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1、 1 河北省邢台市第七中学河北省邢台市第七中学 2017 20182017 2018 学年高二英语下学期期中试题 无学年高二英语下学期期中试题 无 答案 答案 第一部分第一部分 听力 共两节 听力 共两节 每小题每小题 1 1 5 5 分 分 满分满分 3030 分 分 1 What is the woman going to do next A Attend a meeting B See the manager C Do some translation 2 What does the man remind the woman to take A A bathing suit B A ca

2、mera C Sunglasses 3 How does the man suggest going A Bu bus B on foot C by bike 4 What will the woman do this Saturday A Go to the cinema B Go for a picnic C Go to work 5 What color was the woman s bedroom before A Pink B blue C green 6 How long will the man have to walk before the sees the bus stop

3、 A For about five minutes B For about ten minutes C For about fifteen minutes 7 Where is the subway station A On the right of the post office B On the left of the post office C On the left of the bus stop 8 When did the headmaster s speech end A At 8 30 B at 9 30 C at 10 00 9 What kind of club is th

4、e man going to sign up for A Film B Music C Chess 10 How many people went boating on the first day A Two B Three C Four 11 What did the man do on the third day A He went fishing B He went swimming C He went climbing 12 What will the man do next A Fetch his cellphone B Take some pictures C Find his c

5、amera 13 What was the woman s first job 2 A A tour guide B A hotel clerk C A marketing manager 14 What helped the woman a lot during her business trip in France A Being able to speak French B Having been to the country before C Knowing some famous people in tourism 15 Where is the woman now A In Chi

6、na B In Switzerland C In Singapore 16 Why is the woman interested in this new job A It will pay her well B It will offer lots of train travel C It will be easier than the present one 17 How should the students deal with new words while reading A By using a dictionary B By having a discussion C By pa

7、ying little attention 18 What will the students do after listening to the material A Write down the main idea B Answer some questions C Retell the story 19 What is the composition mainly about A Pets B Health C Family 20 How long will the listening and speaking exercises last A Half of the class B A

8、 third of the class C A quarter of the class 第二部分 阅读理解 共两节 第二部分 阅读理解 共两节 满分满分 4040 分 分 第一节 第一节 共共 1515 小题 小题 每小题每小题 2 2 分 分 满分满分 3030 分 分 阅读下面短文 阅读下面短文 从每题所给的从每题所给的 A A B B C C 和和 D D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 四个选项中选出最佳选项 A If you go to Brisbane Australia you can easily get a small book called Discover Brisbane f

9、ree The book tells you almost everything in Brisbane the restaurants the shops the cinemas the streets the buses the trains the banks etc Here is something about on page 49 ANZ Banking Group Corner of Greek Queen Streets 228 3228 Bank of New Zealand 410 Queen Street 221 0411 3 Bank of Queensland 229

10、 Elizabeth Street 229 3122 Commonwealth Banking Group 240 Queen Street 237 3111 National Australia Bank Ltd 225 Adelaide Street 221 6422 Westpac Banking Corp 260 Queen Street 227 2666 Banking Hours Mon Thurs 9 30 a m to 4 p m Fri 9 30 a m to 5 p m All banks close Sat Sun Public Holidays 21 From the

11、material we can know A Brisbane is a city in Australia B Discover Brisbane is expensive C Discover Brisbane has about 49 pages D Discover Brisbane tells you everything in Brisbane 22 You can find Bank of Queensland on A Queen Street B Elizabeth Street C Adelaide Street D the corner of Greek Street a

12、nd Queen Street 23 At 5 30 p m you can go to to put your money in or take your money out A no banks B ANZ Banking Group C National Australia Bank Ltd D Commonwealth Banking Group 24 In Australia the banks have their longest service hours on A Fridays B Mondays and Thursdays C weekends D public holid

13、ays B Green is an important color in nature It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees It is the color of most growing plants too Sometimes the word green means young fresh and growing Sometimes it describes something that is not yet finished or plants that are not ripe For example a greenhorn

14、 is someone who has no experience who is new to a situation 4 In the fifteenth century a greenhorn was a young cow or ox whose horns had not yet developed A century or so later a greenhorn was a soldier who had not yet had any experience in war 战争 By the eighteenth century a greenhorn had the meanin

15、g it has today a person who is new in a job About one hundred years ago greenhorn was a popular expression in the American west Old timers used it to describe a man who had just arrived from one of the big cities in the east The greenhorn didn t have the skills that he would need to live in the hard

16、 rough country Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb The expression comes from the early nineteen hundreds A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well You might say that the woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died The Green Revolution 革命 is the name which was given some years ago to the development of new kinds of rice and other grains The new pla


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