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1、-1. About 8000 years ago,Great Britain become an island.2. Anglo-Saxons tribe invaded Britain after Roman Invasion.3.Norman conquest began in 1066.4. Henry VII was the first Tudor King.5.The legislature means the elected body that passes new laws.6. The current PM of the UK is David Cameron.7.The gr

2、ammar school in modern Britain emphasizes academic studies and offers more subjects than any other secondary schools.8. The most Widely-read novel by Jane Ansten is Pride and Prejudice.9. public school are the foundation -layers of the English education.10. When you are invited to a dinner,you must

3、be punctual.11. The union Flag of the UK is also called Union Jack.12. Britains major minerals are coal iron ore ,tin ore ,lead ore ,oil and gas,among which coal and oil are the most important.13.The main purpose of the Great charter was to restrict the kings power.14. English belongs to the Germani

4、c group of Indo-European family of languages.15.The Germanic attack on Rome occupation in Britain in 410.16. By the late 7th century.Roman Christianity became the dominant religion in England.17.The Norman Conquest marked the establishment of the feudalism in England.18.The end of the Wars of the Ro

5、ses led to the rule of the House of Tudor.1.Norman Conquest【William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, invaded and conquered England and the Anglo-Saxon in 1066.Norman French became the official language.】2.Alfred the Great【A peace treaty: the eastern half of the island was to be subject to the Da

6、nish law and come to be known as the DanelawFrom 1016 to 1042, under the rule of Danish kings.In 1042, the English throne was returned to the Anglo-Saxons He founded a strong fleet and is known as “ the father of the British navy”. He reorganized the Saxon army. He translated a Latin book into Engli

7、sh. He also established schools and formulated a legal system. 】3. Hundred YearsWar (13371453)【 a series of wars fought between England and France over trade, territory, security and the throne. promoted the concept of English nationalism. promoted the development of the textile industry. raised the

8、 social position of the bourgeois class.】4. the Glorious Revolution【 1688: joint sovereign of William and Mary. 1689: Bill of Rights (limited the power of the monarch and guaranteed the authority of Parliament ) removed the ruling monarch and established Constitutional Monarchy.】5. the Industrial Re

9、volution【The Industrial Revolution took root in British for a variety of reasons. First, British had a huge market.second,form the colonies in America and India ,England acquired enormous wealth with to develop its industries.Third,the enclosure movement (圈地运动)deprived small landowners of their prop

10、erty.By the middle of 19th century, the Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain. Its influence is that Britain changed in many ways.(It dramatically increased industrial productivity.It causes the process of urbanization.It changes in class structure.The conflict between the capitalists an

11、d the proletariansthe most important political issue. )】6 the standard English标准英语【Fristly,Standard English based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England.Second,it adopted as a broadcasting standard in the British media. Thirdly ,it also called as Queens English or BBC English.And t

12、hen it based on the London dialect.At last it has becom a universal Lingua Francathe world language .】7 Constitutional Monarchy (君主制)【A constitutional monarchy is a form of constitutional government, where either an elected or hereditary monarch is the head of state, unlike in an absolute monarchy,

13、where in the king or the queen is the sole source of political power, as he or she is not legally bound by the constitution. 】8. Public School【 Independent systemPublic schools the most famous Eton, Harrow and Winchester6 percent of all British childrenA privilege for the rich Better funded,Better t

14、eachers,Better facilities,Better chance to enter famous universities】9.Tabloids【This category of national newspapers are smaller format with color photos and catchy headlines .They deal with scandals and gossip, usually about famous people, whether in politics, sports or entertainment. 】10. Romantic

15、ism 浪漫主义的特点时期 代表作家 雪莱 拜伦 济慈【At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, Romanticism appeared in England as a new trend in literature.William Wordsworth (1770-1850) and Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) began the trend.And the major “second generation” of Romantic poets included Lord Byron, Percy B

16、ysshe Shelley, John Keats.】1. what is the economic theory of mercantilism(重商主义) hold?【a.Its the acquisition of gold and silver, in payment for goods exported, increased the wealth of a nation.and It developed the doctrine of the balance of trade. b.it producing 1/3 of the worlds manufactured goods.and1/2 of the worlds coal, iron and cotton.the shipping is greater than the sum of the rest



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