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1、Unit1Iwasborninasmallvillage Module7Mypastlife Iam43yearsoldnow IamanEnglishteacherinNo 5MiddleSchool Youaremystudents MissAnismyfriend SheisyourChineseteacher Sheisagoodteacher Iamhappyeveryday Introduceyourself Iwas13yearsold30yearsago 30年前 Iwasamiddleschoolstudent MyChineseteacherwasMrZhang Myfri

2、endwasWangHong Shewasveryfriendly WhenIwasyoung Iwasveryhappy Introduceyourpastlife INFORMATIONCARD Name LiuXiangBirthday July13th 1983Birthplace Shanghai HewasborninShanghai Hewasbornin1983 出生 Heis31yearsold HewasborninShandongprovince Hewasbornin1988 INFORMATIONCARD Name ZhangJikeBirthday February

3、16th 1988Birthplace Qingdao Shandong Wherewereyouborn Iwasbornin Whenwereyouborn Iwasborn Askandanswer Whatwasthenameofyourfirstfriend Whatwashelike Whatwasthenameofyourfirstschool Hewasfriendly TomfriendlyNo 2PrimarySchool HisnamewasTom ItwasNo 2PrimarySchool Whatwasthenameofyourfirstfriend Whatwas

4、shelike Whatwasthenameofyourfirstschool Shewaslovely MarylovelyDarwinPrimarySchool HernamewasMary ItwasDarwinPrimarySchool Whowasyourfirstfriend Whatwasshelike Whatwasthenameofyourfirstschool MyfirstfriendwasBecky Shewasgood ItwasNo 1PrimarySchool BeckygoodNo 1PrimarySchool Shewasfriendlyandnice Wha

5、twasthenameofyourfirstteacher Whatwasshelike HernamewasMrsBlack MrsBlackfriendly nice Whatwasthenameofyourfirstteacher Whatwashelike MrKingstrict 严格的 HisnamewasMrKing Hewasstrict What be sb like 用来询问某人的性格特征 外貌特征 Whatisyourfriendlike 你朋友性格什么样 He Sheis nice strict friendly kind good difficult clever s

6、hy Whatwasyourfriendlike 你朋友过去是什么样 He Shewas 询问过去 bornstrictfriendlyvillagetownUS Wordsandexpressions adj 动词bear的过去分词 出生adj 严格的 严厉的adj 友好的n 村庄n 城镇 市镇美国 primaryprimaryschoolheynicegooddifficult adj 初等的 初级的小学int 嘿 喂adj 友好的 亲切的adj 乖的 守规矩的adj 难对付的 Wordsandexpressions Listenandnumberthequestionsasyouhear

7、them Whowasyourfirstteacher b Whatwasyourfirstschoollike c Wherewereyouborn d Wasshestrict 3 2 1 4 1BettywasbornintheUS 2Bettywasborninasmalltown 3Betty sfirstschoolwasabigschool 4Thereweretwenty twostudentsinBetty sclass 5Betty sfirstteacherwasstrict Listenagainandcheck thetruesentences Listenagain

8、andchoosethecorrectanswertoeachquestion 1WasLinglingborninXucun A Yes shewas B No shewasn t 2WasTony sfirstschoolcalledDarwinPrimarySchool A Yes itwas B No itwasn t 3Washisteacher snameMrsSmith A Yes itwas B No itwasn t 4WasMrsSmithLingling steacher A Yes shewas B No shewasn t 5WasMsYaoveryfriendly

9、A Yes shewas B No shewasn t 6WereBeckyandAdamTony sfriends A Yes theywere B No theyweren t 7WasBeckygoodatschool A Yes shewas B No shewasn t 8WasTonydifficultatschool A Yes hewas B No hewasn t Completethetable Xuncun MsYao Cambridge MrsLane DarwinPrimarySchool BeckyandAdam Wherewereyouborn I borninD

10、ongsheng Whatwasthenameofyourfirstschool It No1 PrimarySchool Whowasyourfirstteacher Myfirstteacher Miss MsZhao Whatwasshelike She strictbutverynice Whowereyourfirstfriends DamingandTony What theylike Daming good butTonywasdifficult Readandsay was was was was were was Speaking Workinpairs Askandansw

11、erthequestionsaboutyourpastlife 1 Wherewereyouborn 2 WhatwasthenameofyourPrimaryschool 3 Whowasyourfirstteacher 4 Whatwashe shelike 5 Whowereyourfirstfriends 6 Whatweretheylike 7 Whatwasyourfavouritesubject 8 Howmanystudentswerethereinyourclass Talkaboutyourpastlife Iwasbornin Myfirstschoolwas Myfir

12、stteacherwas He Shewas weremyfirstfriends Theywere Tongtongis19yearsold Hewas in1994 Hewasborninasmallt HisfirstschoolwasShangwan School Hisfirstteacher MsZhao Shewas butverynice Hisfirstfriends XiaoQiang XiaoZhiandBaobao XiaoZhiwasgoodandf butXiaoQiangwas Baobaowasgood too born own was strict were

13、riendly difficult check Primary 出生于2 在一个小山村3 你的启蒙老师4 对 某人 要求严格5 你第一所学校的名字6 小学7 对 友好8 你最初的朋友9 性格 是 样的 beborn yourfirstteacher yourfirstfriend s thenameofyourfirstschool befriendlytosb inasmallvillage bestrictwithsb primaryschool belike KeyPhrases 1 Wherewereyouborn 你出生在哪里 1 born是动词bear 出生 的过去分词 bebor

14、n是出生的意思 一般只用于过去时态 通常在beborn的后面接时间或地点作状语 bebornin 年 月 地 bebornon 某日 翻译 a 他出生在1996年 b 我出生在德州 c 他妈妈出生生在五月一日 Languagepoints 2 本句是由Where引导的特殊疑问句 询问某人出生在何时 何地 用一般过去时态 试翻译 你妈妈出生在哪里 她是什么时候出生的 2 Whatwasthenameofthevillage thenameof是 的名字 的意思 3 first是序数词 序数词在修饰名词时一般在前面加the 但如果序数词前面有形容词性物主代词时 the 省略 如 a Heis st

15、udenttocometotheschool 第一个 b My teacherisMsYao 第一个 试翻译 你的第一个语文老师是谁 thefirst first 4 Whatweretheylike 他们是怎样的人 Whatbesb like 句型用来询问某人的外貌特征 性格特征 而Whatdo does did 主语 looklike 是问一个人的外貌是什么样的 What作为介词like的宾语 belike意为 像 回答时句中不用belike 而用 be 形容词 或 have 名词 举例 a Whatishe 他长得什么样 Hetallandthin andhe shortblackhai

16、r 他又高又瘦 并留着短黑发 b Whatwashelike 他是怎样的人 He 很友好 like is has isveryfriendly 5 Shewasstrictbutnice 她很严厉但很和善 strict严格的 严厉的 对某人要求严格用bestrictwithsb 对某方面要求严格用bestrictinsth 举例 1 我父亲对我要求很严格 2 他对工作很严格 3 她是一位严格的老师 6 friendly 友好的 与其对应的名词为friend friendly的反义词为unfriendly 不友好的 相关短语有 makefriendswith 与某人交朋友 befriendlytosb对某人友好eg Hewantsto 交一些美国朋友 Weshould eachother 彼此友好 makesomeAmericanfriends befriendlyto Tomwasb inasmallvillage Helivesinasmallt 3 Sheisoneofthef teachersintheschool 4 Heisquited inourclass sohermot


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