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1、2、Look link-v. 看起来 +Adj. V. 看 look at 看. Look at the picture. N. 看 have a look(at.) 看一看.3、 Would you like to try some? Would like “想,想要” = want would like +n I would like some bread.would like+ to do sth. I would like to try.would like sb to do sth. I would like you to help me.疑问形式: Would 提前 Would y

2、ou like some bread?回答:Yes, I would like/love to No, thank you.4、 it tastes good.Taste link-v. 尝起来, 后跟形容词或者介词短语作表语。 It tastes like chicken. N. 味道 Sugar has a sweet taste. V. 品尝 May I taste it?5、 Do you want to try a piece? want “想,想要” +名词、代词、不定式 =would like want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 He want me to go.

3、 6、I am afraid I do not like cheese.I am afraid. 恐怕.+句子,表示令人不快或难以实现的事。I am afraid that is not a good idea.be afraid of 害怕.+名词,代词,动名词be afraid to do sth不敢去做某事Mr Black was afraid to climb the tree, for he was afraid of falling down from it.7、 It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour. a bit 稍微,有点儿

4、 用来修饰形容词,副词等, 还可以用来修饰比较级。 He is a bit taller than me. a bit 与 a little A、两者在肯定句中修饰形容词,副词原级及其比较级时,可以互换,意为“一点儿” I feel a bit/a little thirsty. B、a little 后可以直接跟名词,而 a bit则要在后面加of 才能跟名词,二者都只能修饰不可数名词。There is only a little/ a bit of food left for lunch.8、 Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. be done

5、 表示 做完了,完成了。 I am nearly done.9、 They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. feel link-v “摸起来,感觉”+形容词作表语。Ice feels cold.10、 there is some pizza and some cookies.There be 句型,表示“有”,指“某处存在某人或者某物”。be 的单复数取决于后面做主语的名词,如果主语是单数名词或者不可数名词,用“is”或者“was”,如果主语是复数名词,用“are”或者“were”。如果there be 后面跟一系列的名

6、词时,be要和最近的名词,在数上保持一致“就近原则”。There are two pencils and a pen on the desk.There is a pen and two pencils on the desk.11、 Apple pie sounds nice.Sound link-v “听起来”+ 形容词作表语。 V 听,使发声 Please sound it. N “声音”,泛指自然界的一切声音. What sound can you hear? 12、 Shall I get the sugar?Shall I.?句型常用于表示某人主动提出做某事,尤其是主动提出帮助。

7、Yes, please/No, thanks.Shall we.?意为“我们.好吗?”,表示征求他人意见,请求他人允许或向他人提出建议。Shall we go to the movies?13、 be sure 表示确信,相信+句子 be sure of 对.有把握。I am sure they are in the library.14、 might 表示推测,意为“可能”,语气较弱。 表推测的情态动词常用的有must,can/could, may/might等。他们用在句中表推测时,没有时态的区别,只有语气强弱之别,即could,might 在表示推测时不表示过去时态,其推测的程度不如ca

8、n,may 强。表示肯定推测时,这几个情态动词 都可以使用,其中must的把握性最大,意为“一定,肯定”,can 表示“很可能”,could 意为“可能”,may表示“也许,可能”, might语气最弱,表示“或许,大概”。 He must be at home.(非常可能)He can be at home.(很可能)He could be at home.(可能)He may be at home.(仅仅可能)He might be at home. (或许)15、 lucky adj 幸运的 表语、定语 I am lucky.Luck n. 运气Good luck.Luckily adv

9、. 幸运地 Luckily, I found my bag.Unit2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.1、 thanks for. =thank you for “因.而感谢你”。for prep. + n/doing Thanks for/ Thank you for helping me with my homework.2、 message messages, 电子邮件,口信,信息 Could you give a message to Tom, please? take a message 捎个口信 leave a message 留言 get

10、 the message 懂得,明白3、 It was great to hear from you. 本句中“It +be+adj(+for sb)+to do sth”句型,意为“做某事(对于某人来说)是.的。”其中it是形式主语,没有实际意义,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式(短语)。句中的sb 与动词不定式to do 之间存在主谓关系。 It is very important for us to learn English.4、 hear from “收到.的来信“,相当于 get/receive a letter from I heard from my uncle last week

11、.5、 cant wait to do sth. “迫不及待地做某事” Tom couldnt wait to open his bag. wait 短语: cant wait “不能等了”,可以单独使用。 We cant wait another minute. wait for 等候,等待 We are waiting for a bus. wait to do sth 等着做某事 Are you waiting to use the phone?6、 arrive “到达” arrive +at+较小的场所,如车站、家等 arrive +in+较大的场所,如国家、大都市等On 在具体的某

12、一天的上午、下午、晚上 用on7、 quite adv,意为“十分,相当”,可修饰形容词,副词或动词。 It is quite cold outside. very adv,意为“十分,相当”. 区别:quite+a(an)+adj+n quite a nice boy a+very+adj+n a very nice boyquite修饰动词时放在动词之前 He quite likes maths.very与much合在一起修饰动词,且一般位于句末。He likes maths very much.8、 wear v. 穿着,戴着,表示状态,宾语可以是衣帽,也可以是饰物,奖章等 She is

13、 wearing a beautiful dress. in+表示衣服或者颜色的词,着重于衣服的款式或者颜色。所构成的短语只能用作表语或定语。 She is in blue. put on 穿上,戴上,强调穿戴的动作,后接衣服,鞋帽等。 Put on your coat. 如果宾语为代词,必须放在put与on 的中间 Put it on. dress的宾语通常是人,意为“给.穿衣服”。 或 表示自己给自己穿衣服。可以+in+衣服颜色。 He is getting dressed. 表动作 He is dressed in black. 表状态9、 glass 不可数名词,玻璃 可数名词, 玻璃

14、杯 glasses two glasses. glasses 眼镜,一副眼镜 a pair of glasses.10、 carry (carried carrying) “搬运,携带”,没有方向性 He is carrying a big box.take “拿去,带去”,指把某物或某人从说话地带到别处。 Please take away the waste.get “取来”,表示到某地去把某物取来 Can you get some water?bring “拿来;带来”指把某物或某人从别处带到说话地。you must bring your book.11、 pretty Adj 漂亮的,标致的,侧重表示女孩的可爱或者某物精致而可爱。 She looks very pretty in that new dress. Adv.相当地,非常 Mr wang was pretty busy.The pretty girl is pretty ill.12、 spend (spent /spent/ spending) 用,花费(时间,金钱), spend.on sth


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