2016春五年级英语下册 Unit 9《Day and night》课件2 北师大版(三起)

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2016春五年级英语下册 Unit 9《Day and night》课件2 北师大版(三起)_第1页
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《2016春五年级英语下册 Unit 9《Day and night》课件2 北师大版(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016春五年级英语下册 Unit 9《Day and night》课件2 北师大版(三起)(48页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Day and night Unit9 night 夜间 na t Atnight 在夜间 afternoon 下午 ft nu n ft r nu n Intheafternoon 在下午 Goodafternoon 下午好 evening 傍晚 i vn Intheevening 在傍晚 Goodevening 晚上好 morning 早晨 m rn Inthemorning 在早上 Goodmorning 早上好 space 太空 spe s Inspace 在太空 Spacewalk 太空行走 ask 问 询问 sk sk him 他 h m question 问题 kwest n A

2、skhimsomequestions when 什么时候 wen Whendoyougotoschool getup et p 起床 Whendoyougetup Igetupat6 00inthemorning always 总是 一直 lwe z Whendoyoualwaysgetup Ialwaysgetupat6 00inthemorning often 常常 fn Whendoyouoftengetup Ioftengetupat6 00inthemorning breakfast brekf st havebreakfast 吃早餐 sometimes 有时 s mta mz m

3、eat mi t newspaper 报纸 nju zpe p r readnewspapers 读报纸 看报纸 exercise eks sa z Heexerciseeveryday lunch l nt havelunch 吃午餐 never 从不 nev r dinner d n r gotobed 上床睡觉 tubed eat 吃 i t day week Wednesday Monday Sunday Tuesday Friday Saturday today 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Thursday 11 12 13 diary remember all 14

4、tomorrow visit watch 15 16 Unit7Words time o clock early late know fix 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 hurry 8 9 fixed tell Unit8Words Unit9Dayandnight 北师大版小学英语五年级下册 Whendoyougetupeveryday Ialways oftengetupatsixo clockinthemorning intheafternoon intheevening atnight inthemorning WhattimeisitinLondonnow It stwelveo c

5、lockatnight TV rocket space 询问 问题 在太空 什么时候 起床 每天 Ialwaysgetupatfiveinthemorning Ioftengotobedatten 早的 睡觉 Forbreakfast Ioftenhaveeggs breadandmilk 吃早餐 atfive atten atseven Hehasmanythingstodo 做 许多事情 No hedoesn t butsometimes hereadsbooks 阅读 阅读 运动 锻炼 Wow that scool 散步 凉的 棒极了 I mwalkinginspace 正在做 正在走 No youcan ttakeaspacewalkinahouse 太空漫步 房子 A Whendoyougetup B Ioftengetupatsixintnemoring A Whendoyouhavebreakfast B Ialwayshavebreakfastatseven A Whendoyousleepinclass B Ineversleepinclass 吃早餐 读书 看报纸 在家帮妈妈 看电视 often sometimes often sometimes


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