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1、分类_ 密级_UDC _ 编号_学位论文高中地理教学中文科学生综合能力培养研究The Research on Training Comprehensive Ability of Liberal Arts Student in Senior Geography Teaching指导老师:蒋梅鑫 教授 江西师范大学地理与环境学院申请学位级别:硕士 专业名称:地理教育论文提交日期:2005年9月 论文答辩期:2005年11月学位授予单位和日期:江西师范大学 _年_月答辩委员会主席:_评阅人:_ 二四年九月摘 要美国著名学者埃德加富尔说过:“未来社会的文盲将不再是不识字的人,而是没有学会学习的人。”地



4、础上,依据教育教学心理学的相关理论,论述了高中教学培养文科生地理综合能力的必要性和重要性,调查了文科生的学习现状和与地理学科关系现状,分析了文科生的特点,文科生与地理关系现状分析则为地理综合能力培养确定侧重点。最后结合高中地理教学从常规教学、解题技巧培养、系统复习等途径提出了培养文科生地理综合能力的对策。关键词:地理综合能力 文科生 高中教学 培养途径AbstractAn American expert said: “In the future, an illiterate person is not the one who cant recognize words but the one w

5、ho cant learn.” While the comprehension of geography subject and the complex maps are in contradiction to the mechanical memorizing among liberal arts students, which blocks the effective senior geography teaching. Training the comprehensive ability of liberal arts students is the best way to solve

6、this problem. The geography subject standard also emphasizes that one of the geography teaching aims is to let the students grasp the necessary basic geography knowledge, train their geography quality, strengthen their abilities of geography learning and living, and advocate learning by oneself and

7、study learning . The senior geography course is the preparation of the university education, so the training comprehensive ability of liberal arts students in senior geography teaching should be taken seriously. Training comprehensive ability of liberal arts students in senior geography is a basic q

8、uestion and also a necessary preparation in facing examination reform. It is also on the basis of the details of liberal arts students, grasps the characteristics of geography subject and emphasizes on training the abilities of judging space, reading graphs, combining reality and comprehensive think

9、ing. By research and contract, I found training comprehensive ability of liberal arts students in senior geography plays an important part in training students geography quality, strengthening their learning ability and improving their study achievements. About this question, Chinese study has a lon

10、g distance from ones abroad. In some developed countries the study has accumulated rich experience, while our country only stays on the stage of discussing theories and doing experiments in a small range. This article, which is based on the data at home and abroad and also combines related psycholog

11、ical theory, discusses the necessity and importance of training comprehensive ability of liberal arts students in senior geography, does research of nowadays conditions between the study of liberal arts students and geography subject, analyzes the characteristics of them and concludes the former is

12、the more important. At last, the article raises some methods of training the ability as well by combining senior geography teaching from the sides of solving problems and reviewing systems. Key words:the comprehensive ability in geography; liberal arts students; senior teaching; training methods目 录第

13、1章 研究背景11.1 学生地理综合能力培养问题的提出11.1.1 地理常规教学中存在的现象11.1.2 地理高考答题常见问题11.1.3 学生对地理的错误定位21.2 研究的理论依据31.2.1 学力理论31.2.2 建构主义学习理论41.2.3 行为主义学习理论61.3 国内外关于地理综合能力培养的研究61.3.1 国内研究现状61.3.2 国外研究现状7第2章 研究的实际意义82.1 高考改革,能力立意82.2 近年来国家人才选拔的标准之一92.3 地理的学科特点要求92.4 对学生的学习观念和方法产生深远的影响9第3章 地理学科的综合能力的概念界定103.1 地理学科知识结构综合性和能力要求103.1.1 地理学科知识结构的综合性特点103.1.2 考纲要求与地理学科相关的综合能力133.2 地理综合能力的概念界定143.2.1 地理综合能力不同分类标准143.2.2 地理综合能力的范围界定15第4章 中学文科学生学习现状及地理学习特点的调查164.1 调查对象164.2 调查内容164.3 调查结果164.3.1 文科生的调查数据统计164.3.2 文科生的学习特点分析174.3.3 文科学生的地理学习特点分析17第5章 地理学科的综合能力培养途径



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