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1、Unit4 Grammar TheAttributiveClause Learningaims 1 LearnrulesoftheAttributiveClauseandtherelativepronouns who whom which that whose 2 useittoexpressfreelythroughpractice 把下列句子分成两层意思 Theonemillionpeopleofthecity whothoughtlittleoftheseevents wenttobedasusualthatnight 1Theonemillionpeopleofthecitywentt

2、obedasusualthatnight 2Theonemillionpeopleofthecitythoughtlittleoftheseevents ItwasheardinBeijing whichisonehundredkilometersaway 1ItwasheardinBeijing 2Beijingisonehundredkilometersaway ThenumberofpeoplewhowerekilledorInjuredreachedmorethan400 000 1Thenumberofpeoplereachedmorethan400 000 2Thosepeople

3、werekilledorinjured Complexsentence复合句 由连词连接两个或多个主谓结构的句子 其中一个主谓结构是句子的主要部分 主句 另一个或一个以上的主谓结构只在句子中作某个成分 如主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 同位语 复合句 主句 定语从句 一个主谓结构是句子的主要部分 主句 另一个或一个以上的主谓结构只在句子中作某个成分 定语 Thestudents whodo tstudyhard willnotpasstheexam 主句主语 从句主语 从句谓语结构 主句谓语结构 在句子中作定语 修饰名词或代词的从句 这种从句由关系代词或关系副词引导 并作句子成分 定语从句还叫做

4、嵌入句 因形容词定语 所以又称之为形容词性从句 Attributiveclause 定语从句的位置 通常在先行词 在主句中 后 定语从句的引导词 关系代词 关系副词 指人 指物 who 主语 宾语 whom 宾语 that 主语 宾语 whose 定语 that 主语 宾语 which 主语 宾语 whose 定语 where 地点状语 when 时间状语 why 原因状语 语法讲解定语从句 theattributiveclause 被定语从句限定的词是 引导定语从句的词叫做 或 关系代词和关系副词有三大作用 即连接 连接定语从句和主句 替代 替代前面的先行词 成分 在定语从句中要充当一定的句

5、子成分 在复合句中 充当 用的从句是定语从句 先行词 关系代词 关系副词 形容词 ThisisthefilmwhichIsawlastnight ThisisthefilmwhosenameisTitanic ThemanandthewomanwhomyouseeinthepictureareJackandLucy Herearetwopicturesthataretakenfromthefilm JackandLucyaretheheroandtheheroinewholovedeachotherverymuchinthefilm theAttributiveClause who指hero和

6、heroine 作主语 whom指man和woman 作宾语 whose指电影的 作定语 that指图片 作主语 which指电影 作宾语 关系代词 1 who指人 作主语或宾语 作宾语可省略 ThemanwhoItalkedwithisourteacher 和我谈话的那个人 是我的老师 2 whom指人 作宾语 作宾语可省略 如介词提前则不能省 Theman whom who InoddedtoisMr Li 我对他点头的那个男人是李先生 3 which指物 作主语或宾语 作宾语可省略 如介词提前则不能省 Thesearethetreeswhichwereplantedlastyear Th

7、isrecorder which heisusingismadeinJapan 这些是去年种植的树 这个他正在使用的录音机是日本产的 4 that指人 物 作主语或宾语 作宾语可省略 Aplaneisamachine Itcanfly Aplaneisamachinethatcanfly Heistheman Itoldyouabouthim Heistheman that who whom Itoldyouabout 5 whose在定从中作定语 表所属关系 翻译为 他的 她的 它的 用来代替his her their its whose指人也指物 指物时 ofwhich指人时 ofwhom

8、 Thisisthebookwhosecoverisblue Thisisthebookofwhichthecoverisblue Thisisthebookthecoverofwhichisblue 1 who指 作 成分 2 whom指 作 成分 3 which指 作 成分 4 that指 作 成分 5 whose作 成分 表 关系 译为 用来代替 whose指人也指物 指物时 指人时 人 主 宾 人 宾 主 宾 主 宾 物 人 物 定语 所属 他的 她的 它的 His her their its ofwhich ofwhom 如何选择关系代词 who whom whose which t

9、hat口诀 前看先行词 辩清人或物后看从句里 有无主宾语 用适当的关系代词填空 Thisisthehouse wasbuiltlastyearTheboy wesawyesterdaywasJohn sbrother Thecar myunclehadjustboughtwasdestroyedintheearthquake 4 Thatistheman wewerelookingfor which that whom that who which that whom that Theusageoftherelativeadverb when where why time place reas

10、on 状语 状语 状语 I llneverforgetthedaywhenIjoinedthearmy onwhich ontheday 先行词是时间时 并非都用when引导从句来修饰 试比较 Doyoustillrememberthedays therewasnoelectricity Doyoustillrememberthedays wespenttogether when which that 从句中缺少时间状语 从句中缺少宾语 vt when or which 1 Istillrememberthedays westayedtogetherinBeijing 2 Istillreme

11、mberthedays wespenttogetherinBeijing 3 Istillrememberthedays weenjoyedourselvesinBeijing 4 Istillrememberthedays weenjoyedinBeijing when which when which ThisisthehousewhereIlivedtwoyearsago inwhich inthehouse 先行词是地点时 并非都用where引导从句来修饰 试比较 Theplace Lucyonceworkedhasbecomeamuseum Theplace Ivisitedlast

12、weekisinShangHai where which that 从句中缺少地点状语 从句中缺少宾语 vt where or which 1 Thatbluehouseistheplace Ilivedyesterday 2 Thatbluehouseistheplace Ivisitedyesterday 3 Thatbluehouseistheplace Ipaidavisityesterday 4 Thatbluehouseistheplace Ipaidavisittoyesterday where which where which 需掌握的由where引导的特殊定语从句 Inor

13、dertogetstartedinthiscareer I mwillingtoacceptanyposition 职位 Icanshowmyabilities 定语从句 状语从句 where case 情况 situation 情形 point 程度 occasion 时机场合 stage 阶段 scene 场景 1 Ioftencomeacrosssomecases childrenareabusedbyadoptedparents 2 Ioftencomeacrosssomecases arelookedintobythepolice Thefamilies membersgetalon

14、gwellarealwaysharmonious 2 Thefamilies consistofmanymembersarebigfamilies where which that which that where Wehavegottothepoint wehavenothingtosaytoeachother 2 Ican tunderstandthepoint theteacherisexplaining Bungeejumpingisakindofactivity couragemattersmorethanstrength Bungeejumpingisakindofactivity

15、 attractsmanyyoungpeople where where that which that which Doyouknowthereasonwhyshewaslate forwhich forthereason 先行词是thereason时并非都用whyThat sthereason hewaslate That sthereason hegaveme why which that 从句中缺少原因状语 从句中缺少宾语 vt why or which 1 Doyouknowthereason hetoldmethenewslastweek 2 Doyouknowthereason

16、hetoldmelastweek 3 Doyouknowthereason hewaslatethismorning 4 Doyouknowthereason hewaslateforthismorning why which why which 看图连句 Theman isLiuxiang whoranfastest Liuxiangistheman whoranfastest 刘翔 aboy hasascar forehead HarryPorterisaboy who thathasascaronhisforehead Changzhouisacity Changzhou acity developfast which thatdevelopsfast Thecity isBeijing Beijingisthecity which thathostedthe2008OlympicGames Thecityhost 举办 2oo8OlympicGamesBeijing which thathostedthe2008OlympicGames Beckhamisafootballpl



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