自考高英上Lesson the use of forceppt课件.ppt

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《自考高英上Lesson the use of forceppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《自考高英上Lesson the use of forceppt课件.ppt(78页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson three The Use of Force 1 SESSION ONE PREVIEW 2 2 In May 1963 he was posthumously awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems 1962 and the Gold Medal for Poetry of the National Institute of Arts and Letters William Carlos Williams 3 Discuss What is the story about Do

2、you think the little girl is spoiled or not Is there any difference between the East and the West when the girl s behavior is concerned 4 4 Words and expressions Apologetic adj 道歉的 认错的 辩护的 Apologetic Movement Jesus Apologetic 耶稣会 Apologetic shrug speech statements Apologize v 道歉 认错 for sth to sb Apo

3、logy n 道歉 a poor apology make accept an apology Apology accepted Apologist 辩护者 护教论者 defender justifier 5 Apprehension n 畏惧 忧虑 逮捕 Be under the apprehension that 唯恐 担心 Entertain have apprehension s of for 对 担心 Apprehend v 逮捕 抓获 领会 理解 对 疑 虑 担心 Apprehensive apprehensible Comprehend 理解 包含 Comprehensive 综

4、合的 广泛的 有理解力的 Comprehension 理解 包含 Listening comprehension is an active and complicated cognitive process Comprehension test 6 Coax 哄劝 劝诱 coax sb to do sth 诱哄某人去干 某事 coax sb into doing sth 诱哄某人去干 某事 coax sth out of sb 哄骗某人东西 The problem is no one knows how to coax kids into sleeping more On the fourth

5、 day they said to Samson s wife coax your husband into explaining the riddle for us or we will burn you and your father s household to death Trick Trick sb into doing sth Play a trick on sb Trick or treat 7 Desist 停止 终止 控制 打消念头 Desist from sth doing The Ministry of Internal Security urges you to des

6、ist from sending or forwarding any SMS that may cause public unrest Insist 坚持 坚决主张 Insist on upon sth doing Even if the host tells you not to bring anything it is polite to insist on bringing wine at least as a gift in exchange for their hospitality Resist 抵抗 抗拒 忍耐 resistance 8 Hysterical 歇斯底里的 发狂般的

7、 Hysteria n 狂躁症 癔症 crazy Mad insane Lunatic Out of one s mind 9 Instinctively 本能 Instinct n 本能 天性 Nature n 自然 本质 By instinct 出于本能 Have an instinct for 有 的天分 生来就 On instinct 本能 凭直觉 Maternal instinct 母性本能 We choose our friends by instinct but we keep them by judgment These animals have an instinct for

8、 of protecting themselves from being extinct 10 In inside Inward Internal introverted Out outside Outward External extroverted 11 Muscle n 肌肉 Muscular a 肌肉的 Masculine a 男性的 阳 刚的 男子气概的 Masculinity n 男性气概 12 Over Over 过度 的 Overpower 制服 压服 Overeat Overdrink Overstay Overstay one s welcome 13 Profusion

9、n 大量 丰富 In profusion a great amount quantity of sth The roses in the garden grow in profusion He makes promises in profusion but never realizes them Profuse adj 丰富 generous lavish abundant plentiful rich The critics were profuse in their praise of the new novel He was profuse in his thanks for the h

10、elp Be profuse with one s money 14 Culture n 文化 V 细胞培养 cultivate Depressor V depress Depression The Great Depression 15 勇敢 英勇 Valiant Brave bravery Courageous courage 胆量 Nerve Gut Have the nerve to do sth Have guts to do sth 有勇气做某事 16 HOMEWORK read the text try to understand the text as much as you

11、can answer the questions in Exercise A 17 18 SESSION TWO TEXT 18 Discuss Why wasn t the sick girl in bed Why were the girl s parents eyeing the doctor up and down distrustfully What made the girl refuse to open her mouth to the doctor Why did the doctor insist on examining her throat Did the girl s

12、physical beauty have anything to do with the outcome of the incident Explain Can you find any fault with the doctor s behavior 1919 Text analysis and language study 1 startle v to disturb suddenly as surprise The noise startled me out of my sleep Startling starling news startling discovery disturbin

13、g frightening Startled Surprise astonish amaze 20 damp wet moist humid 潮湿的 Damp 轻度潮湿 使人感觉不舒服的 I don t like damp weather wet 指 含水分或其他液体的 湿的 如 be wet to the skin moist指 微湿的 湿润的 常含 不十分干 此湿度是 令人愉快的 意思 Grasses were moist with dew Humid 正式用语 空气中湿度大的 如 In the east the air is humid in summer humidity 21 3 E

14、ye sb up and down 上下打量 Observe watch look attentively at They eyed the stranger up and down glare at stare at glance at 4 Be up to sb to do sth be one s responsibility to do sth 由 负责做 It s my duty to do It s up to you to break the news to him It s up to them to make the change It s up to sb 由 决定 22

15、Take a shot at sth doing 尝试做某事 Let me have a shot at it He s having a shot at cooking the dinner The wonderful shots of goals are usually shown again in slow motion shot n 射击 开枪 射手 球 射门 投篮 发射宇宙飞船 火 箭 机会 努力 Shot sth sb Shot at sth sb big shot 大人物 要员 23 7 in my best professional manner 以我最好的职业方式 manne

16、r a way of doing things 做事情的方式 manner courtesy 礼貌 good manner 有礼貌 It s bad manner to speak with your mouth full In a friendly manner In a timely manner In a money efficient manner In a time consuming manner 24 If only VS only if If only 要是 就好了 强烈感情 几乎不可能实现 If only he arrives in time Only if 惟有 才 Only if a serious crisis should arise the public would have to be informed of its full implication 25 Get somewhere 略有进展 He s finally told us the price now we re getting somewhere We can t get anywhere i



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