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1、英语泛读教程3 Unit 3课前预习思考题:1 According to Richard Wiseman, why cant the audience perceive the secret actions performed by a magician in front of them? Could you give an example?2 Why are people suffering from autism less likely to be cheated by magicians?3 According to Wiseman, how do magicians manipulat

2、e our consciousness? Give an example to show that.4 What is the magic spot according to Parris? Why are scientists trying to map out how our brains are deceived? 5 Do you think magic will lose its appeal if psychologists can find out the way magicians trick our brains? Why or why not? Words and Expr

3、essions:Text: Bursting The Magic Bubble1. tinge: verb&nounv: tinge sth with sth: to add a small amount of color to sth(轻微地给。着色,给。染色;to add a small amount of a particular emotion or quality with disapproval 使略带。感情/性质)His dark hair was just tinged with grey.他有少许白发a look of surprise tinged with disappr

4、oval带有几分不满的惊奇神情noun: a small amount of a colour, feeling or quality淡淡的色调或痕迹to feel a tinge of envy/regret/sadness感到几分嫉妒/遗憾/悲伤【形近词】:tingle: n&v: 感到刺痛;刺痛感;兴奋感The cold air made her face tingle冷空气冻得她脸发痛2. scramble: noun&verbnoun: a situation in which people push, fight or compete with each other in orde

5、r to get or do sth争抢,抢占,争夺;a difficult walk or climb艰难行走,爬,攀登There was a mad scramble for best seats人们不顾一切地抢占最好的座位:verb: to move quickly, especially with difficulty, using your hands to help you in order to get or reach sth迅速而吃力地爬,攀登,争抢,抢占,争夺He managed to scramble over the wall她好不容易翻过墙The audience s

6、crambled for the exits.观众竞相朝出口涌去 scrambled eggs with tomatoes番茄炒蛋3. surreal: adj. very strange, more like a dream than reality, with ideas and images mixed together in a strange way离奇的,怪诞的,梦幻般的,超现实的 surrealism: 超现实主义4. conjuror: noun: (also conjurer ) a person conjure: to do clever tricks such as ma

7、king things to appear or disappear as if by magic变魔法,变戏法PHRV CONJURE UP: to make sth appear as a picture in your mind使。呈现于脑际,使想起 SYNEVOKEWhen we think of adventures, many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole.当我们想到探险,脑海中便呈现出那些与众不同的到北极探险的英雄人物5. vanish: to d

8、isappear suddenly or/and in a way that you cant explain(莫名其妙地)突然消失to stop existing消亡,绝迹 The magician vanished in a puff of smoke魔术师在一股烟中突然不见了6. map sth out: to plan or arrange sth in a careful and detailed way(精心细致地)规划,安排Te has his career path clearly mapped out他精心规划了自己的前途7. mechanic: 机械师,技工;(the me

9、chanics)pls the way sth works or is done方法,手段 The mechanics of some tricks by contemporary magicians同时代魔术大师的一些魔术原理8. aside from :( especially AmE) =apart from, as well as:出了。外(都);此外,加之Ive finished apart from/aside from the last question9. in full swing: (of music) having reached a very lively level在

10、热烈进行中;处于兴盛阶段When we arrived the party was already in full swing and the dance floor was crowded.我们赶到时,聚会已进入高潮,舞池里挤满了人swing: n&v: 摆动,摇摆,秋千10. showmanship: skills in doing things in an entertaining way and getting a lot of attention主持演出的 技巧,主持艺术、表演技能showman: a person who organizes public entertainment

11、s, especially at FAIRGROUNDS (尤指露天游乐场的)演出主持人,演出经纪人;善于引起公众注意的人,喜欢出风头的人11. implicit:adj: suggested without being directly expressed含蓄的,不直接言明的Implicit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty.他话语之中的言外之意是设定他们有罪12. blow sb away: to impress sb a lot or to make them very happy给某人留下深刻印象,使某人很高兴

12、13dexterity:n: skill in using your hands, the ability to do sth skillfully (手) 灵巧,熟练,敏捷,技巧技能You need manual dexterity to be good at video games 完好电子游戏手要灵巧mental/verbal dexterity智能/说话技巧14. impoverish: to make sb poor; to make sth worse in quality使贫穷,使贫瘠,使枯竭impoverished peasants赤贫的农民 the impoverished

13、areas of the city这个城市的贫民区These changes are likely to impoverish single parent families even further.这些变革很可能使单亲家庭更加贫困15. sleight: IDM sleight of hand: skillful movements of your hands that other people cannot see; an act of deceiving people in a clever way(隐蔽的)敏捷手法,灵巧手法;把戏,花招sleigh: a sledge, vehicle

14、 that slides over snow, especially one pulled by horse (尤指马拉的)雪橇16. blurred:adj, not clear, without a clear outline or shapeShe suffered from dizziness and blurred vision她饱受头晕目眩视物模糊之苦Everything is a blur when I take my glasses off. 我摘掉眼镜什么都变得模糊不清17. impair:to damage sth or make sth worse损害,削弱His age

15、 impaired his chance of finding a new job他的年纪影响了他找新工作的机会impaired: adj. damaged or not functioning受损的,损坏的,出毛病的;having the type of physical or mental problem mentioned有(身体或智力)缺陷的,有。障碍的hearing-impaired children听力受损的儿童 impairment: noun18. kinetic: adj. of or produced by movement运动的,运动引起的 psychokinetic a

16、bility意念控制能 力19. static: adj. not moving, changing or developing静止的,静态的,停滞的,静力的【OPP】DYNAMICa static population level稳定的人口水平 The balance sheet provides a static picture of the financial position at a point in time资产负债表反映出某一时间的财务状况static electricity静电20. voiceover / voice-over : information or comments in a film/



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