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1、追随你的幸福 倾听你的心声Members of the Class of 2006, friends, faculty, parents, members of the Taliban: Thank you very much. What? What? Oh, come on. Come on. What are you going to do, bury me up to my head in the sand? Something, come on. Hey, Ive been there. Ive been there.2006届的毕业生,各位朋友,全体教职员工,各位家长以及塔利班分子,

2、非常感谢你们!什么?你说什么?哦,你们打算做什么?活埋了我?来吧,来吧!嘿,我去过那儿,我亲身经历过塔利班的统治。I have to be honest, I was a bit nervous to come back to Yale. I graduated with the Class of 1989, 17 years ago, and I still have this recurring nightmare. I still have this recurring nightmare. Trumbull, yes, thank you. Trumbull. Sure, why no

3、t? I still have this recurring nightmare that theres some exam I havent completed in one of those throwaway science courses like you know Intro. to Psych or something. Oh, come on. I love Intro. to Psych. I just really didnt want to take a science course. And actually last night I literally had a dr

4、eam that the campus police had an outstanding warrant for my arrest if I returned to Yale. So I was a little bit nervous.坦白说,重返耶鲁我确实有点紧张。17年前,也就是1989年,我从这里毕业,但是噩梦至今仍没有结束。噩梦仍纠缠不休。特兰布尔,没错,这当然得感谢特兰布尔学院,为什么不呢?我至今仍会做这样的噩梦,梦到自己还有某一科考试没有完成,都是一些垃圾学科的考试,比如心理学入门。事实上,我挺喜欢心理学入门,只是很不愿意学习理科。昨天晚上我确实做了一个梦,梦见我一旦回到耶鲁

5、大学,校警卫将有充分的理由将我逮捕。所以我确实有点儿紧张。And the other reason I was reluctant to return to campus is that being here actually allows the Yale Alumni Association to get a pinpoint on me. Because you dont know this about the Yale Alumni Association yet, but let me just warn you: for the rest of your life, they wi

6、ll hunt you down. No matter where you go, no matter what country you live in, they will find you, and they will write you letters and they will squeeze you for every cent you make. Seriously, enjoy the next 24 hours because right now you are still students. Tuesday morning they will have all your nu

7、mbers, all your address in the database and they will start tracking you. If Osama bin Laden was a Yale graduate they would know what cave he was in, exactly. Its true. President Bush should get the Yale Alumni Association on the case.我不愿重返耶鲁还有另外一个原因,那就是,一旦我回到这里,耶鲁校友会就能精确把握我的动向。你们也许还不太了解耶鲁校友会吧,那我就给你

8、们提个醒吧,在你们毕业之后,耶鲁校友会将会一直追踪你。不管你走到哪里,不管你生活在哪个国家,他们都会找到你,给你写信,会榨干你挣到的每一分钱。严肃点说,尽情享受这最后24小时的学生时光吧!星期二早上,他们将会把你们所有人的电话号码和地址存入数据库,并开始追踪你们。如果奥萨马本拉登是耶鲁毕业的,那么他们将会知道他藏在哪一个山洞里。这是真的。布什总统应该请耶鲁校友会来协助处理本拉登一案。I was actually very excited to meet many of you today until I actually did meet you and realized just how y

9、oung you are all and how old it makes me feel. Tre Borden informed me that actually most of you were born the year I graduated from high school, which is personally a terrifying prospect for me. Its also a little worrying because the only thing I remember about my high school is my senior prom-actua

10、lly the after-prom party-and I only remember bits and pieces of it. But if what I remember is true, it is very possible that some of you are my children. Especially you with the blue eyes and prematurely gray hair, right there. Let me just say that if that is true, for legal reasons I cant say wheth

11、er or not you are my children, Im bursting with pride today. And Im sorry for not being around for the last 20 years or so.今天在见你们之前我一直非常激动。但真正见到了你们,我才意识到你们是多么年轻,让我感觉自己是多么苍老。特雷伯顿(注:2006届耶鲁大学秘书长)告诉我,事实上,我高中毕业那年你们才刚刚出生,这对我来说是件恐怖的事情,也有点令人担忧,因为我对高中生活唯一记得住的事就是毕业舞会实际上是舞会后举行的派对我只记得一些零星的片段。但是如果我记得不错的话,很可能你们当

12、中的有些人是我的小孩。特别是有着蓝眼睛和灰白头发的那些同学,没错,就是这样。我只想说,如果这是真的,尽管从法律上来说,我不能说你们到底是不是我的小孩,我心中依然充满自豪感。很抱歉在这20年左右的时间里我没有陪伴你们左右。Seriously, it is a pleasure to be here on what is remarkable day. Its a beautiful day if it doesnt rain and a very special day in your lives. Youve worked incredibly hard to get here, to get

13、 through here, and I hope youre all very proud of yourselves. You should be. And Im sure youve already done this, but I hope that at some point this weekend-Im sure everybodys encouraged you to do this-that you look your parents in the eye and hug them close and thank them for all they have done to

14、get you to this moment and this spot. Because as hard as its been for you. I guarantee you its been twice as hard for them.说真的,我很高兴能在这个特别的日子来到这里。今天是你们人生中特别的日子,如果没有下雨,就更加美好了。你们经过努力学习考上了这所大学,并顺利完成了学业,我希望你们为自己感到自豪。你们应该为自己感到骄傲。而且我相信你们已经这样做了,我也希望你们这周末能够抽出时间凝望自己的父母,紧紧抱住他们,感谢他们所做的一切,感谢他们让你拥有今天的成就我相信已经有人鼓励你

15、们这样做了。因为,你们历经艰辛才取得了今天的成就,而对于你们的父母,我保证,他们经历了双倍的艰辛。I wasnt really sure what to talk to you about today and I asked Tre and he said, Well, you know Class Day is such an important day, and Im sure wed love to hear some of your memories of it. And that calmed me because the truth of the matter is I have

16、absolutely no memories of this day. I thought back to my own graduation and, I mean Im sure I was here because I have the little clay pipe and I remember I had the pipe because my mom found it my room that night and accused me, thinking it was a pot pipe. And so we got in a big argument about it and my roommate decided to solve the argument by taking out his two-foot water pipe that he had in a locked box in the living room and



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