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1、电动汽车 Electric Vehicle 主要内容 v1 发展电动汽车缘由 v2 电动汽车研发现状 v3 结构及工作原理 v4 电动汽车关键技术 v5 燃料电池电动汽车 v自汽车发明以来 汽车的动力主要依赖于石油 由 此燃烧产生的废气对大气的污染日益严重 越来越 严格的汽车废气排放控制法规正在颁布和实施 v在能源方面 世界石油储量占能源总储量的13 据世界能源理事会预测 按目前的石油开采速度 世界石油的开采只能支撑30多年 显然 汽车制造 业必须由利用危害生态环境的单一能源向开发使用 多种能源 加强环境保护方面转变 1 发展电动汽车缘由 v2000年世界人口大约60亿 但2050年人口将 增

2、加到100亿 从而汽车数量将从7亿增加到 25亿 如果车辆都使用内燃机 石油哪里来 排气污染如何处理 迫使人们去寻找可持 续发展的交通工具 v面对节能与环保的双重压力 近几年 国内 外各国主要将研究方向锁定在替代燃料汽车 醇类 天然气 氢气等 和电动汽车两个 主要方向 1 发展电动汽车缘由 1 发展电动汽车缘由 v我国已成为世界第二石油进口大国 2005年 中国 日消费原油约673万桶 其中40 是2700多万辆民用 汽车消耗的 按照现在汽车年耗汽油的平均增长速 度 中国汽车到2030年耗油将达2 63亿吨 进口比 例将达84 远远高于30 的安全警戒线 v截止到2007年6月底 北京市机动车

3、保有量达273万 辆 居国内之首 年均增长率为15 左右 预计07 年年底将突破300万辆 汽车在给人们的日常出行 带来极大方便的同时 也引起了环境污染 噪声污 染和石油紧张等问题 电动汽车优点电动汽车优点 环境方面 零排放 电动汽车可以实现城市交通的零排放 我们即使考虑到为电动汽车提供 电力的电站所排放出来的废气 使用电动汽车仍然可以大大的减少全球 空气污染 能源方面 能源多样性 电动汽车可以保证全球的能源安全 并且可以使用多种可再生能源 像 热能 核能 水能 潮汐能 风能 地热能 太阳能 化学能 生物能 等 控制方面 易于控制 电动汽车比传统的燃料汽车更易实现精确的控制 智能交通系统则有可

4、 能率先通过电动车来实现 从而提高道路利用率和交通安全性 Advantages of electric vehicles vElectric motors are mechanically very simple and release almost no air pollutants at the place where they are operated vElectric motors often achieve 90 energy conversion efficiency over the full range of speeds and power output and can b

5、e precisely controlled They can also be combined with regenerative braking systems that have the ability to convert movement energy back into stored electricity This can be used to reduce the wear on brake systems and consequent brake pad dust and reduce the total energy requirement of a trip especi

6、ally effective for start and stop city use Advantages of electric vehicles vThey can be finely controlled and provide high torque from rest unlike internal combustion engines and do not need multiple gears to match power curves This removes the need for gearboxes and torque converters vAnother advan

7、tage is that electric vehicles typically have less vibration and noise pollution than a vehicle powered by an internal combustion engine whether it is at rest or in motion vElectricity is a form of energy that remains within the continent where it was produced and can be multi sourced As a result it

8、 gives the greatest degree of energy resilience vThe GM Volt will cost less than purchasing a cup of your favorite coffee to recharge The Volt should cost less than 2 cents per mile to drive on electricity compared with 12 cents a mile on gasoline at a price of 3 60 a gallon This would be the equill

9、ant to paying 70 cents a gallon of gas Disadvantages of electric vehicles vLimited range due to the low energy density of batteries compared to the fuel of internal combustion engined vehicles vLong recharge times compared to the refueling time required by internal combustion engined vehicles vMost

10、electricity generation in the United States is from fossil sources according to the US DOE vThe US national grid is under invested and is having trouble meeting current levels of demand according to the US DOE Disadvantages of electric vehicles vOverall average efficiency from US power plants 33 eff

11、icient to point of use transmission loss 9 5 US DOE figures is 29 87 Accepting 90 efficiency for the electric vehicle gives us a figure of only 26 88 overall efficiency That is lower than internal combustion engined vehicles Petrol Gasoline 30 efficient Diesel engines 45 efficient Volvo figures Dies

12、el engines can also easily run on renewable fuels biodiesel vegetable oil fuel preferably from waste sources with no loss of efficiency Using grid electricity entirely negates the efficiency advantages of electric vehicles vThis comparison isn t entirely fair though since it compares tank to flywhee

13、l efficiency of gasoline and diesel powered engines to the well to wheel efficiency of electric motors It also fails to recognize that the practical efficiency of the internal combustion engine is significantly lower in actual use because of transmission and idling losses vTo achieve a sound conclus

14、ion one would also have to take into account the refining and delivery losses of gasoline and diesel and the energy efficiency of biofuel production Output fuel energy divided by the sum of the invested energy and energy in the biomass The equivalent for fossil electricity production would also need

15、 to be considered mining and transportation of coal to the power station for example or the Co2 produced building renewable electricity generation 优缺点 v优点 不烧油 零污染 电动机驱动噪声小 易于控制 稳态性能良好 可实现再生制 动 无复杂的传动系统和机械式逆转装置 v缺点 由于蓄电池的比功率和比能量较低 充电时间长 所以动力性 机动性差和续驶 里程短 另外 蓄电池的体积重量大 整车 重量大 电动汽车分类 Battery Electric Ve

16、hicle BEV 蓄电池 电动汽车 Electric Vehicle FCEV 燃料电池燃料电池 电动汽车电动汽车 Hybrid Electric Vehicle HEV 混合动力 电动汽车 v电动汽车 Electric Vehicle EV 是一种电力驱动 的道路交通工具 最大区别在于能源和驱动系统 电 动机 不同 v包括蓄电池电动汽车 Battery Electric Vehicle BEV 混合动力电动汽车 Hybrid Electric Vehicle HEV 和燃料电池电动汽车 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle FCEV v纯电动汽车 Pure Electric Vehicle PEV Full Electric Vehicle FEV 以电动机代替燃油的内燃机 电力驱动的优点是不使用燃料 零排放且噪声低 同时因使用单一的电能源 电控系统相比混合电动车 大为简化 既降低了成本 又可补偿电池的部分价格 电动汽车的技术特征 类 型 蓄电电池电动电动 汽车车混合动动力电动电动 汽车车燃料电电池电动电动 汽车车 驱动方式 电动电动 机驱动驱动 内燃机驱动驱动 电



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