How to write a notice高三写作(通知通告)

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《How to write a notice高三写作(通知通告)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《How to write a notice高三写作(通知通告)(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、How to write a notice 1 概念 通知往往是上级对下级 组织或团体对其 成员安排活动或布置工作时所用的一种公 告性文件 包括口头通知和书面通知 口头通知 Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please I have an announcement to make This afternoon we re going to visit the Great Wall the bus will stop at the foot of the Great Wall Three hours later we ll get t

2、ogether here and back to the hotel When you go to visit the Great Wall please take your valuable things with you And remember to come back to the bus at five o clock Do be there on time That s all Thank you 哪些是口头头通知的常用句式 称呼语 开头语 结束语 时态时态 语语言表达 NOTICENOTICE There will be a talk on the education of hi

3、gh school in America from 2 00 p m to 4 30 p m on February 27th in Room 105 The talk will be given by Professor Li who has just been back from a visit to America All students in Senior Two are to attend it Please be on time and bring your pens and notebooks Students from other grades are welcome The

4、 Students Union March 28 2007 书书面通知 书书面通知的格式 1 标题 在正文上面正中的地方写上 NOTICE 2 正文 包括具体的时间 地点 活动 内容和注意事项 3 单位 发通知的单位一般写在正文的 右下角 有时也放于标题之上 起强调作 用 4 时间 一般写在左下角 书面通知语言比较规范 切忌使用模糊语 言和俚语 俗语 通知中常用第三人称 且被动语态使用较多 Let s take a look Let s take a look Let s take a look Let s take a look at P60at P60at P60at P60名师名师名师名

5、师 将下列信息点合成一个句子 时 间 12月24日下午三点至五点半 地 点 学校大操场 参加人员 全校师生2 000多人 包括5 名外教 主 题 英语文化节暨圣诞嘉年华术活 动 On December 24 more than 2 000 students and teachers of our school including 5 foreign teachers participated in the English Culture Festival and Christmas Carnival on the school playground 主题 首届全国中学生 春晚 组织者 一群广州

6、中学生 时间 2012年1月15日 A group of students from Guangzhou plan to hold the first National Middle School Students Spring Festival Show on Jan 15th 常用句型 学生会已经决定于 月 日星期 五下午 在学校组织一次音乐周 The Students Union has decided to organize a music weekat 2 30 P M Friday on October 20 in our school 我们学校将于星期二在演讲大厅举办现 代语言学

7、讲座 A talk lecture will be given on Modern Linguistics by our school in the lecture theatre on Tuesday 3 所有老师必须准时出席 All the teachers are requested to be present on time 4 欢迎老师参加今晚 时在会议室召开的 庆祝会 Teachers are welcome to the celebration to be held in the conference room at 7 o clock this evening 5 要求大家按时

8、到达那里 Everyone is asked to be there on time 6 如果你对这次比赛感兴趣 请在星期五 前来报名 If you would like to take part in the contest please come and sign up for it before Friday 7 请带上你的笔记本 按时到达 Please take your notebook and be sure to be on time 8 欢迎对此有兴趣的人参加 Those who are interested in it are warmly welcome 翻译 通知 由于近

9、日连降大雨 我校原定本周 六举行的运动会将作延期 同学们周六早晨 照常到校上课 周六下午停课 如果天气允 许的话 运动会将在下周六早晨举行 学校 乒乓球队的队员们请本周六下午4 30到乒乓 球大厅受训 武汉的乒乓球健将们将为你们 做专门指导 校体育办公室 2009年9月10日 NOTICE The sports meeting held this Saturday has to be put off because of the heavy rain All students are required to come to school on Saturday morning as usual

10、 but there will be no class that afternoon Weather permitting the sports meeting will be held next Saturday morning Members of the school ping pong team must come to the Ping pong Hall at 4 30 this Saturday afternoon Ping pong stars from Wuhan will come and give special training then Office of Physi

11、cal Education 10th September 2009 四 话题写作 名师60 基础写作 五句话作文 为了丰富学校生活 你校学生会将举办一次音 乐周活动 请你以组织者的身份写一个书面通 知 写作内容 时间 七月第二周 活动 1 演唱歌曲 流行歌曲 2 乐器演奏 古典和民间音乐 3 音乐比赛 听歌曲片段 然后猜出处 地点 学校会议厅 参加者请于6月20日前报名 学生会将举办一次音乐周活动 时间 七月第二周 地点 学校会议厅 The Students Union has decided to organize a music week which will be held at the

12、 school meeting conference hall in the second week of July 活动 1 演唱歌曲 流行歌曲 2 乐器演奏 古典和民间音乐 There will be a variety of activities such as singing popular songs playing classical and folk music with musical instruments 3 音乐比赛 听歌曲片段 然后猜出处 A music contest will be included too The students taking part in t

13、he contest will listen to part of a song or a piece of music and then guess where it comes from 参加者请于6月20日前报名 If you would like to take part in the music week please come and sign up for it before June 20th NOTICE The Students Union has decided to organize a music week which will be held at the scho

14、ol meeting hall in the second week of July The activities include singing pop songs and playing classical and folk music Bring your own musical instruments and a music contest will be included too The students taking part in the contest will listen to part of a song or a piece of music and the guess where it comes from If you would like to take part in the music week please come and sign up for it before June 20th The Students Union



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