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1、Group 3学习目标(advance-air)单词排查请在已掌握的单词前打“”(划出已会词,集中精力学习真正的生词,提高效率)advance advantage adventure advertise advertisement advice advise advocate affair affect affection afford afraid Africa African after afternoon afterwards again againstage agency agenda agent aggressive ago agree agreement agricultural

2、agriculture ahead aid AIDS aim air 学习高考英语3500词汇书中本组单词;分清哪些单词是四会词,哪些是认知词,哪些是真正的生词。即学即练I.单词活用(用本组中单词的适当形式完成句子。)1. It is _(倡导)in China that a couple only has a child.2. Why did Tintin and his buddies go on any of their _(冒险).3. Research into microchip technology is _(进展)at high speed.4. _(建议)again and

3、again not to smoke, my husband wasnt persuaded.5. As the busiest woman in Norton, she made it her duty to look after all the other peoples _(事务) in that town.6.News reports say peace talk between the two countries have broken down with no _(协议)reached.7.Internet shopping has many _(优势),of which the

4、most important one is convenience.8.She invited 30 ministers from all over the world for a conference on _(农业=1234)and climate change.II.选词填空(用本组中下列短语的适当形式完成句子。)in advance in the open air in the air reach an agreement after all name after take advantage of have an advantage over now and again agree

5、with1. The trouble is that what they say doesnt _ what they do.2. There were many foreigners living there, so we could chat with them _ .3. The two sides had a face-to face talk all the morning, finally _.4. First impressions are the most lasting, _,you never get a second chance to make the first im

6、pression.5. More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays, the health and relaxation benefits.6. Planning so far_ makes no senseso many things will have changed by next year.7. Perhaps ,you will choose to sit on a wooden chair under a parasol (遮阳伞) and enjoy a chat with a new found f

7、riend over a cup of t.III.基础知识应用(选出最佳选项,然后熟读每个句子,指出各题考查的知识要点。)1.-You have to believe in yourself. No one else will, if you dont. - Confidence is really important (It is not my cup of tea/That is not the point/I dont think so/I couldnt agree more) ( 2012天津)2. You look well. The air and the sea foods

8、in Sanya must _ you, I suppose.(agree with/agree to/agree on /agree about). ( 精选陕西)3 -When did you last hear_ Jay? -He phoned me this morning, and we agreed a time and place to meet. (精选湖南) (of,to/ about, with/ from, with /from, on)4. An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the c

9、ommittee members are _ it.(against /for /to /with). ( 2012陕西)5. My father warned me going to the West Coast because it was crowded with tourists (by /on /for /against. ) ( 精选天津)6. Although my opinion, the old professor didnt come up with his own. (against /on /for /in. ) ( 精选福建)7. Tired, Jim was fas

10、t asleep with his back a big tree(in /below/.beside /against) . (精选四川)8.It was a real race _time to get the project done. Luckily, we made it.(over /by /for /against) ( 2013全国I)9-May I open the window to let in some fresh air? - . (Come on/ Take care/Go ahead /Hold on) ( 精选四川)10. Im calling about th

11、e apartment you the other day. Could you tell me about it?(advertised /had advertised/are advertising/will advertise). ( 2013安徽)11.Thanks to the success of the business, we can a holiday this year. (make/ afford / adopt/ appreciate) (精选模拟)12We are by doctors to eat more natural food and take plenty

12、of physical exercise.(suggested/ warned / informed/ advised) (精选模拟)13. Why are you so anxious? It is not your problem _.( on purpose/in all/ on time/ after all) (精选模拟)14.-Everybody is going to climb the mountain .Can I go to ,Mum? - _ Wait till you are old enough ,dear (Will you /Why not/I hope so/

13、Im afraid not) ( 精选全国I)15.Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where they could buy _ priced bikes (competitively/recently/reasonably/affordably)(2013福建)IV.知识运用(根据提示完成下列微写作。) 1. 然而,大多数学生反对上网。(be against)_ 2. 就如何和父母相处,我想征求你的意见。(ask sb. For advice on)_ 3. 无疑,玩游戏正成为影响学生们学习的一大问题。(affect)_


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