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1、冀教版2020届四校九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共12题;共24分)1. (2分)Therere too many clothes in the shop. I really cant decide .A . which to buy coatB . to buy which coatC . which coat should I buyD . which coat to buy2. (2分)Long time no see ! When did you _ Chongqing ? A . getB . arrive atC . arrive

2、inD . reach to3. (2分)_exciting experience it is to climb Mountain Tai!A . How aB . What aC . How anD . What an4. (2分)Tom, your model plane is on the desk.OK. _.A . Thank youB . You, tooC . Youre welcomeD . Yes, they are5. (2分)Please try your best _ it. A . finishB . to finishC . a.finishD . finished

3、6. (2分)How was your trip in Shanghai?Not so good. I stayed there for two days. But it rained on _ of the days.A . neitherB . allC . both7. (2分)-How about apples?-OK.A . to haveB . hadC . haveD . having8. (2分)Many of the visitors Beijing two days ago. A . reached inB . get toC . arrived atD . arrived

4、 in9. (2分)When did you _ Hongkong? A . returned toB . go backC . return back toD . return to10. (2分)I dont know if Jack _back today. If he_back, Ill call you. A . will come; will comeB . comes; will comeC . comes; comesD . will come; comes11. (2分)If you dont know the word, why dont you in the dictio

5、nary? A . look up themB . look it upC . look up it12. (2分)I wonder _.By searching the Internet.A . how you got the informationB . when you got the informationC . how did you get the informationD . where did you get the information二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)13. (15分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Ei

6、nstein is a world-famous scientist. In 1899, he1at a famous university in Zurich.Once Einstein asked his teacher, Professor Minkevsky, How2a person, like me, leave his clear footprints on the road of science and make a great success? Minkevsky said that it was a 3 question and he would give him an a

7、nswer later.These days later, Minkevsky told Einstein that the4was coming! He pulled Einstein to walk towards a building site and straight set5on a concrete(混凝土) road. It was a road that workers had6finished!All the workers7him, Sir, dont you lead me the wrong way? Einstein was confused (疑惑不解的) and

8、asked Minkevsky8.Cant you see? Minkevsky asked. Only the9concrete road surface can leave footprints. The old road surface has been walked on and countless 10have been left by many people, 11you can hardly find your footprints, Hearing that, Einstein thought for a long time and nodded.After that, a v

9、ery strong sense of 12begin to 13new things. He believed strongly that14could tell him what to do and no books could help him. He always said, I never memorize what books carry because my brain was only 15those things that are not in books, It has because of this that Einstein left his shining footp

10、rints in the history of science.(1)A . studied B . spoke C . taught (2)A . must B . should C . can D . need (3)A . sad B . stupid C . difficult D . boring (4)A . way B . question C . success D . answer (5)A . hand B . foot C . face D . body (6)A . never B . just C . already D . all (7)A . shouted at

11、 B . listened to C . looked for D . talked with (8)A . in public B . in person C . in surprise D . in agreement (9)A . new B . wide C . straight D . beautiful (10)A . steps B . books C . flowers D . dictionaries (11)A . though B . because C . so D . but (12)A . activity B . direction C . creativity

12、D . education (13)A . write B . follow C . remember D . discover (14)A . nobody B . anybody C . somebody D . everybody (15)A . in B . for C . about D . against 三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)14. (5分)从方框中选出适当的句子抄在空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项为多余选项。A: Hello, John. Here is the book. You lent it to me last week. Thank you very

13、much.B: Oh, youre welcome, Tin. _.A: Very much. Im sorry to have kept it so long. I havent had much time for reading these days.B: Thats all right. _A: Have you got any more books by the same writer?B: Yes, but I have lent it to Jim. Would you like to borrow it?A: Yes, please. Shall I ask Jim to pass it on to me when he has finished it?B: No, better let him return it to me and then _.A: Have you got anything else I can borrow now?B: Do you like science books? _.A: _


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