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1、1、 Purpose目的This document provides templates for recording package qualification data for RFMD product and instructions for complying with Materials Declaration.提供记录RFMD产品考核认证所需信息资料的模板,及遵从物质申明的讲明2、 Scope范围Apply to RFMD package qualification适用于RFMD考核认证产品3、 Instruction讲明3.1 Materials Declaration: The

2、Subcontractor Assembly house is required to submit Materials Declaration forms listing the required banned, banned with acceptable threshold level, reportable or other materials required by RFMD QAL-21-1028 for assemblies manufactured for RFMD. These are required for current and new assemblies and m

3、ust be updated whenever material changes occur or whenever a new substrate process development or assembly qualification begins. The supplier will be required to provide proof of compliancy with a chemical analysis. See QAL-21-1028 for details on requirements, reporting structure, and reporting form

4、at.物质申明: 外包封装厂需要提交物质声明书,列明禁用材料,禁用但可同意门限的材料、需告知的或其他由RFMD QAL-21-1028文件规定的用于RFMD封装制造产品的材料. 这些规定适用于现有及以后新的封装产品,当材料变更,新基板工艺流程的开发或开始封装考核认证时都要提交该声明书. 供应商还需要提供化学分析作为依据. 参考QAL-21-1028文件中的详细要求,报告的结构和格式。3.2 Add lines, insert tables, embed objects at each applicable process step to capture pertinent process da

5、ta.各工序可依照需收集的相关信息资料增加表格的行数, 插入新的表格和对象3.3 Compress pictures once all applicable process information has been inserted. Go to view toolbars, select pictures. Go to pictures toolbar and compress pictures, OK.完成相应的所有工序的信息资料后压缩图片. 在视图工具栏中选择图片后压缩或在图片工具栏栏中压缩图片4、 Reference参考CSR-CM012(PKG-21-1013) Subcontrac

6、tor Assembly Specification for ModulesCSR-CM029(QAL-21-1028) Banned Substances List and RFMD Green Definition5、 Qualification Data考核评估资料拟制:审核:批准:Qualification DataPart Number Qual Lot NumberTrace CodePackage TypePackage Size ThicknessWafer Size Thickness (list all die)Lead CountPO NumberMSL Target L

7、evelAssembly LocationBonding Diagram Part NumberBOM Part NumberBranding Diagram Part NumberPrepared ByExecutive SummaryYield SummaryLot #1 Lot #2 Lot #3 Total YieldSMT YieldLot #1 Lot #2 Lot #3 Total YieldAssy YieldLot #1 Lot #2 Lot #3 Total YieldFinal YieldData Summary All Lots combined ProcessTest

8、CriteriaSSMaxMinAvgStdCpkSMTPaste ThicknessSMTComponent Shear (gram force per each SMD size)SMTFlux ThicknessDie AttachPlacement XDie AttachPlacement YDie AttachShear (each die)Die AttachRotation Flip Chip AttachShear (each die size)Flip Chip AttachPlacementFlip Chip AttachStand offWire BondPulls Di

9、e to SubWire BondPulls Die to DieWire BondPulls Sub to SubWire BondPulls RSSBWire BondLoop HeightWire BondSpanWire BondPlacement XWire BondPlacement YWire BondBall Shear 71um BPOWire BondBall Shear 60 52 71um BPOWire BondSSB Shear 60 52 =60um BPOWire BondBall shear on substratePlatingThicknessPlatin

10、gCompositionBall attachBall ShearBall attachBall HeightSolder Bump Bump DiameterSolder Bump Bump CompositionSolder Bump Bump HeightSolder Bump Bump ShearSolder Bump Bump Co-planarity on waferSolder Bump Bump Co-planarity on DieSingulationSize XSingulationSize YSingulationSize ZSingulationRegistratio

11、n XSingulationRegistration YSingulationCoplanarityTrim/FormTip to TipTrim/FormStandoffTrim/FormCoplanarityConclusions and RecommendationsBOMQual Lot #1 (repeat for qual lot 2 and 3)Build Date Trace code Wafer Lot Numbers Solder Bump Manf (if applicable)Part Number Lot Number AlloySubstrate or Lead frame Manf Part Number Lot Number Material Set or AlloyFlip Chip Flux ManfPart Number Lot Number Solder Paste ManfPart Number Lot Number AlloyDie Attach ManfPart NumberLot NumberWire Manf Part NumberLot NumberLid Manf Part NumberLot NumberShield Epoxy ManfPart N



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