2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 My First Rice on a Train Exercises课件 外研版必修1

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《2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 My First Rice on a Train Exercises课件 外研版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年高中英语 Module 3 My First Rice on a Train Exercises课件 外研版必修1(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Exercises 1 Thechildrenwere 惊吓 atthesightofthelioninthezoo 2 Thestreetarefullof 乘客 3 Iwatchedthetrainuntilitdisappearedinthe 距离 4 Theymusthavenewmarketsfortheirp frightened passengers roducts distance Completethefollowingsentences 5 Theeaglesuddenlyflewintheairand 惊吓 me 6 In1925 theypassedalawwhicha

2、llowedpeople 射杀 theanimalsiftheywereaproblem 7 He 筋疲力尽 himselfinthelongride 8 Thenthe 政府 builtanewrailway frightened toshoot exhausted government 9 Duringtheday Isatandlookedoutofthewindow andsometimestalkedtoother 乘客 10 Camelsweremuchbetterthanhorsesfor 旅行 alongdistance 11 Oneofthemostimportante of

3、1949istheEstablishmentofChina passengers travelling vents 12 Thematchwas 取消 asaresultofbadweather 13 Heisan 专家 incookinggoodcheapmeals 14 Youlookextremely 疲倦 afteralongrun 15 Ihavegotan 面试 withNationalChemicals abandoned expert exhausted interview 16 IboughtamodeloftheEiffelTowerasas ofParis 17 V me

4、ansspacethatiscompletelyemptyofallmatterorgases 18 Wangfanggaveaspeechasarepresentativeofthestudentsatthegraduationc 19 Thiscityhasbuiltanews fortheOlympicGamesrecently ouvenir acuum eremony tadium 20 WatchingWaltDisneyc ishisfavoritething 21 Youf thelifeoutofmesuddenlyknockingonthewindowlikethat 22

5、 Ifthenewswasf sorry Ididn tmeantof you artoons rightened rightening righten 23 Ihavet 训练 mydogtofetchmyslippers 24 Shehasgotana withasmallkitchenandtoilet 25 Oneoftheseriousproblemswefaceisthatvastareasoflandhavebecomed soweshouldpayparticularattentiontotheenvironmentalprotection rained partment es

6、ert 26 Theyworkedthewholenight onlywithabreakatm idnight Ifirst 作长途旅行 bytrainwhenIwassixyearsold Weategreatmeals 专家们做的 Istillrememberthedaymyfathertriedtoteach 如何骑自行车 travelledalongdistance cookedbyexperts howtorideabike Completethesentences 8 In1925 theypassedalaw 允许人们射杀 theanimalsiftheywereaproble

7、m 9 WegotoninSydneyandwegotoffinAliceSprings 正好在澳大利亚中部 10 Iwanttobuyawatch 瑞士造 formyfather which allowedpeopletoshoot madeinSwiss ofAustralia rightinthemiddle 11 Iamreadingtheworks 鲁迅著 12 TheleaderswanttogotoPudongAirport 坐火车 13 Peopleinthecompanyarenotallowed 吸烟 intheoffice writtenbyLu Xun bytrain

8、tosmoke 14 Theytried 骑马 15 TheEnglishteacherusually 允许讲 Chinese allowsustospeak ridinghorses 1 Don tusewords expressionsorphrases onlytopeoplewithspecificknowledge A beingknowingB tobeknownC havingbeenknownD known2 Everybodyattendedthemeeting lastweek A heldB beingheldC toholdD tobeheld Choosethebes

9、tanswer 3 Imadeanotherwonderfuldiscovery ofgreatimportancetoscience A whichIthinkisB whichIthinkitisC whichIthinkitD Ithinkwhichitis4 Isuggestedthattheperson putintoprison A referredtoB referredtobeC referringtobeD referredbe 5 MrSmithlikestravelling buthiswifeenjoys A bytrain takingataxiB ontrain b

10、ytaxiC bytrain bytaxiD ontrain takingataxi6 He abird butmissedit A shotatB shotC wasshootingD wasshot 7 TheOlympicGames in776B C didn tincludewomenplayersuntil1912 A firstplayB tobefirstplayedC firstplayedD tobefirstplay8 itistohaveacolddrinkonsuchahotday A WhatafunB HowafunC WhatfunD Howfun 9 Idon

11、tbelievethat littlechildrencanfinishsomuchworkin shorttime A so soB such suchC so suchD such sucha10 MrSmithis myEnglishteacher heisalsomyfriend A nomorethanB nolessthanC morethanD lessthan 11 Ihaven tseenyourecently Oh IwenttoChongqingtowatchthe13thAsianFootballMatchand 3daysand2nightsthere Andit u

12、s14hourstogettherebytrain A spent tookB spent spendC takes takesD spend takes 12 Whatdoyouimagine himfromgoing A topreventB preventingC tohavepreventedD prevented13 Canyouthinkofthenameofaflower with T A beganB begunC beginningD begins 14 Doyoumindmytakingthisseat A Yes sitdownpleaseB No ofcoursenot

13、C Yes takeitpleaseD No youcan ttakeit 15 WouldyoumindifI here It snotallowed A smoke Yes pleaseB smoked You dbetternotC smoke That sallrightD smoked Youarewelcome 16 WouldyoumindifIopenedthedoor Ifeelalittlecold A CertainlynotB OfcourseC No youcan tD I msorrybutyou dbetternot 17 Doyouminddriving I mfeelingprettytired A Yes don tworryB OfcoursenotC No helpyourselfD Ofcourse Whynot



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