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1、.四年级下册Unit1单元测试一、看图,根据上下文,在句子的空格处填上适当的词。(每格一词)(10分) Welcome to my . There are 28 here. Look! This is the new .That is the . The is green, and the is white. We have five , and eight . There are fifty and .二、根据所给的图片,将问题补充完整。(10分)1、Is that a library? 1、 2、 3、 2、Is this an art room? 4、 5、3、This .4、That

2、. 5、Where is the playground? 九、从B中选择合适的答案回答A的问题,把序号填到前面的括号中。(10分)A B1、( ) Lets go the library. A、Yes, I do.2、( ) Where is the teachers office ? B、Yes, it is.3、( ) Do you have lunch at school ? C、 Forty-six.4、( ) How many desks are there in your class? D、OK.5、( ) Is that your pencil ? E、Its on the fi

3、rst floor.十、阅读理解,从AB两个句子中,选择合适的选项,将其编号写在题前括号里。 Welcome to my school. There are 30 classrooms in my school. Look, this is a big playground . In this building(大楼), you can see the gym, the library and the art room are on the first floor. There are many story-books and picture books in the library. You

4、 can read books in it. My classroom is on the second floor. Its big and clean. I like it.( )1、There are classrooms in my school. A、thirty B、thirteen( )2、The playground is . A、small B、big( )3、The library is on the floor. A、first B、second( )4、My classroom is . A、clean B、small( )5、I my school. A、dont l

5、ike B、likeUnit 2测试题一、根据下面每句话的意思和图片的提示,在空格中填上适当的单词,使句子完整。 1、Its . Its time to go to .2、What time is it ? .3、Its . Its time for class. 4、Is this a TV room? .5、What time is it? .二、看图,填空。Look, is a clock. time is it ? . Its for class. .You can see two , six and .三、选择填空。1、( )Its time go to school. A、to B

6、、 of C、for 2、( ) that the art room? No, .A、Is is itnt. B、Is it isnt. C、Do it is.3、( ) is the computer room? Its the first floor. A、Whereon B、 What on C、Wherein 4、( )Look my clock. Its nice. A、in B、 at C、on 5、( ) is it? Its seven oclock. A、How much B、 How many C、What time 四、阅读理解,从AB两个句子中,选择合适的选项,将其编号

7、写在题前括号里。 Hello, my name is Amy. I get up at six forty. I have breakfast at 7:10. And then I go to school. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I have lunch in the canteen at school. I go home at four fifty. I have dinner at seven oclock. I go to bed at nine thirty.( )

8、1、I get up at . A、6:40 B、6:30( )2、I have at 7:10. A、lunch B、breakfast( )3、I have classes all day.(全天;一整天) A、four B、six( )4、I have lunch . A、at school B、at home( )5、I go to bed at . A、seven oclock B、nine thirtyUnit 3测试题听 力 部 分一、 根据录音内容,将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的图片下面的字母画圆圈圈住。(10分)1、 2、 3、 长裤 牛仔裤 A B A B A B4、 5

9、、A B A B二、 根据录音内容,判断下面各图是否与录音内容相符,相符的在该图片下面的括号里打“”,不符的打“”(10分)1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )一、 根据录音内容,在句子的空格中填上单词,将句子补充完整。(每格一词)(10分)1、Is this your ? No, its .2、This is my new . Its .3、What is your ? Its .4、These are .5、I like the sweater.四、根据录音内容,将下列衣物用蜡笔涂上相应的颜色。(10分)五、 根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适

10、的答案选出来,将其字母序号填入句子前面的括号里。(10分)( )1、A、Yes, its Johns . B、Yes, its my clock. C、Yes, it is.( )2、A、Its purple. B、Its on the first floor. C、Its 9:35.( )3、A、Theyre shoes. B、Its a jacket. C、Its my story-book.( )4、A、There are two. B、Its 6:08. C、Theyre four. ( )5、A、No, its my shirt. B、Its on the bed. C、Its Alices.六、听录音,判断下列说法是否正确,对“”,错的打“”。(10分)( )1、Its 7:30.( )2、Its time to get up.( )3、My skirt is blue.( )4、My sisters skirt is green.( )5、My skirt is on the chair.笔 试 部 分七、根据图意,把句子补充完整。(10分)


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