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1、1翻译理论与实践课堂讲解部分内容汇总一、What is tranlationNidas definition:Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.Tytlers principles 1. A translation should give a complete trans

2、cript of the ideas of the original work;2. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original; 3. A translation should have all the ease of the original composition. Yanfus principles Faithfulness(信), Expressiveness(达)and Elegance(雅) “Faithfulness” means the full

3、 and complete conveying of the original content of thought; “Expressiveness” demands that the version should be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense; “Elegance” refers to the use of classical Chinese before the Han Dynasty. 刘重德: faithfulness, expressiveness

4、and closeness. faithfulness: to be faithful to the content of the original; expressiveness: to be as expressive and smooth as the original; closeness: to be as close to the original style as possible.鲁迅: Rather be faithful (in thought) than smooth (in language) in opposition to Liang Shi-qius transl

5、ation principle in 1930s. (宁信而不顺)傅雷: TL should be similar to SL both in Form and in Spirit. (神似说:形式和神韵)Eugene A. Nidas principles Dynamic equivalence or Functional equivalence The translator is to produce as nearly as possible the same effect on his readers as was produced on the readers of the orig

6、inal.Peter Newmarks principles 语义翻译、交际翻译 Semantic translation: The translator attempts, within the bare syntactic and semantic constraints of the TL, to produce the precise contextual meaning of the author. Semantic translation focuses primarily upon the semantic content of the source text. Communic

7、ative translation: The translator attempts to produce the same effect on the TL readers as was produced by the original on the SL readers. Communicative translation focuses essentially upon the comprehension and response of receptors.Translation history in China 1.东汉至唐宋From the Eastern Han Dynasty t

8、o the Tang and Song Dynasties-Translation of Buddhist scriptures 15000vol.玄奘,鸠摩罗什,真谛-三大佛经翻译家 2.明末清初From the late Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty-Translation of Science and Technology23. Late Qing Dynasty 清末Translation of western political and literary works 林纾块肉余生述(David Copperfield), 黑奴吁天录(U

9、ncle Toms Cabin) 严复 天演论 Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays -(Huxley 赫胥黎)4.五四时期1919-1949鲁迅 “宁信而不顺”瞿秋白、朱生豪5. 1949-nowThe Translators Association of China中国译协Translation process Comprehension Expression ProofreadingTranslation strategies Foreignization (异化): the method or practice of preserving the

10、language and cultural differences of the Source Text. Domestication(归化): the method or practice of adapting the translation to the norms and values of the Target Language and culture. Examples Unless youve an ace up your sleeve, we are dished.除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。 (归)除非你手中藏有王牌,否则我们是输定了。 (异) Among Wolve

11、s one must howl.入乡随俗。 (归)在狼群中你就得嗥。 (异) Go to law for a sheep, you lose a cow.捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜。 (归)为一只羊打官司,却损失了一头牛。 (异)Two basic translation methods 3 Literal Translation(直译) means word-for-word translation. It takes sentences as its basic units and the whole text into consideration at the same time in the

12、course of translation. It strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the entire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech. Liberal Translation(意译) is also called Free Translation. It is a supplementary means to mainly convey the meaning and spirit of

13、the original without trying to reproduce its sentence pattern or figures of speech. Literal translation (直译): 英、汉语的结构有相同的一面,汉译时可照译,即直译。直译既忠实原文内容,又符合原文的结构形式。直译有不少优点,例如能传达原文意义,体现原文风格等。但是,直译具有一定的局限性。例如译文有时冗长罗唆,晦涩难懂,有时不能正确传达原文意义,有时甚至事与愿违。 free translation (意译): 英、汉这两种语言之间还有许多差别,如完整照译,势必出现“英化汉语” ,这时就需要意译

14、。意译是在忠实原文内容的前提下,摆脱原文结构的束缚,使译文符合汉语的规范。In some automated plants electronic computers control the entire production line.在某些自动化工厂,电子计算机控制整个生产线。 (直译)Dont cross the bridge till you get to it.车到山前必有路 (意译)二、Linguistic Differences between English and Chinese 词汇对比 句法结构对比 文化差异 Learning a language is a kind of

15、 learning the culture and habit of the country where the language is spoken. 英语:Indo-European language family 印欧语系 alphabetic character 拼写文字汉语 Sino-Tibetan language family 汉藏语系 ideographic character 表意文字 English:synthetic language 综合性合性 the meaning of the language is expressed by the change of the f

16、orm of the word itself such as case, number, tense and so on. Chinese: analytic language 分析性 the relationship of words is expressed not by the form of word itself-but by prepositions and word order and so on. English sentences: well-knit, close and compact,hypotactic 形合 Chinese sentences: concise and explicit, paratactic 意合In English, nouns, especially the abstract nouns and prepositions are widely us


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