishC . attac

8、k17. (2分)_ concerts are never quite the same on the small screen. A . LivelyB . AliveC . LivingD . Live18. (2分) you the window?Yes, I am.A . Is, cleaningB . Do, cleaningC . Are, cleaningD . Do, clean19. (2分)Lily, how do you practice your English? _ memorizing sentence patterns. A . ByB . ForC . From

9、D . With20. (2分)You _ always _ troubles. A . is; makeB . have; madeC . are; makingD . is; making21. (2分)We didnt win the match, because he to score the goal.A . succeededB . failedC . repliedD . supported五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)完形填空One Saturday morning, John and his mother went1a shoe shop 2John

10、 a pair of new shoes. Mrs. Lee put her bag on a chair3she looked at some shoes. She could not see 4she liked and went away. Suddenly(突然) she said, “Oh, my bag, someone 5it away!” All the other people in the shop stopped 6and looked at her. John ran after the man at once(立刻). A few minutes 7, John ca

11、me back with 8. He 9it to his mother. She opened the bag and had a look in10.Then she said,“ Oh, god, nothing is lost.”(1)A . by B . on C . to D . at (2)A . to buyB . to give C . to know D . to take (3)A . although B . so C . but D . when (4)A . some B . a C . any shoes D . any bags (5)A . went B .

12、had C . took D . came (6)A . sittingB . thinking C . talking D . eating (7)A . before B . later C . next D . after (8)A . the bag B . the shoes C . the man D . his son (9)A . giveB . buy C . take D . gave (10)A . oneB . it C . them D . her 六、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共34分)23. (10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容判断所给句子正误.Hi Gina,How are you? Im in a new school in China now. This school is big and nice. There are about 2000 students in my school. I like the teachers. They are all kind to me. My classmates are kind, too.There is a big library in my sch


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