Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your momppt课件.ppt

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《Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your momppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your momppt课件.ppt(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module2 1 Welcome 2 Module2Myfamily 3 Unit1Isthisyourmum 4 1 Tolearnthenewwordsandphrases2 Tounderstand this these that those 这四个指示代词的用法 Learningtasks 5 Ilovemyfamily 6 Lookatthishappyfamily 7 Lookatthishappyfamily 8 Doyouhaveahappyfamily Pleaseshowusyourphotoofyourfamily 9 ThisisaphotoofXiaohong sf

2、amily Let sknowthem 10 Lookatthepicture TalkaboutTony sfamily auntbrothercousindaughterfamilyfathergrandfathergrandmothergrandparentmotherparentsistersonuncle Activity1 11 Let sknowthefamilyofTony s ThisisaphotoofTony sfamily ThisisTony s 12 family mother father parents sister brother aunt uncle gra

3、ndmother grandfather grandparents 13 Listenandcheck inActivity1thepeopleTonymentions auntbrothercousindaughterfamilyfathergrandfathergrandmothergrandparentmotherparentsistersonuncle Activity2 14 Activity3 Listenandread 15 ontheleftontherightnextto EverydayEnglish 16 Nowchoosethecorrectanswer 1 Linda

4、isTony ssister cousin 2 LizisTony smother aunt 3 PaulisTony sdad uncle 4 MikeisTony scousin brother 17 Practice 18 Activity4 Underlinethecorrectwords Tonyhasabigfamily Inthephotohisfather sparentsareontheleft rightandhismother sparentsareontheleft right MikeandHelenareTony scousinsandtheyareinfronto

5、f nexttoPaul PaulisLiz shusband brother 19 Activity5Pronunciationandspeaking Listenandrepeat Helenherhusband boybrother parentPaul 20 21 Isthisyourdad No itisn t That smyuncle Aretheseyourgrandparents Yes theyare No theyaren t Activity6Languagepractice 22 this these that those是指示代词 用来指示或标示人或事物 其中 th

6、is和that为单数 these和those为复数 另外 this和these用来指离自己较近的人或物 that和those用来指离自己较远的人或物 例如 Grammar 指示代词的用法 23 Thisismybike andthatisherbike Thesearemybooks andthosearehisbooks 当指示代词所指的事物已确定时 后面的指示代词指人时用he she they来代替 指物时用it和they来代替 如 Isthisyourbook Yes itis Aretheseyouruncles No theyaren t 24 1 Whatabigfamily 真是

7、一个大家庭啊 这是一个省略了的感叹句 完整的形式是Whatabigfamilyitis 基本句型结构 What a an 形容词 单数可数名词 主语 谓语e g Whatafinedayitis 今天天气真好 Phrasesandusefulexpressions 25 2 Mymum sparentsareontheleft andmydad sparentsareontheright ontheleft在左边ontheright在右边都是表示方位的介词短语 不仅可以用来描述人物之间的位置关系 还可用来描述事物之间的位置关系 e g Mybedisontheright andhisisont

8、heleft 26 3 Thewomannexttoherismydad ssister myauntLiz nextto是个介词短语 意思是 紧挨着 紧靠着 e g PetersatnexttoPaulonthesofa 彼得挨著保罗坐在沙发上 27 4 WhoaretheboyandthegirlinfrontofPaul infrontof在 范围之外的 前面inthefrontof在 范围之内的 前e g Myteacherisinfrontoftheclassroom 说明老师在教室的外面 Myteacherisinthefrontoftheclassroom 说明老师在教室的里面

9、28 LookatthephotoofTony sfamily andcompletethesentences Exercises 29 isaphotoofTony sfamily Hismother sparentsareonthe andhisfather sparentsareonthe Thewoman hismumisLiz Theboyandgirl PaulareMikeandHelen LookatthephotoofTony sfamily andcompletethesentences This left right next to in of front 30 1 Lo

10、ok Doyouknow manunderthetree Sorry It stoofartosee clearly A this himB that himC this her2 Look What s inthesky Itlookslikeakite A thisB thatC those Choosethebestanswer 31 1 Newwords family father mother daughter son left right woman 3 指示代词的用法 2 Isthisyour Yes Sum up 32 Askandanswerquestionsaboutyourfamily Isthisyour No itisn t Aretheseyour Yes theyare Homework 33 34



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