最新江苏译林版牛津英语7B unit 3所有词组与重点句式结构

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1、Unit 3 Comic and welcome 1. an old friend of mine = one of my friends我的一个朋友 2. come / go to do sth来/去做某事 3. There is nothing in the fridge .冰箱里什么也没有。4. Lets do sth .让我们做某事吧5. go to the supermarket 去超市6. wait a minute 稍等7. be enough for .对.来说是足够的 eg, It is enough for a tin of dog food .足够买一听狗食8. be +

2、adj.+enough to do sth足够. 做某事eg, He is old enough to look after himself.他足够大照顾自己。9. V. +adv. enough to do sth 足够. 做某事eg, He runs fast enough to catch up the bus .他跑得足够快能赶上公交车。10. a tin of .,一听.11. order a pizza订购比萨饼12. exchange students from the UK来自英国的交流学生13. a group of .,一组/群.14. enjoy Chinese food

3、享受/喜欢中国食物 15. watch films = watch a film看电影16. watch some wonderful films 看一些精彩的电影17. love playing football酷爱踢足球18. take sb to +sp带某人去某地19. our schools football field 我们学校的足球场20. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事21. invite sb to +sp邀请某人到某地22. an invitation letter一封邀请函23. have dinner with sb 与某人一起吃晚饭24. tr

4、y / taste some Chinese food 品尝一些中国食物Reading :25. a video about .一个关于.的录像26. There are lots of things to do in sp在某地有许多事可做27. stay in a quiet town 待在一个安静的小镇28. in the town centre = in the centre of the town 在镇中心29. local people本地人 30. like jogging in the morning 喜欢早上慢跑31. be far ( away ) from .,离.远32

5、. be close to .,离.近33. It takes sb some time to do sth .做某事花费多长时间做某事34. spend .( in ) doing sth 花费时间或金钱做某事(主语必须是人)35. spend .on .在.方面花费多少时间或钱36. cost sb +money 花费某人多少钱37. most things大多数东西38. buy some wonderful presents for sb 为某人买卖一些精美的礼物39. buy sb sth = buy sth for sb 为某人买某物40. be famous for .,以.而出

6、名41. eat Chinese food吃中餐42. many Chinese / western restaurants许多中国/西餐馆43. Why not do sth ?为什么不做某事?44. Why dont you do sth ?你(们)为什么不做某事?45. How / What about .?.怎么样?46. Would you like to do sth ?你愿意做某事吗?47. Lets do sth ,shall we ?让我们做某事,好吗?(双方一起做)48. Let us do sth , will you ?让我们做某事,好吗?(说话者单方面做)49. le

7、arn more about .了解许多有关.50. learn to do sth 学习/学会做某事51. learn from .,像. 学习52. learn how to do sth学习 /学会如何做某事 53. Chinese art中国艺术 54. enjoy Beijing opera欣赏京剧55. miss the opera shows错过京剧表演56. look forward to doing sth期盼做某事 57. a good place to do sth一个做某事的好地方 58. feel happy / well / better感觉快乐/好/更好59. k

8、nown by sb 被某人知道或认识60. the local theatre当地剧院61. the things in the shop62. -Whos speaking , please ?请问你是哪位?(电话用语) - This is .(speaking ).我是.(电话用语)63. May I speak to .?. 在吗?(电话用语)64. have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself玩得开心 65. have fun doing sth 开心做某事Grammar:66. call sb from sp 从某地给某人打电话67. be

9、long to .属于 .68. get mixed up混淆69. all over the place 70. next to.在.隔壁INTEGRATED SKILLS : 71. a day at the Palace Museum在故宫的一天72. read a poster about .读一则有关.的海报73. the shows at the Palace Museum 故宫的展出74. There are many things to see here .这儿有许多东西可看75. works of art 艺术品76. see works of art看艺术品77. Chin

10、ese paintings中国画78. see Chinese paintings看中国画79. many / much more .许多更多的.80. learn all about .了解许多有关 .81. Chinas history at the museum 博物馆里的中国历史 82. write down information about .记下有关.的信息83. make some notes做些记录84. make a plan for .制定 .的计划85. row a boat on the lake在湖上划船 86. What time shall we meet ?我

11、们将于何时碰头?87. in front of .在.前面(外部)88. in the front of .在.前面(内部)89. How far is it from the hotel ?它离旅馆多远STUDY SKILLS and TASK:90. own a four-bedroom flat 拥有一套4个卧室的公寓91. need some exercise books需要一些练习本92. go /come with sb = follow sb 跟随某人93. at the bookshop在书店94. watch TV on Sunday morning在星期天早上看电视95.

12、raise cows养奶牛96. grow wheat种小麦97. the buses to the town centre通向镇中心的公交车98. on a farm在农场99. smell the flowers闻到花香100. hear the birds sing 听到鸟鸣(经常性,强调结果)101. hear the birds singing听到鸟在叫(一次性,强调过程) 102. hear / see sb do sth 听到/看到某人做某事(经常性,强调结果)103. hear / see sb doing sth听到/看到某人正在做某事(一次性,强调过程) 104. row a boat划船105. know each other 互相了解106. be friendly to .对. 有好107. drive sb there开车送某人去那儿 108. drive sb to +sp开车送某人去某地 109. do the shopping 去购物110. enjoy our life (我们)享受生活111. a wonderful place to live 一个值得居住的极好地方


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