20180911 双宾语+复合宾语

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《20180911 双宾语+复合宾语》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《20180911 双宾语+复合宾语(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 My parent bought a gift for me My parent bought me a gift 主语语谓语谓语间间接 宾宾 语语 直接 宾语宾语 基本句型 四 双宾语 IO IO 主 主 谓谓 间宾间宾 直 直宾宾 此句型的句子有一个共同特点 谓语动 词必须跟有两个宾语 才能表达完整的意思 这 两个宾语 一个是动作的直接承受者 另一个是 动作的间接承受者 通常这一间接承受者用一个介词来连接 当动作的间接承受者在动作的直接承受者之前 时 这一介词往往被省略 vt IO 间宾 多指人 直宾 多指物 1 Mary 2 The doctor 3 He 4 My parents 5

2、 I 6 The coach 7 They 8 The manager passed cooks brought bought am showing gave told showed him her son his monitor me Mary him me me a new dress a delicious meal a dictionary a lot of gifts my pictures a hand that the bus was late how to run the machine For e g 父亲将为我买个随身听 My father will buy me a wa

3、lkman 用for改写 buy sth for sb My father will buy a walkman for me To e g 他已经告诉我真相 He has told me the truth 他已经把真相告诉我 用to改写 tell sth to sb He has told the truth to me pass me the dictionary pass the dictionary to me lend me five Yuan lend five Yuan to me save me lots of time save lots of time for me si

4、ng you a song sing a song for you 常跟双宾语 的动词 有 可以转换为 介词to的短语 bring give lend hand offer pass return send pay promise show teach tell ask等 可以转换为 介词for的短语 buy cook choose draw find get make order sing save spare等 无法改变结 构的 ask answer take cost等 It takes me two hours to finish my homework The machine cos

5、ts him 200 yuan 基本句型 五 主 主 谓谓 宾宾 宾补宾补 此句型的句子的共同特点是 动词虽 然是 及物动词 但是只跟一个宾语 还不能表达 完整的意思 必须加上一个补充成分来补 足宾语 才能使意思完整 七种句子成分 主 谓谓 宾宾 表 定 状 补 宾语补宾语补 足 语语 用来补充说明宾语 的情况 一般 由形容词 名词 不定式 分词 和介词短语等充当 这种句型中的 宾语 宾补 可统称为 复合宾语 Mr Wang finds the story interesting 主语语谓语谓语 宾宾 语语 宾补宾补 复合宾语宾语 常用的动词 如 get feel see hear have

6、make let keep call find tell ask 及 物 宾语 宾补 1 A cold 2 The worker 3 You 4 The secretary 5 What 6 We 7 He 8 Tom 9 I 10 He kept painted can call found makes saw asked let saw makes the little boy the wall me his umbrella her them me his brother the couple his guests in bed for three days green Mary los

7、t sad out to come back soon lock the door getting on the bus laugh 区分主谓双宾和主谓宾宾补 We made John our monitor 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语 We made John a cake 主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语 He told me to come earlier He told me an interesting story 1 The soldiers look very happy 2 John visited the doctor yesterday 3 They are playing 4 Mrs Black helped his son brush his teeth 5 Jenny bought a watch for him 6 His mother gave him a new dictionary 7 I hear her singing in the classroom 8 The girl opened the window 9 Catherine and Tiffany live in Zoucheng 10 The leaves are turning green



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