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1、1 UnitUnit 3 3 CouldCould youyou pleaseplease telltell meme wherewhere thethe restroomsrestrooms are are 第二课时 Section A 3a 3b 班级 学生 分数 学习目标 学习目标 ImportantImportant wordswords staff suggest ImportantImportant phrasesphrases hold one s hand Water World on one s way to somewhere pass by walk up to Impo

2、rtantImportant sentencessentences 1 1 I wonder where we should go next How about that new ride over there 2 2 I promise it ll be fun 3 3 You never know until you try something 4 4 Do you know where we can get some good food quickly 5 5 Excuse me could you tell us when the band starts playing this ev

3、ening 能够礼貌地询问信息和提出建议 能够礼貌地询问信息和提出建议 学习重点难点 学习重点难点 重点 学会如何用英语进行问路和指路 难点 通过情景对话的阅读训练 了解疑问词引导的宾语从句 学法指导 学法指导 运用已有经验 谈经历 听读感悟 朗读模仿 阅读理解 知识点积累 巩固 教学过程 教学过程 一 导入 启发探究 通过多媒体向学生展示一组娱乐公园的图片 借机向学生提问 Have you ever been to a fun park Did you have a good time there Can you show me how to get there 展示图片 学生讨论 导入生词

4、和短语 二 自学 自主探究 生词短语检测 1 建议 提议 2 管理人员 职工 3 hold one s hand 4 go to Water World 5 on one s way to somewhere 6 pass by 7 walk up to 8 get some food 三 交流 合作探究 1 学习 3a 看 3a 图画 猜测课文内容 What s it about 2 快速阅读 3a 课文 回答 3a 问题 3 翻译课文 同桌交流 4 阅读课文 认真理解并填写表格 Where Fun Times Park Who and Theme Here you can be Space

5、 World Water World Fun places Water City Restarant Restarant Servince It serves like and It serves How Scary but Feelings You never know what will happen until For afternoon tea 5 仔细阅读 3a 课文 完成 3b 任务 找出宾语从句并变成一般疑问句 2 I wonder where we should go next I promise it ll be fun I know I can do it and it s

6、 actually fun It seems a rock band plays there every evening Let s ask what time the band starts 6 在课文中找出宾语从句的一般疑问句句式 将其变成肯定句 Do you want to go to Water World now Could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening 四 总结 引深探究 1 shout 作动词 意为 呼喊 呼叫 大声说 常用短语 l shout at sb 意为 冲某人大声叫嚷 含有批评 指责的意思 2

7、 shout to sb 意为 对某人大声叫 喊 没有批评 指责的意思 3 shout out 意为 喊出 突然呼喊 Don t shout your parents 别对你父母大声叫嚷 He shouted the girl and warned her of the danger 他冲那个女孩大喊 警告她有危险 Only a few people are brave enough to shout her name 只有少数人有勇气喊她的名字 2 suggest 作及物动同 意为 建议 提议 其 名词形式为 suggestion 建议 提议 c 其用法如下 l suggest doing

8、sth 意为 建议 提议 做 某事 2 suggest that 引导的宾语从句 此时从句要用虚拟语气 即 should 动词原形 其中 should 可省略 My father suggested call for a doctor at once 我父亲建议马上请个医生 The teacher suggested that we should speak as much English as possible 老师建议我们尽可能多地说 英语 表示 建议某人做某事 不能用 suggest sb to do sth 但可以用 advise sb to do sth 3 由 way 构成的其他短

9、语 by the way 顺便问 提一下 in a way 在某种程度上 in the way 妨碍 挡道 in this way 这样 通过这种方 法 lose one s way 迷路 get out of the way of sth 丢掉 的习惯 4 pass 常用短语 pass away 亡故 消失 pass by sb sth 通过 经过 pass sth down流传 使世代相 传 pass through sth 经受 经历 遭受 pass sth on 传递 传给 5 promise 常用短语 make a promise 许下诺言 keep one s promose 保守

10、诺言 break one s promise 打破诺言 说话不 算数 promise sb sth 答应某人某事 promise sb to do sth 答应某人做某事 跟踪练习 1 Could you please tell me Sure about in an hour A how soon he will be hereB how soon will he be here C how long he will be here D how long will he be here 2 Excuse me could you tell me I come from Honghe A wh

11、ere are you from B where do you come from C where you come from D where did you come from 3 Ann could you please do the dishes A Yes you can do it B Yes you re right C No thanks D Yes sure 3 4 I want to know yesterday A when did he come back B when does he come back C when he came back D when he comes back 反思 反思



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