2019届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Earthquakes课件 新人教版必修1教学资料

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1、核心考点突破 随堂巩固提升 基础知识回顾 课时作业提能 必修1 Unit4Earthquakes 基础知识回顾 burst destroy shocked trap bury shock expression judge express frightening frightened injure judgement frighten injured injuries injured sincerely extreme sincerely extremely ruin rescue disaster congratulate congratulations congratulate congra

2、tulations shelter damage electricity congratulation 运河 水道 事件 大事 农场 农家 要点 大纲 轮廓 报刊的大字标题 地震 轨道 足迹 痕迹 标题 头衔 资格 损失 损害 水坝 堰堤 of out off Judgingfrom in in a great numberof at in atanend away of of wastrappedin from as wasburiedin hadjust happened notallchildren 核心考点突破 and burst of destroyed including trap

3、ped Later werekilled more werecalled crying laughter is haddone were tosay an apologizing himself were injury are is arebeingwashed Judging 随堂巩固提升 extremely Trapped a whose tocarry buriedhimselfin wasburiedin Buryinghimselfin Buriedin Whentheyheardthis burstintolaughter Hearingthis burstoutlaughing


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