
上传人:灯火****19 文档编号:122116071 上传时间:2020-03-01 格式:PPT 页数:26 大小:661KB
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1、 Hello kidsCanyoupickoutyourwords ThebookistalkaboutYueF YoushouldlistenEnglishforhalfanhour Listenisveryimportand Youcanalsolisteningandreading to ing Hewasverylikereadingbooks Hewaslearntmanyknowledge Helikeread Hejoinedinthearmy Heleadhisarmywon BecauseYueFei soheis Heisoneofthemostfamoussoldieri

2、nhistory d towin d much ing led s HelookatJohn Ainterestingstory Tooursurprised Shealsoisastudent Shewantedtosawafilm Theteacherstartedtogaveanswers s give n isalso see Igaveanipodforhim Shehassolonghairs Itwasmorelongerthanme Everyonelikeshe Canyoutakethemtohome Whentheyhungrytheymadenoise Thepenwa

3、sonherhand to mine are s Sher in Shehadabigeyes Shealwaysmakemelaugh Weoftenleaningtogether Shehasalongandblackhair Shewillcanhelpme Now doyouknowwhoisshe has sheis s Somanychildrenareallverylikeher Weareusuallyhelpeachother Hermathisbetterthanme Shehasalongandblackhair mine Iveryliketherebeaches In

4、Januarythe21 wewanttotheHannan Wedoesn twanttotheLuhuitouIhavealittlesad Wewenttotheislandtoenjoyedthesunshine On go went didn t was the Ithinkthespringisabeatifulseasons Theydead Thedogsownerisverylikehe Weneedlotsoflikethe HappyPrince people Becausetheworldhavelotsofpeopleneedlove Wewenttotheislan

5、dtoenjoyedthesunshine On beautiful him died Ithinkyourhelpwhichyougavemewillhelpme Wehadbetternottocutdowntrees Ithankforyouandyourfamily Thankyouforfamilytakecare youhelpmealot amgratefulto takingcareofme I mthankfulfor Myfamilyhave5people Mymotherdoesn tagreemetoplaygames Weshouldbepleasedwithourl

6、ives It swrongforustolitterWeshouldhelpeachothersasmoreaspossible allow Thereare cherish of much Weshouldn ttalkloudlyeverywhere Wehadbetternottocutdowntrees Ithankforyouandyourfamily Thankyouforfamilytakecare anywhere amgratefulto takingcareofme Whetheragoodstudentcanalwaysgetahighmarksornot Hard w

7、orkingisthemostimportant Agoodstudentisnotonlygethighmarksbutgoodatallthingsaswell Hemustlikeshelpsotherspeople Can is Tobe s Onedayhetakeabusand AconductorsaidthatshewillteldthemanYoumotherislikeyouverymuch 5 Theythinkthatsavetimeandmoney 6 WatchgamesonTVmaybeisagoodway loves took wouldtell 4 Theju

8、mpcan tquickly thefootcan ttocomfortable Itsaves 1 Iifgetayourmother 2 Youcan tafraid 3 Youcan tthinkannoyed 4 Wemuststudyhardly 5 Wemustfinishedmyhomework 6 Ishouldgettoschoolintime 7 Youcan tnotfinishhomework 8 Itiredmybesttobeagoodone IfIhaveamotherlikeyours on won tbe hard finish our must tried

9、Bikecoatcheap alsogoodforhealthy5 Bikeisafamousinvention 6 IwantMrLiuweartheshoescanrunquickly 7 TVhavealotsofdifferentkindsofinformations 8 Idon tallowtowatchTV 9 Iamverytiredeveryday Sothathecanrunfast Acostslittle ishealth Thebike to ATV has amnotallowed every day Ican tlistentomusic too Idon tha

10、veenoughtimeforrecite Bythisway Iknowalot Thenitreturntome I mtoonervoustorecitedthearticle either In to Throughthisway wasmyturn was recite 5 Cooks cook foodforpeople 4 Afisherman catch fish 1 Adoctor make sickpeoplebetter 2 Nurses help makesickpeoplebetter 3 Fireman put outfires makes help puts ca

11、tches cook 7 Awaitress bring foodtopeople 6 Shopassistants sell thingstopeople 8 Farmers grow food 9 Postmen bring letterstopeople sell brings grow bring 3 用所有格形容my your his或her填空 要抄题 1 IsthatTim sshirt Yes itis It s shirt 2 IsthisEmma sumbrella Yes itis It s umbrella 3 IsthatSteven snewcoat Yes iti

12、s It s newcoat 4 Isthismywatch Yes itis It s watch Itisn tmywatch 5 Isthatyourticket Yes itis It s ticket 6 IsthisMrs Brown shat Yes itis It s newhat 4 用复数形式改写以下句子 如 1 Thisismyfriend Theseareourfriends 2 Thisishiscase 3 Thisisherhat 4 Thisisn tmypassport 5 Thisisn therhandbag 6 Isthisyourcoat 变否定句 T

13、hereisaplaygroundinourschool 2HecanspeakJapanese 3Washthecarnow 4Theboyhastoleaveschool 5Helikesreadingverymuch 6Isawhiminthekitchen 7Wereadthenewspaperseverymorning 1 She knowtheanswerbutI mnotsure A maybeB maybeC mayD must2 You rightbut you rewrong Amaybe maybeBmaybe maybeCmaybe maybeDmaybe maybe

14、3 1 WhereisDavid hehasgonetothesupermarket orhe inthelibrary A Maybe maybeB Maybe maybeC Maybe maybeD Maybe may4 Themanoverthere ourChineseteacher A mayB maybeC maybeD be 完成下列汉译英练习 今天早上有人打电话给我吗 callmethismorning 这台电视机没问题 Thereis withtheTVset 那里没有别人 Thereis there 如果有什么困难 请告诉我 Ifthere difficult pleasetellme 刚才在路上我没有遇到任何人 I meet onthewayjustnow



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