管理学第版 练习题 附答案 .doc

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1、最新可编辑 word 文档 Chapter 6 Decision Making The Essence of the Manager s Job TRUE FALSE QUESTIONS THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS 1 Problem identification is purely objective 2 The second step in the decision making process is identifying a problem 3 A decision criterion defines what is relevant in a decisi

2、on 4 The fourth step of the decision making process requires the decision maker to list viable alternatives that could resolve the problem 5 Once the alternatives have been identified a decision maker must analyze each one 6 The step in the decision making process that involves choosing a best alter

3、native is termed implementation THE MANAGER AS DECISION MAKER 7 Making decisions is with the essence of management 8 Managerial decision making is assumed to be rational 9 One assumption of rationality is that we cannot know all of the alternatives 10 Managers tend to operate under assumptions of bo

4、unded rationality 11 Studies of the events leading up to the Challenger space shuttle disaster point to an escalation of commitment by decision makers 12 Managers regularly use their intuition in decision making 13 Rational analysis and intuitive decision making are complementary 14 Programmed decis

5、ions tend to be repetitive and routine 15 Rules and policies are basically the same 16 A policy is an explicit statement that tells a manager what he or she ought or ought not to do 17 The solution to nonprogrammed decision making relies on procedures rules and policies 最新可编辑 word 文档 18 Most manager

6、ial decisions in the real world are fully nonprogrammed 19 The ideal situation for making decisions is low risk 20 Risk is the condition in which the decision maker is able to estimate the likelihood of certain outcomes 21 Risk is a situation in which a decision maker has neither certainty nor reaso

7、nable probability estimates 22 People who have a low tolerance for ambiguity and are rational in their way of thinking are said to have a directive style 23 Decision makers with an analytic style have a much lower tolerance for ambiguity than do directive types 24 Individuals with a conceptual style

8、 tend to be very broad in their outlook and will look at many alternatives 25 Behavioral style decision makers work well with others 26 Most managers have characteristics of analytic decision makers 27 According to the boxed feature Managing Workforce Diversity diverse employees tend to make decisio

9、ns faster than a homogeneous group of employees 28 The anchoring effect describes when decision makers fixate on initial information as a starting point and then once set they fail to adequately adjust for subsequent information 29 The availability bias describes when decision makers try to create m

10、eaning out of random events 30 The sunk cost error is when decision makers forget that current choices cannot correct the past DECISION MAKING FOR TODAY S WORLD 31 Today s business world revolves around making decisions usually with complete or adequate information and under minimal time pressure 32

11、 Managers need to understand cultural differences to make effective decisions in today s fast moving world 33 According to the boxed feature Focus on Leadership when identifying problems managers might be from a culture that is focused on problem solving or their culture might be one of situation ac

12、ceptance 最新可编辑 word 文档 34 According to the boxed feature Focus on Leadership findings from studies by Geert Hofstede and from GLOBE researchers show that in high uncertainty avoidance countries decision making tends to be based more on intuition than on formal analysis 35 Highly reliable organizatio

13、ns HROs are easily tricked by their success MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS For each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS 36 Decision making is typically described as which is a view that is too simplistic a deciding what is correct b put

14、ting preferences on paper c choosing among alternatives d processing information to completion 37 A series of eight steps that begins with identifying a problem and concludes with evaluating the decision s effectiveness is the a decision making process b managerial process c maximin style d bounded

15、rationality approach 38 is the existence of a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs a An opportunity b A solution c A weakness d A problem 39 In identifying the problem a manager pares the current state of affairs with where they would like to be b expects problems to be def

16、ined by neon lights c looks for discrepancies that can be postponed d will not act when there is pressure to make a decision 40 Which of the following statements is true concerning problem identification a Problems are generally obvious b A symptom and a problem are basically the same c Well trained managers generally agree on what is considered a problem d The problem must be such that it exerts some type of pressure on the manager to act 41 What is the second step in the decision making proces



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