创业管理成功创建新企业 全套配套课件Feasibility Analysis Templates in Word zip Full Feasibility Analysis

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《创业管理成功创建新企业 全套配套课件Feasibility Analysis Templates in Word zip Full Feasibility Analysis》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《创业管理成功创建新企业 全套配套课件Feasibility Analysis Templates in Word zip Full Feasibility Analysis(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Full Feasibility AnalysisFrom “Preparing Effective Business Plans” by Bruce R. BarringerNote:All fields can be expanded to provide additional space to respond to the questions. A copy of this template, along with each of the assessment tools, is also available in PDF format at the authors Web site a

2、t of the proposed businessB.Name of the founder (or founders)C.One paragraph summary of the businessPart 1: Product/Service FeasibilityIssues Addressed in This PartA.Product/service desirabilityB.Product/service demand Assessment ToolsConcept Statement Test Write a concept statement for your produc

3、t/service idea. Show the concept statement to 5 to 10 people. Select people who will give you informed and candid feedback. Attached a blank sheet to the concept statement, and ask the people who read the statement to (1) tell you three things they like about your product/service idea, (2) provide t

4、hree suggestions for making it better, (3) tell you whether they think the product or service idea is feasible (or will be successful), and (4) share any additional comments or suggestions. Summarize the information you obtain from the concept statement into the following three categories:*Strengths

5、 of the product or service ideathings people who evaluated your product or service concept said they “liked” about the idea*Suggestions for strengthening the ideasuggestions made by people for strengthening or improving the idea*Overall feasibility of the product or service conceptreport the number

6、of people who thing the idea is feasible, the number of people who think it isnt feasible, and any additional comments that were made*Other comments and suggestionsBuying Intentions Survey Distribute the concept statement to 15 to 30 prospective customers (do not include any of the people who comple

7、ted the concept statement test) with the following buying intentions survey attached. Ask each participant to read the concept statement and complete the buying intentions survey. Record the number of people who participated in the survey and the results of the survey here. Along with the raw data r

8、ecorded here, report the percentage of the total number of people you surveyed that said they would probably buy or definitely would buy your product or service if offered.This percentage is the most important figure in gauging potential customer interest. One caveat is that people who say that they

9、 intend to purchase a product do notalways follow through, so the numbers resulting from this activity are almost always optimistic.Still, the numbers provide you with a preliminary indication of how your most likely customers will respond to your potential product or service offering.How likely wou

10、ld you be to buy the product or service described above?_ Definitely would buy_ Probably would buy_ Might or might not buy_ Probably would not buy_ Definitely would not buyAdditional questions may be added to the buying intentions survey.Conclusion (expand fields and report findings, in discussion f

11、orm, for each area)A.Product/service desirabilityB.Product/service demandC.Product/service feasibility (circle the correct response)Not Feasible Unsure FeasibleD.Suggestions for improving product/service feasibility.Part 2: Industry/Market FeasibilityIssues Addressed in This PartA.Industry attractiv

12、enessB.Target market attractivenessC.Timeliness of entry into the target marketAssessment ToolsIndustry Attractiveness To the extent possible, assess the industry at the five-digit NAICS code level your potential business will be entering. Use a broader industry category (less NCICS digits) if appro

13、priate (http:/www.census.gov/epcd/www/naicstab.htm). Assess the attractiveness of the industry the potential business plans to enter on each of the following dimensions. Industry Attractiveness Assessment Tool (used to assess the broad industry, rather than the specific target market, you plan to en

14、ter) Low Potential Moderate Potential High Potential 1.Number of competitorsManyFewNone2.Age of industryOldMiddle agedYoung 3.Growth rate of industryLittle or no growthModerate growthStrong growth4.Average net income for firms in the industryLowMediumHigh5.Degree of industry concentrationConcentrate

15、dNeither concentrated nor fragmentedFragmented6.Stage of industry life cycle Maturity phase or decline phaseGrowth phaseEmergence phase7.Importance of industrys products and/or services to customers“Ambivalent” “Would like to have”“Must have”8.Extent to which business and environmental trends are moving in favor of the industryLowMediumHigh9.Number of exciting



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