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1、1 商丘市一高商丘市一高 2017 12017 18 8 学年第一学期期中考试学年第一学期期中考试 高二英语试卷高二英语试卷 第一部分 阅读理解 共两节 阅读理解 共两节 满分满分 4040 分 分 第一节 共 15 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 30 分 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出最佳选项 并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑 A A AnAn UnexpectedUnexpected StormStorm This is a story about an extreme storm in Moscow It happened two and a half years

2、 ago It was the first time in my life that I saw such a strong storm For Moscow it was very unusual and nobody predicted this storm before it happened It was a sunny day in July and I was at home alone watching TV The windows and the door to the balcony were wide open because the weather was so hot

3、Suddenly I felt a strong wind from outside I wanted to close the window and came near I looked out of the window and saw a black sky and trees blowing over because of the strong wind I tried to close the window but the wind made me fall down I was afraid that the glass might break I stood up and tri

4、ed to close the window again but it was not possible because the wind was now stronger and it was pushing the window open I ran into the bathroom and took the mop to close the window It worked When I looked outside the tree in front of my window was flat on the ground and there was strong thunder an

5、d lightning I decided to pull out all the electrical plugs which took about 10 seconds A sportsman would have envied my speed When I finished I looked outside It was terrible and I understood how people are helpless compared to the power of nature Suddenly the wind stopped and it began to hail 下冰雹 T

6、he ice was the size of grapes After 10 minutes everything stopped and the sun shone as before It was strange A few minutes later the phone began to ring every five minutes It was my friends or relatives We asked each other how it was and how we felt after the storm Many trees died because of the sto

7、rm For a few days the people helped clean 2 parks and gardens Some people s cars were damaged by trees falling on them After one week it was history already This is my story about an extreme storm in Moscow It shows us that we are children of nature and we must respect her 21 How did the weather cha

8、nge according to the passage A Sunny and hot thunder and lightning windy hail sunny B Sunny and hot windy hail thunder and lightning sunny C Sunny and hot windy thunder and lightning hail sunny D Sunny and hot thunder and lightning hail windy sunny 22 What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5

9、 mean A I could run faster than a sportsman B I did all the things in a flash C I could stay at home on a stormy day D I was admired by the sportsman for my speed 23 What did the author learn from the unexpected storm A We should respect nature B Everything will be history C We should help each othe

10、r D The disaster will be predicted B Other people may have their own agenda 议程 for our life we can value their input but we don t have to take it to heart As children our parents had dreams for us They warned us to do well in school and to do whatever was necessary to reach our highest potential Lat

11、er in life friends may try to set us up with their idea of the perfect partner or the perfect job People close to us may have ideas about how we should live our lives ideas that usually come from love and the desire for us to be happy Other times they come from a place of need within them whether it

12、 is the parent who wants us to live out his or her dreams or the friend who wants us to play an already defined role Whatever the case we can appreciate and consider those people s input but finally we must follow our own guidance There may come a time when all the suggestions can become overbearing

13、 霸道的 3 We may feel that the people we love don t approve of our judgment which can hurt our feelings It can disturb the choices we make for our lives by making us doubt ourselves before we ve had a chance to decide what we want We can tell our loved ones how much we appreciate their thoughts and ide

14、as but that we need to live our own lives and make our own decisions We can explain that they need to let us learn from our own experiences When they see that we are happy with our lives and the path we are taking to reach our goals they can make sure that all we need them to do is to share in our j

15、oy 24 People close to us often tell us ideas to show their A concern B authority C potential D happiness 25 What should we do when we disagree with our friends advice A Prove that our choices are right B Make them follow our decisions C Let them know we should make our own decisions D Tell them our

16、choice directly without compromise 26 What may be the best title for the text A Appreciating suggestions B Offering suggestions C Accepting suggestions D Exchanging suggestions C In addition to the official basketball world various other types of basketball are practiced around the world WheelchairWheelchair BasketballBasketball Wheelchair basketball was invented in 1946 by former American basketball players who after wartime injury wanted once again to experience the excitement of a highly athl


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