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1、上海新世纪版2019-2020年英语中考模拟冲刺(九)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可 以替换划线部分的最 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)(2016黔西南)When her parents werent at home, she took care of your sister. A . look forB . cared forC . look overD . look after2. (2分)Jane,you look triedYou stop to have a rest A . shouldB . shouldntC . wouldD

2、 . wouldn t3. (2分)What you said is kind of _ my view. Great minds think alike. A . famous asB . different fromC . similar to4. (2分)Whats your brother doing? Its time to have dinner.Oh, he is his teacher in his room.A . callingB . visitingC . catchingD . meeting5. (2分)Are you going to the important p

3、arty?Yes. And anybody who will attend it should formally.A . be dressedB . wearC . put onD . dress6. (2分)How many girls are there in your class? _ them _ over twenty.A . A number of, areB . The number of, areC . A number of, isD . The number of, is7. (2分)Most young people like playing games,_ basket

4、ball and soccer.A . for exampleB . such asC . be likeD . for8. (2分)She was not _, but she is _ to go to school. A . feel well; well enoughB . feeling well; well enoughC . feel good; good enoughD . feeling good; good enough二、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)Even though were in difficu

5、lt times, we need to keep hope .A . realB . aliveC . freshD . close10. (2分)The cake smells _ bad.It goes _ easily if you dont keep it in the fridge.A . terrible; badB . terrible; badlyC . terribly; badD . terribly; badly11. (2分)Look! Smiths are playing basketball Lets them.A . The; join inB . The; j

6、oinC . A; join inD . A; join12. (2分)Its difficult for me to pass the Maths examsSo do I. But we shouldnt _ hopeA . set upB . give upC . put upD . go up13. (2分)Michael hates to go to the hospital, because he is afraid of taking _ medicine.A . sweetB . goodC . bitterD . delicious14. (2分)The room was d

7、ark, so she asked me to _ the lights.A . turn upB . turn downC . turn offD . turn on15. (2分) What was the weather like yesterday? _.A . It is snowyB . Its SundayC . Its July 3rdD . It was windy三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) You have often 1 people talk about work. Perhaps you have 2 your friends about

8、how hard you worked to get something done. However, you may have done no work 3 you think you worked hard.A boy is pushing a big box very hard, but the box is 4 heavy for him to move and he may 5 to push against the box. 6 the language of science, he has not done 7 work. Can you think you are workin

9、g when you are studying or talking?In science, work is only done when a force(力) moves something that has weight through a distance(距离).Work = force distance moved.8 you want to find out whether work is done, 9 yourself, “Is a push or a pull moving something through a distance?” If your answer is 10

10、, then work is being done.(1)A . asked B . wanted C . listened D . heard (2)A . said B . told C . talked D . spoken (3)A . though B . so that C . while D . because (4)A . very B . so C . too D . such (5)A . be afraid B . be sure C . not like D . like (6)A . In B . With C . As D . For (7)A . a B . no

11、 C . some D . any (8)A . If B . After C . While D . As soon as (9)A . to ask B . just ask C . only think D . to think (10)A . “Right” B . “Good” C . “Well” D . “Yes” 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共44分)17. (10分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Have you ever read an English book? Have you noticed its contents(目录)?If yo

12、u do so, I think you can understand the contents below. Study the contents page of the book below and choose the right answer to each of the following questions.(1)How many pages does the book have? A . It has about eighty-six pages.B . It has a hundred and ten pages.C . It has a hundred and one pag

13、es.D . It less than a hundred pages.(2)Which part tells you some facts about Shanghais growth? A . Part IB . Part IIC . Either Part I or Part IID . Part I and Part II(3)Where will you find information about traffic problems? A . In Chapter 7.B . In Chapter 6.C . In Chapter 5.D . In Chapter 4.(4)Which pages can you read if you want to know something about food production? A . Pages 17-31.B . Pages 32-46.C . Pages 47-57.


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