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1、Section Lesson 2NameStories一、选词填空come acrossin particularcount onend upname.afterput up withstand outfigure outhold upnow that1.Peter was lying on the sofa doing nothing .答案:in particular2.Volt its discoverer.答案:was named after3.When you a word you dont know,you dont have to look it up in the dictio

2、nary at once.答案:come across4.We must how to solve the problem.答案:figure out5.I cant the hardship any more.答案:put up with 6. Ive seen how he lives,I know why he needs so much money.答案:Now that7.I my hand to show that I had a question.答案:held up8.He is a good person you can .答案:count on9.If he goes on

3、 driving like that,he will dead.答案:end up10.He is the kind of person who in a crowd.答案:stands out二、根据汉语提示完成句子1.这个学生的父母希望他们的女儿和任何男孩一样强壮。This student has parents who wanted their daughter to be any boy.答案:as strong as2.这个单词不仅仅只有一个特定的含义。The word doesnt have just one meaning.答案:specific3.在我的父母为我取名字的时候,他

4、们找到了“楠”这个字。When my parents were looking for a name for me,they the character “Nan”.答案:came across4.中国的名字也有根据读音而来的意义。Chinese names can also have according to their sounds.答案:significance5.有些人认为给一个女孩取名“健楠”不太正常。Some people think its to name a girl “healthy boy”.答案:abnormal6.很多英语词汇来自拉丁语。Many English wor

5、ds have Latin .答案:origins 7.他的父母阻止他成为一名歌手。His parents him a singer.答案:discouraged;from becoming8.他从1,000多名候选人中脱颖而出。He among more than 1,000 candidates.答案:stood out9.我的父亲在17岁的时候离开农场去找工作,最终留在了曼彻斯特。My father left his farm to look for work when he was seventeen and Manchester.答案:ended up in10.为了给家人提供一个好

6、的未来,他忍受了很多困难和痛苦。He a lot of and to provide a good future for his family.答案:put up with;hardship;suffering11.这些年来,杰克一直努力想搞清楚到底是什么使得布朗先生如此成功。For many years,Jack has been trying to what it is that made Mr.Brown so successful.答案:figure out12.我弟弟对所有学科都喜欢,但他尤其喜欢数学。My brother likes all his subjects,but he

7、likes maths .答案:in particular13.这个故事如此感人,我控制不住自己的泪水。The story was so touching that I could hardly my tears.答案:hold back14.“楠”是一种木头,在传统的中国建筑中用它来支撑屋顶。“Nan” is a type of wood that is used to the roof in the construction of traditional Chinese houses.答案:hold up15.他成为作家我一点也不惊讶。还是孩子的时候他就有生动的想象力。Im not sur

8、prised that he became a writer.Even as a child he had a imagination.答案:vivid三、单句语法填空1.The meeting held in Hangzhou was of great (significant).答案:significance2.His body temperature is 40,which is (normal).答案:abnormal3.His dream is to become a (violin).答案:violinist4.The city Washington was named the f

9、irst president of the US.答案:after5.Although the result was (discourage),they didnt get (discourage)and decided to carry on.答案:discouraging;discouraged 6.After the earthquake,the (suffer)of the people was extreme.答案:suffering7.The shop sells (music)instruments.答案:musical8.His courage is really (admir

10、e).答案:admirable9.He likes fruit in general,but apples particular.答案:in10.Our (origin)plan was better.答案:original四、单句改错1.I havent seen as lovely girl as Mary since I came here.答案:girl前加a 2.We have to figure the direction and the distance before we take action.答案:figure后加out3.We are short of money,so

11、every coin count now.答案:countcounts 4.The murderer tried to run away from the prison but he ended up get arrested by the police.答案:getgetting 5.Why do we have to put up Sues selfish behaviour?We should teach her to care for others.答案:up后加with 6.The flight held up by fog for several hours.答案:held前加wa

12、s7.The village has developed a lot which we learned farming two years ago.答案:whichwhere8.Hearing the news,he felt discouraging.答案:discouragingdiscouraged五、阅读理解In Egypt myths,magic was one of the forces used by gods to make the world.Through magic,symbolic actions could have some practical effects.Al

13、l gods and people were thought to possess this force to some degree,but there were some rules about why and how it could be used.Dawn was the most suitable time to perform magic,and the magicians had to be in a state of peaceful mind.Ideally,the magicians would bath and then dressed in new or clean

14、clothes before beginning a spell(符咒).The Egyptians used magic for both practical and religious purposes.They believed magic was a holy creation for the benefits of humans.It was considered a field if knowledge just like architecture,literature,medicine,etc.To the Egyptians,magic was a real and great force.It was a means of communicating with and controlling their gods.For example,their lives depended on agriculture and the weather as well.



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