人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年小学英语四年级下册Unit 5 期末复习(单项选择)C卷.doc

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1、人教版(PEP)2019-2020学年小学英语四年级下册Unit 5 期末复习(单项选择)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选出不同类的单词。 (共4题;共8分)1. (2分)选出不同项( ) A . howB . driveC . walkD . ride2. (2分)hatA . skirt B . clothes3. (2分)Wait a minute. I will be back soon. A . hourB . beforeC . often4. (2分)找出不同类的单词( ) A . windowB

2、 . deskC . tree二、 单选题 (共23题;共46分)5. (2分)Is this your sister?No,_.A . I amB . it isC . its me6. (2分)_ are all in Class 3.A . You, he and IB . I, you and heC . He, I and you7. (2分)They put on _ coats. A . themB . theirC . they8. (2分)Whats that?Its .A . a fatB . fatC . a cat9. (2分)Is he tall?_ , hes sh

3、ort.A . Yes, he is.B . No, he isnt.C . No, he is.10. (2分)你想试试鞋,你应该说: A . I want to buy. B . Can I try them on?11. (2分)Lets a face. A . to drawcatsB . drawcatsC . drawcatsD . drawingcats12. (2分)_ summer, I swim in the lake. A . InB . OnC . At13. (2分)Look! The boys shells on the beach. A . is collecti

4、ngB . am collectingC . are collecting14. (2分)We _ our hobbies.A . all loveB . allC . all loves15. (2分) are the fish? They are in the river. A . WhereB . WhatC . Who16. (2分)The blue gloves are _. A . Li TaoB . Li TaosC . Li Mings17. (2分)Here _ are.A . you B . your18. (2分)_ do you go to the zoo?I take

5、 a taxi to the zoo.A . WhatB . HowC . Where19. (2分)It is _ sweater. A . DannyB . DannysC . Dannys20. (2分)What would you like _ Christmas? A . forB . /C . by21. (2分)Is it Sandys coat? Yes, it is .A . herB . sheC . hers22. (2分)What_you_? I can see a boat.A . can, seeB . do, doC . can, do23. (2分)Your b

6、ook is not as old as . A . himB . heC . hisD . she24. (2分)_a bird. I dont know _name.A . It, itsB . Its, itsC . Its, it25. (2分)_ students like their new teacher. A . EveryB . EachC . All26. (2分) _you finish your composition in time? I am afraid _. A . Can; notB . May; mustntC . Must; needntD . Can;

7、cant27. (2分) Are you happy? Yes, .A . She is B . I am三、 情景交际。 (共13题;共26分)28. (2分)当你向别人介绍你的朋友 Jim时,你可以说: A . My name is Jim.B . Im Jim.C . This is Jim.29. (2分)_ you like a cake? - No, thank you. A . DoB . WouldC . Are30. (2分)你觉得这件衬衫怎么样? A . Do you like this shirt? B . How do you like this shirt?31. (

8、2分)How old are you?_.A . Im very well.B . Im ten.C . Im fine.32. (2分)你想让别人和你一起打扫教室,你说:_. A . Let me clean the classroomB . Lets clean the classroomC . Lets clean the window33. (2分)Where does he work?_A . He goes to work by bus.B . He works in a gym.C . He wants to be a doctor.34. (2分)Where are you?

9、A . This is my room. B . Im in New York.35. (2分)A . face B . mouth36. (2分)你想试穿这件白色衬衫,你可以说: A . Can I try the white shirt on? B . Can I try them on?37. (2分)当你把你的朋友介绍给别的伙伴时,你应该说:A . Nice to meet you.B . This is Miss Green.C . Im Miss Green38. (2分)这是给你的。A . Its for me. B . Its for you.39. (2分)Can I hel

10、p you?_A . Yes, please.B . I like them.C . Yes, it is.40. (2分)你想知道眼前的东西是什么,你会问: A . Whats your name?B . How are you?C . Whats this?第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 选出不同类的单词。 (共4题;共8分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、二、 单选题 (共23题;共46分)5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、三、 情景交际。 (共13题;共26分)28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、


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