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1、三种不同食物交换份法对于妊娠期糖尿病患者营养治疗的效果比较王宏星1 卞晓云1 华玉蓉2(1南通市妇幼保健院内科 江苏南通 226000;2无锡市第三人民医院妇产科 江苏无锡 214041)【摘要】目的探讨基于血糖负荷概念的食物交换份法、基于血糖生成指数的食物交换份法与传统食物交换份法在妊娠期糖尿病患者营养干预中的应用效果,为临床选择合适的营养干预方法提供参考。方法将自2013年5月至2014年5月门诊就诊的113例妊娠28周前妊娠期糖尿病患者采用随机数字表法均分为三组,研究A组(38例,采用基于血糖生成指数的食物交换份法行营养干预),研究B组(43例,采用基于血糖负荷概念的食物交换份法行营养干

2、预),对照组(32例,采用传统食物交换份法行营养干预),三组分组差异无统计学意义。由经过培训专人按照各个干预方案要求统一进行干预,利用每周门诊随访、讲座培训、现场示范与指导、网络QQ群等形式加强干预效果并确保质量控制效果,干预直至妊娠结束。干预前与分娩前分别监测空腹血糖、餐后1h血糖、餐后2h血糖、糖化血红蛋白、甘油三酯、胆固醇等指标,分娩时记录巨大儿发生率、胎儿宫内窘迫情况、新生儿低血糖发生率、剖宫产率。所有数据进行统计学分析。 结果干预过程中研究A组有5例脱落,研究B组有10例脱落,对照组有1例脱落,但不影响统计学分析。干预后三组患者餐后1h血糖、餐后2h血糖、糖化血红蛋白、甘油三酯、胆固


4、;营养治疗;食物交换份法;血糖生成指数;血糖负荷The effect of the nutritional therapy conducted by three different food Exchange method on the patients with gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM) Wang hong-xing1 Bian xiao-yun1 Hua yu-rong2(1Nantong Maternal and Child Health Hospital Internal Medicine Department Jiangsu Nantong

5、 226000, 2Wuxi NO.3 Hospital Department of gynaecology and obstetrics Jiangsu Wuxi 214041)Abstract Objective Investigated the effects of the food exchange method combined with the glucose index(GI) or the glycemic load(GL) and the traditional food exchange method on the patients with gestational dia

6、betes mellitus(GDM). And to provide reference for clinical departments to select a appropriate nutritional intervention. Methods From 2013, September to 2014, May, 113 patients with gestational diabetes mellitus 【作者简介】王宏星,男,1983年-,医学硕士,主治医师。TEL:15301517805。E-mail:。【基金项目】江苏省营养学会营养与健康研究资助项目,项目编号JYX201

7、303;无锡市卫生局适宜卫生技术推广项目,项目编号T201308who comed to our outpatient first time before 28 weeks during her pregnant time were randomly divided into three groupsthe study group A (38 patients, intervened by the food exchange method combined with the glucose index), the study group B (43 patients, intervened b

8、y the food exchange method combined with the glycemic load) and the control group(32 patients, intervened by the traditional food exchange method). There was no difference among the three groups. A special trained doctor conducted the intervention accorded three different methods separately by the o

9、utpatient treatment everyweek, lectures, live demonstration and instruction, QQ, and so on. These were lasted untilled to the time of the baby born. Fast blood glucose(FBG), 1 hour blood glucose, 2 hour blood glucose, hemoglobin A1C, triglyceride (TG) and cholesterol were checked before pregnancy an

10、d prenatal time. The incidence of macrosomia and neonatal hypoglycemia, and cesarean section rate were recorded after delivery. Take a statistic methods to analyse the material. Results 5 patients in study group A were given up, while 10 patients in study groupB and 1 patient in the control group, t

11、his didnt effect the result. There was a significant difference of the variation aomng the three groups in the indexes of 1 hour blood glucose, 2 hour blood glucose, hemoglobin A1C, triglyceride (TG) and cholesterol. And the study group B showed best. The incidence of macrosomia and neonatal hypogly

12、cemia, and cesarean section rate of the study groups were better than the control group. All of the difference above had the statistic significance, P0.05. Conclusion To apply the improved food exchange system combined with the glycemic load or the glucose index among the pregnant with diabetes mell

13、itus can improve the glucose and lipid metabolism better, and can lead to a better pregnant result, and the method with the theglycemic load is best. However, because of the lack of indexes of the most of foods glycemic load or the glucose index, addition to the complication, these are effected the

14、methods operation, and effected the patients acceptance. So, to make things much better, these methods needs a improvation.Key words gestational diabetes mellitus; glucose index; glycemic load; food exchange; medical nutrition therapy尽管近年来医学上越来越重视妊娠期糖尿病(gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM),但无奈的是对其治疗手段

15、有限、效果不佳。临床上可用于治疗GDM的口服药物甚少,医学营养治疗(medical nutritiontherapy,MNT)是阻止糖尿病发展及GDM产后管理的一项重要内容1。众所周知,食物交换份法是糖尿病饮食治疗和教育中经典而易行的方法,简便易行,是国内外普遍采用的糖尿病膳食计算方法1,2。但食物交换份法不能区别交换份当中等值食物餐后血糖应答差异,以及食物加工烹饪方法和食物成熟度时机体血糖的影响。本研究针对于既往已有的研究基础,将血糖生成指数(GI)和血糖负荷(GL)联合传统食物交换份法分别形成改良的食物交换份法,观察几种情况的效果,希望给临床广大同仁有一定的启示,现报道如下:1资料与方法1

16、. 1 研究对象 将2013年5月2014年5月某三甲医院符合2011美国糖尿病学会(American Diabetes Associa-tion,ADA)颁布的新GDM诊断指南3的GDM患者总共113例作为研究对象,按照就诊先后顺序采用随机数字表法分为三组,随机数字除3余数为0入对照组、余数为1入研究A组、余数为2入研究B组,三组间年龄、首诊孕程、孕前体重、血胆固醇和甘油三酯等方面差异无统计学意义,见表1、表2。剔除标准:有甲状腺功能亢进、甲状腺功能减退;孕前已发现存在糖尿病的孕妇或者已经接受胰岛素等糖尿病药物治疗患者;孕期有吸烟、饮酒或吸毒史的孕妇;抽血时处于急性感染期(急性上呼吸道感染、急性阑尾炎、急腹症等)的孕妇;本次妊娠已明确有胎儿畸形及双胎或多胎



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