2016春四年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1《He shouted “ Wolfwolf”》课件1 (新版)外研版(一起)

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2016春四年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1《He shouted “ Wolfwolf”》课件1 (新版)外研版(一起)_第1页
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2016春四年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1《He shouted “ Wolfwolf”》课件1 (新版)外研版(一起)_第2页
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2016春四年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1《He shouted “ Wolfwolf”》课件1 (新版)外研版(一起)_第3页
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《2016春四年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1《He shouted “ Wolfwolf”》课件1 (新版)外研版(一起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016春四年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1《He shouted “ Wolfwolf”》课件1 (新版)外研版(一起)(65页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Warm up review 1 difficult 2 choose 3 expensive 4 perfect 5 cost 6 thousand 1 shout 2 wolf 3 sheep 4 bored 5 village 6 everyone 7 field 8 laugh 9 lie 1 呼喊 2 狼 3 绵羊 4 无聊的 5 村庄 6 每个人 7 田地 8 笑 9 谎话 10 once upon a time 11 look after 12 into 1 从前 2 照看 3 到 里 into field sheep village three look after ever

2、yone laugh wolf bored lie shout once upon a time everyone into shout laugh look after wolf sheep field once upon a time bored lie village 根据英语说汉语 从前 田地 呼喊 谎话 狼 笑 每个人 照看 绵羊 村庄 到 里 无聊的 根据汉语说英语 shout shouted 喊叫 laugh laughed 笑 run come say eat shout laugh 现在时形式 过去式形式 ran came said ate shouted laughed s

3、heep wolf look after looked after 照看 Read and answer swim run jump play basketball play football sing dance play cook helphelped cooked watched played watch 玩 看 煮 帮 go come see say eat went came saw said ate 去 来 看见 说 吃 is was 是 单数 are were 是 复数 eat ate 吃 come came 来 run ran 跑 say said 说 do did 做 sho

4、ut shouted 呼喊 laugh laughed 笑 look after looked after sheep sheep ed ed ed t d Id helped finished watched washed walked cooked played phoned climbed cleaned stayed listened painted printed invented skated go see eat have buy run say go went see saw eat ate have had buy bought run ran say said wear f

5、all fall over learn hurt come wear wore fall fell fall over fell over learn learnt hurt hurt come came once upon a time 从前 look after 照看 照管 sheep 绵羊 bored 无聊的 无趣的 village 村庄 shout 呼喊 呼叫 wolf 狼 everyone 每个人 人人 field 田地 牧场 laugh 笑 The boy The boy looklookeded after sheep after sheep The boy The boy sh

6、outshouteded wolf wolf wolf wolf The boy The boy ranran to the village to the village The people The people ranran to the field to the field The wolf The wolf camecame to the field to the field The wolf The wolf ateate all the sheep all the sheep 1 The boy looked after dogs cats sheep 2 The boy ran

7、to the factory the school the village 3 The boy shouted tigers tigers wolf wolf lions lions 4 The people said Don t tell lies Don t swim Don t run The boy looked The boy looked after after The boy ran to The boy ran to The boy shouted The boy shouted The people said The people said once upon a time 从前 look after 照看 照管 sheep 绵羊 bored 无聊的 无趣的 village 村庄 shout 呼喊 呼叫 wolf 狼 everyone 每个人 人人 field 田地 牧场 laugh 笑 3 13日Homework 1 下次3月16日下午2 00 3 40 2 背会课本M3课文 3 M3单词3 1背会 4 听M3 录音30分 5 家长签字并买海淀卷子



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