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1、pletely adj 有趣的 可笑的 adj 精力充沛的 adj 精力充沛的 adj 紧张的 焦虑的 adj 有组织的 有系统的 adj 耐心的 adj 严肃的 adj 害羞的 羞怯的 adj 严格的 严厉的 n 印象 vt 故意 避开 vt 讨厌 不喜欢 adv 不正确地 adv 十分地 完全地 15 immediately16 appreciate17 admit18 scientific19 literature20 loudly21 wave22 joke23 summary24 respect25 grade26 headmistress27 period28 revision29

2、 translation adv 立即 即刻 vt 感激 vt 承认 adj 科学的 n 文学 adv 大声地 vt 挥 手 招 手 n 玩笑 笑话 n 总结 摘要 提要 vt n 尊敬 尊重 n 美 成绩 分数 n 女校长 n 一段时间 n 复习 n 翻译 30 timetable31 topic32 vacation33 revise34 discipline35 relationship36 formal37 relaxed38 SimilarlyMakesureSothatMakeprogressInfactFallasleepTelljokes n 时间表 n 假期 vt 温习 功课

3、 n 纪律 n 关系 adj 正式的 adv 同样地 类似地 话题 放松的 确信 弄清楚 因此 结果 取得进步 事实上 睡着 讲笑话 1 patientadj 耐心的 n 病人bepatientwith对 有耐心的bepatientof能忍受 的be getoutofpatiencewith对 失去耐心loseone spatiencewith失去 的耐心havenopatiencewith不能容忍 对 没有耐心havethepatiencetodosth 有耐心做某事 He sagoodteacher buthedoesn thavemuchpatiencewiththeslowerpupi

4、ls Heisvery thestudents 他对学生很有耐心 Mymotheralwaysgetsabit ifwedon tarrivewhenwesaywewill A anxiousB ashamedC weakD patient 2 avoidv 避开 逃避 避免avoidsth sb 避免某事 避开某人avoiddoingsth 避免做某事 Thisleaflettellsyouhowtoavoidgettingillwhiletravelling Tomwasluckyandavoidedbeingpunished punishment 3 immediatelyadv 立即

5、即刻conj 一 就 What syourplanforthiswintervacation I lltakeanexpresstraintoDalianformyholiday schoolends A whileB untilC immediatelyD unless 4 appreciatev 感激 欣赏appreciatedoing 感激做 Iwouldappreciateitif 假如 我将不胜感激appreciationn 欣赏 感激Iwouldappreciateitifyouwouldturnthemusicdown Iwouldappreciateyou yourumbrel

6、la me Iwould ifyoushareyourumbrellawithme 5 admitvt vi 容许 承认 接纳 准许进入 可容纳admit doing sth 承认 做了 某事admitsb sth tobe承认某人 某事 admitsb to into准许某人进入 beadmittedto into被接收 入学等 AsfarasIknow thenewly builtcinemacanadmit5 000people Sheadmittedhavingbrokenthetrafficrules HewashappytobeadmittedintoBeijingNormalUn

7、iversity 1 Theoldmanopenedthedoorand me hishouse 老人打开门让我进屋里去 2 I dliketogotothemoviewithyou Dad Sorry myson butonlythegrown upsare intothecinema A requiredB intendedC admittedD supposed 6 respectv n 尊重 尊敬respectsb forsth 因某事尊敬某人respectoneself自尊自重show haverespectforsb 尊敬某人withrespect尊敬地 Ifyoudon tres

8、pectyourself howcanyouexceptotherstorespectyou JamesCookwasastrictcaptain butallthesailorsontheshipshowedrespectforJamesCook Theplanisfineineveryrespect A 用respect的适当形式填空 OurEnglishteacheroften ouropinions Everyoneinourclassshowsgreat forherandadmitssheisa teacher 1 makesure弄清楚 查明 确信 务必 做到 makesureo

9、f doing sth 弄清楚 做 某事 确保某事makesurethat 设法确保 查明 besureof about that确信 besuretodosth 主语 一定会做某事forsure肯定地 确切地 IfIgotoIraq canyoumakesureofmysafety Thecompanyhasinvestedheavilyininformationtechnologytomakesurethatinformationisavailableinstantlyonscreen Besuretoringandletusknowyou vegotbacksafely Firstyou

10、must thetimeandplace 首先你必须弄清时间和地点 Couldyoutellmethewaytotherailwaystation A SureB CertainC MakesureD Nevermind 2 asaresult结果 因此asaresultof作为 的结果 由于 withoutresult没有结果 白费resultfrom由于resultin造成 导致 1 Theydepartedasaresultoftheendlessquarrels 2 Theendlessquarrelsresultedintheirdeparture 3 Theirdeparturer

11、esultedfromtheendlessquarrels 1 Hehadsomebadfish hefeltillthismorning 2 Researchshowsthatpeoplefeelunhappyandworriedwhentheyhavenothingtodo thehappiestarethosewhoarebusy A InshortB InfactC AsaresultD Foronething 3 betrueof符合于 对 适用 对 一样betruetoone sword promise说话算数 信守诺言betruetolife栩栩如生cometrue 愿望等 实现

12、 成为事实 Thefoodisgoodandthisistrueoftheservice Heisamanwhoistruetohispromise HisdreamoftakingpartintheLondonOlympicGamesfinallycametrue Ifthatistrueofwritingfiction youcanbesureit dealingwithpeoplefacetoface Theplotofthenewmovieisdull Thesameistrue theacting A withB ofC toD in 4 so that 1 so adj adv t

13、hat so adj a an n that so many much few little 少 n that 2 such a an n adj n 单数 that such adj n 复数 n u that clause Georgehad hehadtogetajob Theyare theycan tdoanything 他们是小孩 什么事情都干不了 atthenewsthathereyesrainedtears A SowasKatesadB SosadwasKateC SosadKatewasD WasKatesosad 1 Heissocarelessaboythathemad

14、esomanymistakesintheexam 2 Helostsomuchmoneythathewasverysad 3 Theyaresuchcleverchildrenthattheyovercameallthedifficulties 4 Heworkedsohardthathemadesomuchprogress 同义句转换1 Theboxistooheavyformetocarry Theboxisso carryit 2 Heissoyoungthathecan tgotoschoolaloneHeis young toschool Heisnot toschool 3 Myb

15、ikeneedsrepairing Mybikeneeds 5 with的复合宾语结构 Withmanythings Ihavetostoplisteningtothelightmusic Theweatherwasevencolderwiththewind 1 Withallthechildren abroad theoldmanfeelslonely A livedB liveC toliveD living2 Iwasfrightenedandfelloffthebike withallthebooks ontheground A lieB layC laidD lying3 Witha

16、longway wedidn tstoptohavearest A goesB goingC goneD togo4 Withsomuch I llhavetorefusetheinvitation A doingB todoC doneD todowith5 Thelittlegirllooksmorematurewithapairofglasses A wearingB towearC onD puton6 Withalotofthings hewenttothesupermarket Hewenthome withallthethings A tobuyB boughtC buyingD buy7 Heenteredtheclassroom withallthestudents athim Heenteredtheclassroom withallthestudents onhim A lookingB lookedC fixingD fixed wouldratherdoA thandoB woulddoA ratherthandoB prefertodoA rathertha



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