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1、-.-山西秧歌服饰道具的传承与发展研究 作者:姜中华 太原理工大学轻纺工程与美术学院摘 要秧歌属中国汉族民间歌舞,其艺术特点在于又扭又唱。对其描述最早见于陆游词中,为田间插秧时所传唱的小曲。至明代时已作为一种表演艺术得到普及,流传于中国南方和北方。清代时更具规模,出现了陕北秧歌、东北秧歌、伞头秧歌,高跷秧歌等众多品类,至今仍具有相当生命力。山西省境内各地秧歌品种繁多,形式丰富多样,如襄垣、武乡秧歌、代县秧歌、祁太秧歌、沁源秧歌、临县伞头秧歌等。近年来各界学者对山西现存各种秧歌进行了诸如民俗学、音乐舞蹈艺术等范畴的研究,并取得了相当重要的研究成果。 秧歌作为一种文化因子具有其独特的个性和生命力,



4、术产生了重要影响,作为其承载体之一的服饰道具也在其中发生了一系列变化。集中围绕山西境内现存多种形式秧歌的服饰道具形态特点展开研究,梳理分析其所具有的独特艺术价值,并试图探求其传承发展的现状与前景,在总结对比之后,力求发现问题,并寻找解决问题的方法。 本文通过对山西秧歌服饰道具的历史演变中的服饰变化,对秧歌这种民间非物质文化遗产艺术的保护和继承提供参考。本文研究的创新点在于为山西秧歌研究中对与服饰道具领域研究提供第一手调查资料,并进行深入分析比较,针对各地秧歌的发展现状,为其永续发展提出可行性的建议和意见。通过秧歌服饰文化的艺术形式来了解山西地域民俗文化。关键词:山西秧歌 服饰 道具;发展研究S

5、TUDY ON THE INHERITANCE AND DEVELOPMENT OF SHANXI YOUNGER DANCE COSTUME PROPSABSTRACTYounger dance is a Han Chinese folk dance, its artistic features twisted and sing. To the Ming Dynasty has been used as a performing art obtains the popularization, popular in North and South china. Shan Xi province

6、 Younger dance around a wide variety, rich and varied forms, such as Xiang yuan, Wu xiang Younger dance, Younger dance, Qi too Younger dance, on behalf of the county of Qin yuan, Lin xian County Younger dance, Younger dance umbrella head. In recent years, scholars of folklore, music and dance art ca

7、tegory to Shan Xi various existing Younger dance, and made considerable achievements important.Younger dance as a kind of cultural factor has its own unique personality and vitality, have their independent character in different social and cultural system of the room, and be handed down from age to

8、age up to now with the changes of the times. Younger dance props and costumes as an important carrier of this art form, in possession of the whole performance status is very important. At present many of Shan Xi Younger dance of study, is still relatively weak link.Younger dance as a unique form of

9、folk art, has a long history in our country. Younger dance in the early song form, in the later evolution also added dance elements. Younger dance originated in the folk song and dance posture productive labor, rich and colorful, dance is usually dozens, hundreds of people collective, lively and ext

10、raordinary, by the broad masses of working peoples favorite, spread all over the China and. Younger dance culture is not only a kind of folk cultural form, is also the important embodiment of the national spirit of the Chinese nation, is the crystallization of Chinas thousands of years of highly int

11、elligent people and tenacious spirit. With the development of science and technology, the western media technology for the prevalence of Younger dance this traditional culture inheritance dilemma.Shan xi Younger dance belongs to the performing arts, commonly known as outfit props and costumes to pla

12、y a decisive role in the role in it. In the existing Shan xi Younger dance, such as the umbrella head Younger dance, Phoenix Younger dance, is the kind of unique clothing items named; as belonging to Xiang yuan, Wu xiang Younger dance drama class, the Younger dance, influenced by the style of opera

13、performances, slowly evolved was born, the end of the net, Dan role skills, and with the corresponding in order to improve the performance of clothing and props. The audience through the clothing and props the most visually judge the performance content, costume props itself by its color, style, pat

14、tern and process Atechniques to better display the characteristics of the role of beautifying, stage, thus to bring the audience a unique visual enjoyment, and formed its own aesthetic implication, become an important carrier of Younger dance in the performing arts. With the change of the times, cul

15、tural system, social aesthetic, artistic form has an important influence on the Younger dance this folk art, as the carrier of props and costumes are among a series of changes.On characteristics of clothing and props form around Shan xi in the territory of the existing forms of Younger dance researc

16、h, analysis has its unique artistic value, and tries to present situation and Prospect of the inheritance and development of the summary, in contrast, try to discover the problems, and find a solution to the problem.In this paper, the historical development of Shan xi Younger dance costume changes in clothing props, to provide the reference to Younger dance the protection and inheritance of intangibl



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