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6、入世的事业”,将现实生活艺术化,在忙碌的生活中懂得怡情养性,赋情感于形象之中,通过艺术形象来获得心灵的解脱,在艺术的王国里获得精神的自由。第四章从人生经历和人生取向的角度分析比较尼采唯意志论美学思想对鲁迅、朱光潜影响的不同以及本文研究的当代意义。总之,尼采唯意志论思想之于现代中国的主要意义,一方面在于他给鲁迅这样的意在扫荡社会弊端的战士提供了精神鼓舞,另一方面也为像朱光潜这样致力于学术文化和人之精神建设的知识人拓展了生命意义之源,更重要的是它促进了主体性的觉醒和人的全面自由发展。【英文摘要】The ultimate proposition of exploring the essence of

7、 man and the world, t he meaning of life and freedom is pondered by successive sages and philosop hers. As the ideological founder of voluntarism, Schopenhauer puts aside the path of detaching mind and matter, observing the world and mans freedom fr om the point of mans needs and aesthetics, he note

8、s that the will is a kind of groundless, aimless, and endless pursuit of desires and impulses,which is fil led with the entire universe, constituting the essence of the world, the object o f life will create the appearance of the world. Because of the endless desires, man is bound to be painful, the

9、 ultimate way to relieve the pain of death is t o deny the will, the art can make people temporarily break the shackles of wil 1 and desires, forget individuality and yourselves, get a moment of comfort.Nietzsche inherits Schopenhauers idea that the will is the origin of life a nd the idea of ontolo

10、gy, but he fundamentally opposes to the idea that denies the meaning of life and freedom. Nietzsche believes that Life Will means etern al impulse and instinct, pain of life is not terrible, it is just used to reveal Li fe Will,to promote creation. Life Will never means “survival of the fittest”, pa

11、 ssive adaptation and self-preservation, but “the pursuit of the expansion of powe r” is to get advantage, development and strong power. Superman Zarathustra is a typical representative of powerful will. Nietzsches superman theory strongl y opposes Schopenhauers pessimistic attitude,which is full of

12、 optimism fighti ng atmosphere, paying close attention to people and reforming them, but suff using contradictions and dross.Nietzsches voluntarism aesthetics is based on his ontology of voluntarism taking the unity of opposites about Dionysian spirit and Sun God to make it parable,pursuing the powe

13、rful will and eternal creation, opposing the rationality first, knowledge universal mediocrity and decadence, endowing life aesthetic meaning and artistic taste, being full of human feelings, fighting atmosphere an d thought of dialectics The Paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter in

14、troduces the m ajor source of Nietzsches voluntarism, making a comment of Nietzsches power ful will, the basic content of Superman, focusing on the analysis of Nietzsches view of voluntarism aesthetics, describing the spread of Nietzsches voluntaris m in China briefly. Nietzsche is a writer and thin

15、ker who expresses his politic al ideals of in literary, and its aesthetics ideas are mainly embodied in The Bir th of Tragedy, characterized by facing up to life suffering, affirming Life Will, centering on the unity of opposites of the Sun God (Apollo) and Bacchus (Dionysus) spirit, giving metaphys

16、ical basis and comfort to life. analyzing th e unity of opposites of Sun God and Dionysian spirit in-depth. it results in the history of Greek art and culture, analyzing the basic characteristics of the Gre ek arts, focusing on revealing the origin and the essence of ancient Greek trag edy,probing the relationship among art and life and the national spirit,putting forward to propagating the Dionysian spirit, playing its full role of tragedy part icularly to inspire people, sh



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