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1、外研版高中英语必修3Module 7 Revision (1)Period OnePart 1 教案设计1. Teaching aims and requirements: A. To review the grammar of Module 1 Module 6 and then ask the students to finish the Exercises.B. To review the vocabulary of Module 1 Module 62. Main Points and Difficult Points:A. To review the grammar of Modul

2、e 1 Module 6 and then ask the students to finish the Exercises. B. To review the vocabulary of Module 1 Module 63. Teaching aids: Computer; tape recorder4. Teaching procedures:Step 1:Greetings (Everyday English).Step 2:To review the active voice and passive voice.主动形式被动形式一般现在时dois/am/are done一般过去时di

3、dwas/were done一般将来时will/shall dowill/shall be done过去将来时would/should dowould/should be done现在进行时is/am/are doingis/am/are being done过去进行时was/were doingwas/were being done现在完成时have/has donehave/has been done过去完成时had donehad been done情态动词情态动词+动词原形情态动词+be+过去分词I被动语态的用法:(1). 不知谁是动作的执行者时。eg. His bike has be

4、en stolen.(2). 没必要或不想指出谁是动作的执行者时。eg. China was liberated in 1949.(3). 强调或突出动作的承受者时。但如果需要指出动作的执行者时,可用“by +动作执行者”。eg. The plan has already been made.The man was run over by a car.II使用被动语态应注意的几个问题(1). 被动语态与系表结构的区别。有些“be+ p.p”并非表示被动,过去分词相当于形容词,仅表示一种状态。eg. The teacher is pleased with her homework.The gla

5、ss is broken.(2). 不及物动词、系动词、助动词have及表示情况或状态,但不表示动作的某些动词,如fit(适合), hold (容纳),join(参加), mean (意味着), belong to (属于)等不能用在被动语态中。(3). 有些动词以主动形式表示被动含义。如:open, shut, sell, wash, write 等,其后常有副词修饰。eg. The door wont open.The goods sell both at home and abroad.1. To review the differences of the conjunction: bu

6、t/ however/although/while/whereasI.辨析:whereas与 however 两者在语义上都表示转折,意为“然而”,“可是”,但用法略有差异。A. whereas conj. used to compare or contrast two facts 然而,却,反之(引导与前句内容对立和对比的一个句子)He is poor, whereas his brother is very rich.=He is poor, while his brother is very rich.Some people like fatty food, whereas others

7、 hate it.B. However adv. used to introduce a statement 可是,不过(仅表语义上的转折,不含有对比性和对立性,而且在句中位置较灵活,一般用标点符号单独隔离出来。)You havent told us your opinion. You can, however, make it clear now.Certainly, he apologized. However, I wont forgive him.II opposite:A. prep. across 在的对面 The store is opposite the station. He

8、 stood opposite me, glaring at me. B. adj. contrary 对面的;相反的;(立场、意见、性质等)相反的,相对立的 He stood on the opposite side of the street. Her view and mine are completely opposite. Light is opposite to shadow. 相关链接: opposite to 与 相对,相反 on the contrary 正相反,反之IIIknock down: 击倒;打倒 He was knocked down by a bike. He

9、knocked his opponent down three times in the first round. IV. enough: A. adj. 足够的;充分的。作形容词修饰名词时,可置于名词之前,也可置于名词之后。 eg. We have enough ice cream for children. Do you have time enough to finish the work? B. adv. 足够地;充分地(必须置于形容词和副词之后) eg. Are you warm enough in such a light jacket? Strangely enough, he

10、cant recognize my voice. Cpron. 足够;充分 eg. Enough has been said on this subject.V. marry:A. vt. 嫁;娶;把嫁给,与结婚;主持婚礼 eg. He married his bosss daughter. I dont want to marry my daughter to you. B. vi. 结婚 eg. She married young in her life. 相关链接: be married (to sb) 结婚 get married to sb 和某人结婚 marry sb to sb

11、使某人与某人结婚 be engaged to sb 与某人订婚 get divorced from sb 和某人离婚VI. cover v. A. 盖住;遮盖 The flood covered large areas on both banks of the river. B. 溅;洒 A taxi went by and covered us with mud. C. 保护 She covered her children with her long dress.D. 走完(一段路)By sunset, we gave covered 30 miles.E. 包罗;涵盖His resear

12、ch covers a wide field.F. 报道;采访She covered the poor childrens education in the mountainous area.相关链接:be covered with 被盖着;结满了; 天然生有(毛皮等);为所克服Cover from 保护免受VIIpopulation A. n. 人口 the population of +地点 某地的人口或人口数 The population of Shanghai is very large.B. have a population of 有一个的人口数量The country has a

13、 population of 400000.C. 用what 提问人口数量的多少,说其多时用large, 说其少时用small.Whats the population of your city?The population of our city is 3 times as large as that of your city.注:用what 提问,意为“多少”的度量名词还有:speed, size, number, amount, weight, length, price 等。Whats the price of the book?Whats the number of the boy?

14、Whats the weight of the pig?VIII. frighten: vt. 使吃惊;使惊骇;使害怕 fright n. 惊骇; 怪物 frightful adj. 可怕的;讨厌的 frightened adj. 害怕的;心惊的 frightening adj. 令人害怕的;可怕的 frighten sb into/ out of doing sth. 恐吓某人做/不做 frighten. away/ out 把吓跑 be frightened of 害怕 be frightened to do 不敢做 give sb a fright 让某人大吃一惊shake with fright 吓得发抖 Step 3. To review the attributive clauses. If you have time, you can finish some exercises after class.Step 4 HomeworkTo finish some attributive clause exercises.Part 2教学反思本堂课能够顺利成功地完成教学目标和教学要求。集中复习16模块所学的语法项目和词汇,帮助学生归纳和巩固相关语言知识;归纳总结的能力有待提高,部分练习出的过于简单,缺乏实效性。Part 3教学点评:高中英语外研版必修三



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